30 OCTOBER 1841, Page 20


WAR-OFFICE, Oct. 26.—Ist Regt. of Life Guards—Lieut. Hon. W. H. S. Cotton, from the 7th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Brooke, who exchanges. 2d Drag. Guards—Capt. W. N. Custance, from the 46th Foot. to be Paymaster. vice H. Boys, who reverts to half-pay. 5th Drag. Guards—Lieut. J. I. Blackburne to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hoveuden. who retires ; Cornet NV. N. A. Hill to be Lieut by purchase, vice Black. burns; C. Holder, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Hill. 12th Light Drag. —Cornet E. R. Wood to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Scott, who retires; J. Williams, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Wood. 3d Foot—Ensign W. G. Meacham to be Limit. without purchase, vice Lacy, dec. ; F. N. Dore. Gent. to be Ensign, vice Meacham. 5th Foot—Lieut. C. M. Dawson to be Capt. by purchase, vice Robinson, who retires; Second Lieut. W. C. Master to be First Lieut, by purchase, vice Daw- son; J. II. Vaguer, to be Second Lieut. by purchase. vice Master. 6th Foot—Capt. G. Anderson, from the 221 Foot, to be Capt. Nice Brevet Major Murphy. who ex- changes. 7th Foot—Lieut. R. Brooke. from the 1st Regt. of Life Guards, to be Lieut. vice Cotton, who exchanges. 8th Foot—Brevet Major II. W. Hartley to be Major. by purchase, vice Baynes, promoted; Lieut. F. S. Holmes to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Hartley; Ensign C. F. B. G. Dickenson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Holmes; Gent. Cadet R. Hartley, from the Royal 11Vd. Coll. to be Eusign, by pur- chase, vice Dickenson. 9th Foot —Lieut. A. Burton to be Capt. without purchase, vice Kerr, dec. ; Eusigm A. Taylor t be Lieut. vice Berton; Sergt. -Major W. Burden to be Ensign, vice Taylor. 21st Foot-11. F. Evans, Gent. to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Whitchurst. whose appointment has been cancelled. 22d Foot—Brevet Major G. H. E. Murphy, from the 6th Foot, to be Capt. vice Anderson, who ex- changes. 27th Foot—J. Grant, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Fry, dec. 2911, Foot —Capt. R. P. Douglas to be Major. without purchase, vice Sharrock, who retires upon full pay ; Capt. E. G. Nicolay, from the 3d West India Regt. to be Capt. vice Douglas; Ensign F. Coventry to be Lieut by purchase, vice Nicolay, promoted in the 341 West India Regiment ; Thomas Henry Breedou. Gentleman. to be Ensign, by pur- chase vice Coventry. 3Ist Foot — Ensign Duncan Stewart Robertson to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Le Conteur, deceased. 34th Foot—Lieutenant Arthur Cy ril Goodenough to be Captain, by purchase, vice Hammond, who retires; Ensign W. B. Money to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Goodenough ; W. J. Blake, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Money. 36th Foot—Capt. R. S. Ridge, from half-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice A. Nugent. who exchanges. 39th Foot—Capt. W. B. Bernard to be Major, without purchase, vice Fitzgerald, dec,; Lieut. B. G. Layar,l to be Capt. vice Bernard; Ensign P. Flynn to be Lieut. vice Layout; Ensign H. G. Colville to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Flynn, whose promotion on the 3d August 1841 has been cancelled ; T. Scarman, Gent. to be En- sign, vice Colville. 40th Povt—Eusign E. H. Eager to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Valiant, dec.; Ensign M. R. L. Meason to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Eager, whose promotion, by purchase, has been cancelled; Sgt.-Major S. Snelling to be Ensign, vice Meason. 41st Foot—R. A. Logan. Gent. to be Ensign, without pus- chase, vice Ilessiug, dec. 424 Foot—Ensign H. S. Douglas to be Lieut. vice Hon. J. 0. Grant, who retires; J. W. Wedderburn, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, view Douglas. 96th Foot—Capt. J. Richardson, from half-pay unattached. to be Capt. vice J. Taylor, who exchanges. 52c1 Foot—Capt. II. Morton, from half-pay of the- 14th Foot, to be Capt. vice French, dec. ; Lieut. C. A. Denison to be Capt. by purchase, vice Mortou, who retires; Ensign R. 0. Coming to be Lieut. without ?arches°. vies Browurigg, appointed Adjt.; Gent. Cadet J. C. E. C. Read, from the Royal Mil. Coll. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Cnmiug; Lieut. H. M. Brownrigg to be Adjt. rite Denison, promoted. 55th Foot—Ensign T. 0. G. Rogers to he Lieut. by purchase. vice Warren, who retires; L. Skynner, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Rogers. 62d Foot—Ensign W. F. Dickson to be Lieut, without purchase, 'vice Harris, dec. - Ensign H. M. Hamilton to be Lieut. by purchase, Nice Dickson, whose.promotion, by purchase, has been cancelled; Ensign J. A. Macdougall, from the 70th Foot, to be Eusigu, vice Hamilton. 63d Foot—G. Lc Mesnrier Lane, Gent, to be Ensign, with- out purchase, vice Cameron, dec. 6 Ih Foot—Assist.-Surg. J. Groom, M.D. from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Linton, promoted to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class. 71st Foot-- H. Loftus. Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Douglas, promoted in the 97th Foot. 724 Foot—Assist.-Surg C. G. Logic, from the Staff, to be Assist. Serg. vice Malcolm, promoted to be Staff-Surgeon of the Second Clasi. 74th Foot—Capt. J. Campbell, from half-pay of the 8th West India Regt. lobe Capt. vice Alves, promoted; Lieut. George Thomas Evans to be Captain, by purchase, vice Campbell, who retires; Ensign James Duff to be Lieutenant, by purchase. vice Evans; Richard Plane Smith, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Duff. 86th Foot—Cap'. E. Brown, from half-pay unattached. to be Capt. vice 11.8. Stephens, who exchanges. 94th Foot—Ensign G. Mahon to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Buike, deceased; T. H. Stoddard, Gent, tube Ensign, vice Mahon. 97th Foot—Major

