Tuesday, Oct. 26.
Crawley and Gear& Hitehin, general iromnongers-Deaville and Co. Heaton Nor- ris, candle-cotton manufacturers-Grimmer and Redfern, Greenwich, dress-makers- Frost and Taylor, Macclesfield, whitesmiths-Burstal and Smith, Bungay St. Mary. winemerchaMs-Lorkin aud Pearson, Aldersgate Street, oilmerchants-Colston and Austin, Sun Wharf, Ratcliffe. coal-merchants-Heeles and Gawthorp. Lad Lane, ware- housemen-E. aud M. A. Mansferd. Frome, winemerchants-Walker and Howard, Torrington St. Clement, Norfolk, farmers -King and Co. I.iverpool, starch-manufac- turers-K. L. and H. M. Munson. Liverpool, general-merchants-Smith and Dutton, Chester. woollendrapers-Andrews and Co. West Smithfield. iroomougers; as far as regards W. Andrews-Brown and Livesey. Manchester, white-lead grinders.
FOWILES. JOHN, Leicester. hosier. Oct 23.
HARRIS, ROBERT, Crick howell. Breconshire, druggist, Oct. 26. PILBEAM. THOMAS, Parker Street, Drury Lane, smith, (let 23.
WORRELL, JOSEPH EDWARD, Hunter Street, victualler, Oct. 26.
WORRELL, JOHN, Sussex Street, Tottenham Coma Road, victualler, Oct. 26. BANBRUPTS.
BUDD. HENRY. Birmingham, cigar-merchant, to surrender Nov. 9, Dee. 7: solicitors, Mr. Shaw, Ely Place; and Mr. Thorney, Kingston-upou Hull. FREELAND, JOHN I.UFF. Worcester. iunkeeper, Nov. 4. Dee. 7: solicitors, Mr. Bedford. Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Bedford and Pideock. Worcester. PLAyNE, WILLIA74, Gloucester. saddler, Nov. 4, Dec. 7: solicitors, Mr. Bailey, Gloucester; and Messrs. Poole and Gamlen. Gray's Ion.
RA1NE. EDWARD and JOFIN, Barnard Castle, Durham. carpet manufacturers, Nov. 9. Dec. 7: solicitors, Mr. Richardson, Barnard Castle ; and Messrs. Tya.s, Beaufort Buildings, Strand. RUSSELL!, PELLEGRINO. Lime Street, merchant. Nov. 2, Dec. 7: solicitor, Mr. Ruck, Mincing Lane; official assignee. Mr. Green, Ahlermanbury. SAUNDERS, JAMES EBENEZER juuior. Upper Thames Street, fish-factor, Nov. 3, Dec. 7: solicitors. Messrs. Walters and Reeve, 13:whistle]] Street; official assignee, Mr. Lackiugton, Coleman Street Buildings. SMITH, JAMES ALEXANDER, and MONTEATH, WILLIAM, Oxford Street, linendrapers, Nov. 2, Dee. 7 solicitor, Mr. Lloyd, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Green, Alder- manbury. VINCENT, SAMUEL, and HALL. JOHN. St. Mary Axe, wholesale tea-dealers. Nov. 5, Dec. 7: solicitors. Messrs. Hughes aud Co. 13ucklersbury; official assignee, Mr. Ed- wards, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry. WATSON, JOHN TOMES, Worcester. linendraper, Nov. 11. Dec.7: solicitors, Messrs. Hardwick and Davidson, Cateatou Street ; and Messrs. Hydes and Tymbs, Worcester.
Nov. 18, Whitmore and Wells, Lombard Street, bankers-Nov. 16, Deacon, Berners Street, upholsterer-Nov. 16, Cadbury, New Bond Street, cheesemonger -Nov. 19, Batho, Salford, machine-maker-Nov. 22, Rowbottotn. Manchester, Nov . 26, Fox, Manchester, corn-dealer-Nov. 25, Malam, Spahlieg, gas.manufac- turer-Nov. 16. Stauiford, Kingston-upon-Hull, merchant-Nov. 17, Elder, New- eastle-upon-Tyne. grocer-Nov. 26. Latham, Halifax, linendraper -Nov. 18, Waite, Barnard Castle, Durham, grocer-Nov. 19, Luudy, Kingston-upuu-Hull. straw-hat-
manufacturer. CERTIE/CATES,
Tone granted, unkss cause be shown to the contrary, on ar before Mo. 16.
Clifton. Worcester, proctor-blallison, Blackbuin. merchant -Downnian, Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, tin -plate-manufacturer-Tasker. Oldham, innkeeper-Cogan, Bris- tol. tanner- Demaisse. Bucklerdniry, merchant -Aspivall, Birmingham, victualler- Wright, Woburn, paper-manufacturer-Newman, Lewes, Saddler.
