From October 15th to October 29th. BOOKS.
A History of the Life of Richard Cceur-de- Lion, Ring of England. By G. P. R. Jaarcs, Esq., Author of "The History of Charlemagne," Sm. In two volumes.
Account of Koonawur, in the Himalaya, &c. &c. &c. By the late Cap- tain ALEXANDER GERARD. Edited by GEORGE LLOYD. With a large Map.
Blackwood's Standard Novels—" Annals of the Parish," and "Ayrshire Legatees."
[This is the result of a determination on the part of Messrs. BLACKWOOD to publish the novels of which they possess the copyright, each in a single
volume, at a cheap price, under the title of Blackwood 's Standard Novels. The series commences with Garir's Annals of the Parish and the Ayrshire Legatees; the first works that established his reputation as a novelist, and among the best of his inimitable pictures of Scottish life. A memoir is prefixed to the work by DELTA; which gives a fair account of the facts of Jona GALT'S career, and an estimate of his character, leaning to the favourable side. An appendix contains such extracts from his autobiography as bear upon the composition of the two fictions, together with the leading reviews upon them, Altogether the work is well designed, well got up, and well edited.] Waverley Novels. Vol. VIIL—" The Bride of Lammermoor." Friendship's Offering and Winter's Wreath, a Christmas and New Year's Present for 1842. [This Annual has passed to the editorship of Mr. LEITCH RITCHIE; and maintains the reputation it acquired under the superintendence of HARVEY' and PRINGLE, for an agreeable mixture of prose and verse. At the same time the traces of years are visible in various ways, more especially in the plates and poetry. The generation which witnessed the birth of the Annuals has grown to middle age, some past it : the young of the present times, we suspect, have different tastes, and require different food. The Annuals are gone by, with many other things.]
Rudolf of 17-aro/may ; a Tragedy. By J. A. BLACKWELL. [This tragedy is said to be founded on fact ; the fact being the rivalship of a father and son for the same lady. The father, a brutal and ferocious Hungarian noble, endeavours to carry off the lady by force, and is killed by his son in an
attempt to defend her. Conscience-stricken, Rudolf surrenders himself to Justice; and the catastrophe consists in his mistress falling dead upon seeing
her lover beheaded. Such a theme might probably do for a melodrama at some of the Minor Theatres, where they like to "sup full of horrors "; but it it quite unfitted for tragedy, even if Mr. BLACKWELL were possessed of poetical power and dramatic skill]
The Maid of Orleans; a Romantic Tragedy. From the German Of FREDERICK VON SCHILLER., by NEWTON IVORY LUCAS. On the Character of Sir John Falstaff, as originally exhibited by Shak. gere in the two parts of King Henry IV. By JAMES ORCHARD MALLIWELL, Esq., F.R.S., Sec.
[The object of this completion is to confirm the tradition which BOWE in- serted in his Life of Shakspere, that " Falstaff " was originally named " Old- castle," but altered in consequence of some of the descendants of the real Oatscasmin being living when the fictitious hero was produced on the stage. The fact is established by a variety of quotations from contemporary or all but contemporary writers ; and some of the extracts from their works have a value MB showing the high reputation SHAKSPERE attained in his own age. Yet does Mr. HALLIWELL echo one of the absurdities of D'ISnaEm, that "the preeminence of Shakspere was not acknowledged by his contemporaries"; though a good part of his book consists of extracts from contemporary pub- lications introducing the fut knight as the celebrity of his day, whose very name was certain to attract attention as a joke in itself, since there is no other motive for introducing the character.] An Account of the Settlements of the New Zealand Company, from per- sonal observation during a residence there. By the Hon. HENRY WILLIAM PETRE.
[Mr. PETItE'S little book is written in that straightforward, unpretending style, that would be proper to the letters of a sensible and well-informed man addressed to a private friend, upon subjects in which they had a mutual inte- rest. There is no appearance of making up a case : the information is all the result of the writer's personal experience, or falls strictly within his own know- ledge. His position, and his own bent as evinced in the book itself, incline him to tell the truth for its own sake and the practical advantage which it always secures in the long run. One strong test of the writer's sincerity in recommending New Zealand, is the fact that he is about to return permanently to settle there. The matter of his Account is not all new ; but it had not pre- viously been so well arranged, or enlivened with so much practical experience and intelligent observation.] New Zealand, South Australia, and New South Wales; a Record of
Recent Travels in these Colonies, with especial reference to Emigration and the advantageous employment of Labour and Capital. By R. G. JAMESON, Esq., late Surgeon-Superintendent of Emigrants to South Australia.