H. F. Lockyer to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Campbell, who retires upon full pay; Brevet- Major W. Cannon to be Major, vice Lockyer; Lieut. J. M'Caskill to be Wart. vice Cannon; Ensign L. Douglas, from the 71st Foot, to be Lieut. vice

3d West India Regt.—Lieut. E. G. Nicolay. from the 29th Foot, to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Taylor, who retires.

Royal Newfoundland Veteran Companies—Li nit. R. Saunders to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. Sall, who retires upon full pay. Unattached—Major S. Baynes. from the 8th Foot. to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase. Hospital Staff—Assist.-Sorg. J. S. Graves, from the 4th Light Drags. to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class.

Brevet—Capt. J. Campbell. of the 74th Foot, to be Major in the Army. Capt. H. Morton, of the 52d Foot, tube Major its the Army.

Memoranda—The date of the promotion of Ensign and Adjt. J. M'Courts to the rank of Lieut. in the 1st Foot. is 18th Aug. 1841, and not 10th Sept. 1841, as stated in the Gazette of 15th Oct. 1841. Major-Gen. Sir J. G. Woodford, K.C.B. has been per. milted to retire from the Army, by the sale of an unattached Lieut.-Colonelcy. Erratum in the Gazette of the 1511t Oct.—For Lieut. the Hon. Charles Lennox Fitx• my, from the 60th Foot, to be Ensign and Lieut. Ike. in the Coldstream Foot Guards, read Lieut. the Hon. Augustus Charles Lennox Fitzroy, Ike.

OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Oct. 25.—Royal RT. of Artillery—Second Capt. T. A. Shone to be Adjt. vice Skinner, who resigns the Adjutancy only.