MEYER. ROBERT MICHAEL, amid MILNE, GRAHAM, Dundee, commission-merchants, Oct. 29, Nov. 19.
Remus, WILLIAM, Dundee, merchant, Nov. 3, 25.
Friday, Oct. 29.
Taylor and Neat, Westbury, Wiltshire. plumbers - Haynes and Co. Mickleham, Surrey, timber-merchants -Hanes and Co. Mickleham. Surry, smiths-A. and H. Noake, Wuolstone, Berkshire, farmers-C. and E. Tubb, Caversham Mill. Oxford- shire. millers-Bin-donned Brown, Heaton Norris. paper-stainers-J. and T. Atkinson. Halifax, I itiendrapers-Johnson and Ilighley. Halifax, milliners-Morgan and Rhodes, Brabant Court, Philpot Lane, Irish provision-merchants-Taylor and Christie& Ash- ford, Kent, ironmongers-J. and J. Astrop, Kingston-upon-Hull. paper-merchants- A. and J. Lowe, Manchester, cotton-dealers-Proctor and Vickers, Ripou, printers- Heraud and Co. Bell Yard, Carey Street, law s'ationem-Barr and Co. Worcester, porcelain-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Yates-Atkins and Laing, White Hart Court, Lombard Street, attornies-Read and Hanks, ltupert Street, coachmakers- T. and A. Taylor, Batley, Yorkshire, cluthmanufactureis -Atkinson and Co. Alders- gate Street, manufacturinguhemists; as far as regards J. Chippindalc -Wilson and Gould, Kingston-upon-Hull. curriers -Roy and Co. Lothbury, attornies; as far as re- gards J. Duncan-Shaw and Bone, Waudsworth, coal-merchants-II. and M. Stapley, Tunbridge Wells, upholsterers.
GIRAUD, CHARLES ELDER, Sevenoaks. Kent, chemist. Oct. 28, INGRAM, BENJAMIN, Beech Street, timber-merchant, Oct. 28.
FLETCHER, BEAumoser, High Holborn, tallow-metier, to surrender Nov. 5. Dec. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Crowder and Maynard, Mansioulionse Street ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. HILDTARD. HENRY and ROBERT. Brigs. Lincolnshire. wine.merchants, NOV. 8, Dec. 10: solicitors, Mr. Dimmock. Sise Lane, Bucklersbury; Mr. Ashurst, Cheapside; and Messrs. Nicholson and Hett, Brigg. Lerwo, JOHN and GEORGE. Eastcheap, cork-manufacturers, Nov. 9, Dec. 10: solici- tors, Baker and Parson, Bucklersbury; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermaubury.
Rusrow, Jews. St. Paul's Churchyard, commission-agent, Nov. 10, Dec. 10 soli- cider, Mr. Goddard, King Street, Cheapside ; oflicial assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Ba- singhall Street.
SMITH, RICHARD, and MARSHALL, STEPHEN. AnStinfriarS, Russia.brokers, Nov. 10, Dec. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Crowder and Mas nerd, blausionhouse Place; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. SoirruALL, RICHARD junior, Birmingham, merchant, Nov. l5, Dec. 10: solicitors, Mews. Johnson and Co. Temple ; and Messrs. Higson and Son Manchester.
Nov. 20, Firth, Webber Street, Lambeth. licensed-victualler-Nov. 20, Carruthers, Leadenhall Street, tea-dealer-Nov. 22, G. and W. Helder, Clemeut's Inn, money- scriveners-Nov. 22. Vardy. Newbury, bookseller-Nov. 19, Pettit. Hastings, jewel- ler-Nov. 19, Franks, Portsea, glass-dealer-Nov. 19, Elfick, Milton-next-Sitting- bourne. grocer-Dec. 2, Davenport. Ashby-de-la-Zouch. cabinet-maker-Nov. 19, Claughton. Yeadon, Yorkshire, fulling-miller-Nov. 26, Haddon. and Co. Liver- pool. merchants-Nov. 19, Sharp, Romsey. paper-manufacturer-Nov. 22, Law junior, Rochdale, corn-miller-Nov. 24, Thomas, Halifax, jeweller.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nov. 19.
Little. Great Yarmouth. linendraper-Daglish, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, joiner-By- water, Hemington. Leicestershire. carpenter -Brown, Sutfou-under-Whitodoneeliffe. Yorkshire, cattle-dealer-Norris, Liverpool, ironfounder-Lewis, Fleet Street, book- seller-liabhaw, Altrincham, Cheshire, bookseller.
PAN-row, WILLIAM, and Co. Turliff. spiuners, Nov. 5, 26. SrEwAter, JAMES, Paisley, grocer, Nov. 4.25.
Towszsrwv, FRANK, Edinburgh, tavern-housekeeper, Nov. 5, 26.