30 OCTOBER 1841, Page 11

Advices from Madrid and the Paris papers of Thursday describe

the pacification in Spain as proceeding rapidly and favourably ; although General Alcala had thought it prudent to proclaim martial law in the Basque Provinces. The Castellano states that despatches had reached Madrid from S. Olozaga, mentioning that the French Government had given him an assurance of its determination to take no part in the present events, and to respect the wishes of the national majority. It was also said that despatches of an equally satisfactory nature had been received from Lord Aberdeen, declaring that the English Government would not suffer foreign interference in the domestic affairs of Spain. The Chronicle of this morning throws a doubt upon this report; says that Lord Aberdeen has done nothing decided since he has been in office ; and that while the Duke of Wellington is allowed to please his active mind by arming, Lord Aberdeen is truckling to all sides, and "trying to please every body."

It is remarked that O'Donnell and his brother rebels were allowed to enter France armed and on horseback ; and that they are to be placed in various towns, all of them near the frontier.