Corps of Royal Engineers—First Lieut. G. Burgmann to be Second Capt.; First Lieut. E. Aldrich to be Second Capt. vice Dalton, retired on full-pay; Second Lieut. J. Bayly lobe First Lieut, vice Aldrich.

Ordeal:ice Medical Department—Temporary .Assist.-Surg. J. Duggan, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. WAR-OFFICE, Oct 29.-9th Light Drags.—Lieut. C. H. D. Donovan, from the 13th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Madocks, who exchanges. 13th Light Drags.—Lieut. J. E. Madocks, from the 9th Light Drags, to be Lieut. vice Donovan, who exchanges, 1st Foot—Lieut.•Col. A. Brown, from the 79th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Carter, who exchanges. 10th Foot—Lieut. F. A. Cook, from the 37th Foot, to be Pay- master, vice Unlock°, dec. 11th Foot—A. E. P. Wettings. Gent. to be Ensign, with- out purchase, vice Nowlan, appointed to the 70th Foot. 3 1st Foot—Lieut. D. Browne, from the 320 Foot. to be Lieut. Nice Smyth, who exchanges; Ensign J. P. Robertson, from the 461h Foot. to be Ensign, vice D. S. Robertson, promoted. 32d Foot—Lieut. I. D. C. Smyth. from the 31st Foot, to be Lieut. vice Browne, who exchanges; H. F.. Werre, Geut. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Rushbrooke, dec. 37th Foot- Lieut. J. 0. Lewis to he Capt. by purchase, vice Wilson, who retires; Ensign G. Lawrence lobe Lieut. by purchase, vice Lewis; J. Clutterbuck, Geut, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Lawrence. 40 h Foot—LIeut. C. J. Colville, from the 85th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Vance, who exchanges. 46th Foot —Capt. W. Armstrong, from half.pay of the Royal African Corps, to be Capt. vice Custance, appointed Paytnaster of the 24 Drag. Guards; Lieut. J. E. Carrot to be Capt. by purchase, vice Armstrong, who retires; Ensign A. Wombwell to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Carrot; J. P. Ro- bertson, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Wombwell; Henry Fuller Sandwith. Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Robertson, appointed to the 31st Foot. 56th Foot-Assist.-Surg. R. Bannatyne, front the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Brad- ford, promoted in the 23d foot. 66th Foot-G. C. Downman, Gent, to be Ensign, with- out purchase, vice Morrison, whose appointment has been cancelled. 70th Foot-En- sign and Quartermaster E. Kaye to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Macdougall, ap- pointed to the 62d Foot ; Ensign J. Nowlan, from the 11th Foot, to be Quartermaster. vice Kaye. 75th Foot-Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. Hutchiusou, to be Colonel, vice Lieut.- Gen. Sir Joseph Fuller. dec. 78th Foot-Capt. G. R. Cummiu. from the 99th Foot. to be Capt. vice Id' Pherson. who exchanges. 7901 Foot-Brevet Cal. J. Carter, from the lstFoot. to be Lieut.-Col. vice Braun, who exchauges. 80th Foot-Capt. L. R. Raid to be Major. by purchase. vice Lettsom, who retires. 85th Foot-Lieut. J. Y. Vance. from the 90th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Colville. who exchanges. 99th Foot-Capt. E. M`Pherson, from the 78th Foot, to be Capt. vice Cumuli& who exchanges.

Royal Canadian Rifle Regt.-Quartermaster A. Cameron, from half-pay of the 79th Foot. to be Paymaster. Hospital Staff -Astist.-Inspector of Hospitals M. NI Maliony, M.D. to be Deputy Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals; E. Menzies, Gent, to be Assist. Surg. to the Forces, vice Baunatyne, appointed to the 56th Foot. Brevet-Capt. W. Armstrong. of the 46th Foot, to be Major in the Army. Memorandum-The Christian names of Second Lieut. Corea, of the 60th Foot, are Edward Uniacke.