[Mr. JAMESON proceeded to South Australia in 1838-9; he went thence to Calcutta ; and afterwards he visited New South Wales and New Zealand. He is an intelligent and unprejudiced observer, and he has made good use of his faculties. It may be gathered from the date just mentioned, that his informa- tion is not altogether new ; but what is wanting in his own experience is sup- plied from other accredited sources. With imperfections in the amount and details of the information conveyed, his volume goes some way towards sup- plying a desideratum, an impartial and trustworthy view of the chief British Colonies of the Southern Hemisphere.] A Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology. By DIONYSIUS LARDNER, D.C.L., F.R.S., Volume IV. (The Cabinet Cyclo- pedia, Volume CXXX.)
[The student or amateur will find this work a compendious introduction to the subject of electricity ; and the general reader will possess in the preliminary notice a very neat and popular history of the subject, rendered clear and in- teresting by the omission of every thing which is not essential to convey an idea of the discovery of the main truths of electricity.]
Caractdres de La Bruyere, suivis des Caracteres de Theophraste. Tra- duit du Grec par LA BRLIERE, avec des Notes et des Additions par SCHWEIGII2EUSER.
[A serviceable edition of this celebrated French classic, got up at a price which adapts it to the study or school-room, whilst it is sufficiently elegant to be fit for the library, when the binder has exercised his art upon it.]
A Companion to the Cathedral Church of Norwich ; being an Historical and Architectural Description of that edifice. By J. K. BLYTH, Editor of the "Norwich Guide."
On the Cure of Stammering and other Imperfections of Speech, by Surgical Operations on the Throat. Third edition. By JAMES YEARSLEY, ?oI.R.C.S.
The Fortunes of Faith, or Church and State; a Poem. By THOMAS HORNBLOWER GILL.
The Local Historian's Table Book of Remarkable Occurrences, Historical Facts, Traditions, Legendary and Descriptive Ballads, kfc. 6-c. con- nected with the Counties of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, Northumberland, and Durham. By M. A. RICHARDSON, Author of "A Descriptive Com- panion through Newcastle-upon-Tyne." Parts I. to X.
Warerley Novels. Vol. II. Part III.—" The Bride of Lammermoor." Scott's Prose Works. Vol. IT. Part I.—" Life of Napoleon Bonaparte." The Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford, Part II.
The Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar, Fart IL
The Life and Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Part IL D'Israeles Curiosities of Literature, Part II.
Charles O'Malley, No. XX.
Edinburgh Review, No. CXLIX. Magazines for November—Blackwood's, Tait's, Dublin University, Prac- tical Mechanic and Engineer's, British Miscellany and Chess-Player's Chronicle.
_Poems by William Cowper. With a Biographical and Critical Intro- duction, by the Reverend THOMAS DALE; and seventy-five Illustra- tions, engraved by J. OunIN Smixsi, from drawings by JOHN GILBERT. In two volumes.
[Numerous are the editions we have been called upon to chronicle of the poems of COWPER ; and the labours of SMITHEY, MEMES, and many lesser persons, have left nothing to be done in the way of elucidation, as regards his character or life, beyond the expression of an individual opinion upon the facts. This is given, and pleasantly enough, by the Reverend THOMAS DALE: but the main feature of the hook is bibliopolic—the beauty of its type, the vellum- like character of its paper, the amplitude of its margins, and the number of its illustrations. In these respects it appears to us the handsomest of the editions of CovrcEst.] The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck. Wherein are duly set forth the Crosses, Chagrins, Calamities, Checks, Chills, Changes, and Cir- cumgyrations by which his Courtship was attended; showing also the issue of his suit and his espousal to his ladye-love.
[An endeavour to tell a humorous story by a series of plates, a title to each describing the nature of the action which is pictured at full in the plate itself.] Time and Tide Wait for no Aran.
Classes of the Capital; a Sketch-Book of London Life, from tinted studies by WILLIAM LEE. Chapter IL—London Coachmen.
77w Sporting Almanack and Oracle of Rural Life for 1842. Embel- lished by twelve highly-finished Illustrations, beautifully engraved on steel from pictures painted expressly for this work by R. B. Davis, Animal Painter to the Queen.
The Ladies' Parliament. Important Debate on Flogging Girls in 'Union Howes, Ste. Observations on a Letter to Mr. Benjamin Gale, from Mr. Alexander Mitchell, Member for Bridport, and representative of Free Trade. By a Plain Dealer. The State of Ireland Considered, and measurerproposed for restoring tran- quillity to that country. By Lord ALVANILEY. Second edition. Remarks on a War with America, and its probable Consequences to that country. By Captain Knox. Second edition. Suggestions towards Improving_ the present System of Corn-Laws. By G. CALVERT HOLLAND, M.D.
Some Remarks on the Corn-Laws, with Suggestions for an Alteration in the Sliding:.scale, in a Letter to Colonel Charles Wyndham, M.P. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq.
The Toll Question on Railways Exemplified in the case of the Croydon and Greenwich Companies. By W. A. WILKINSON, Chairman of the Di- rectors of the London and Croydon Railway Company.