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A meeting was held in the Court-house at Wakefield, on Wed- nesday, to consider an address to Lord Morpeth. The large hall was crowded in every part. Earl Fitzwilliam took the chair; and on the bench were the Earl of Scarborough, Lord Stourton, Lord Howard, Lord Milton, Sir Edward M. Vavasour, Sir F. L. Wood, the Ho- nourable George Fitzwilliam, M.P., Mr. W. B. Wrightson, M.P., Mr. J. W. Childers, M.P., Mr. W. R. C. Stansfeld, M.P., Mr. W. Busfield, M.P., Mr. John Parker M.P., Mr. George Savile, Mr. D. Gaskell, Mr. Edward Baines, Mr. Rimer Stansfield, and a great many other influen- tial gentlemen from all parts of the West Riding. A resolution fot presenting an address to Lord Morpeth was moved by the Earl of Scar- borough, and seconded by Mr. Parker, TSLP.I and the address itself was moved and seconded by Lord Stourton and Mr. J. G. Marshall. After warmly eulogizing Lord Morpeth's character and conduct, the address expressed a hope that the representation of the West Riding would
again be placed in his hands ; but added, that the country could not Wait for his services till then, and that the West Riding would be glad to learn that his value had been appreciated by some other constituency.
A public dinner was given at Alnwick, on Tuesday, to celebrate Lord Howick's return for Sunderland. Mr. Prideanx John Selby was the Chairman ; and many names are mentioned, including several Greys, Forsters, and Fenwicks, which are probably better known on the spot than they are at a distance. Only a few passages in Lord Howick's speeches arrest attention. Comparing the state of public affairs with the gloomy prospect for Liberal opinions in 1826, when he first entered political life, he saw reason to be the reverse of desponding. Still he acknowledged the late reaction of public opinion— He admitted the country had pronounced a verdict in opposition to the late Government; and although he was ready to admit that bribery and intimida- tion had been extensively used by the Tories at the late election, yet, com- paring its result with that of 1837, tchen the same means were used, he could not account for the change of circumstances which had taken place without admitting there must have been a very considerable change of public opinion. He believed this to be the fact ; and if it were so, it was worse than childish to seek to conceal it from themselves or others. The first step towards surmount- ing difficulties is to have the courage and manliness to look them fairly iu the Face.
Though Lord Howick was by no means favourable to the present Ministry, he was very far from desiring their immediate overthrow. He thought already much good had resulted from their being placed in office, especially in dispelling the delusion respecting the New Poor- law. He alluded to the petition which had been presented against his return, with some indignation ; for its promoters must know that the charge of bribery and corruption upon which it rested was utterly groundless : it could have no other object than putting him to expense and inconvenience: but those who presented it knew him little if they supposed that he should yield his seat under the influence of such a -threat.
Lord Charles Wellesley and Sir George Seymour are both mentioned as Conservative candidates for the representation of the borough of Lynn, in consequence of the vacancy caused by the appointment of Sir Stratford Canning as Ambassador to Constantinople.
A correspondent of the Morning Chronicle says that a publisher at Worcester, named Child, has issued a poll-book specifying the polit is of all the electors, avowedly to serve as a sort of manual for exclusive. dealers.
Some 1,500 or 2,000 persons assembled on the 18th in Carpenter's Hall, at Manchester, to hear a lecture on Chartism by Mr. Henry Vincent. Among them was a large body of the Operative Anti-Corn- law Association. Mr. Bayley, a Chartist, was called to the chair. In the course of his lecture, Mr. Vincent answered the question of those who asked why the Chartists did not join the Anti-Corn-law agitation- " Why don't you go for a cheap loaf? "-
Because they recollected who were the parties constituting both Houses of Parliament ; they knew that these men, having an interest in upholding the
- Corn-laws, would never concede it till compelled. He knew that he should be answered, "If this power of the aristocracy and monopolists be broken before we can get the Corn-laws, is it not equally necessary that it should be broken before you can obtain the Charter ?" Certainly it was. The one was as difficult to be arrived at as the other; and he laid this down as a principle not admitting of a doubt, that the obtaining of either involved nothing leas than the necessity of a revolution. Now, this being the case, he was opposed to the getting-up of a revolution for the mere repeal of an act of Parliament, that could be repealed the next day, or at any moment, if they had the Charter in operation.
When Mr. Vincent bad ceased, Mr. Finnigan, a member of the -Operative Anti-Corn-law Association, was about to make some obser- vations; but the Chartists silenced him with clamour. Mr. Derby, a working-man, then raised the following coll9ny- He wished to know if Mr. Vincent did not think, as a Radical Reformer, and as professing to follow in the steps of Henry Hunt, that a repeal of the Corn-laws would find him work ?
Mr. Vincent—" Well, I have my doubts of it." Mr. Derby—" I want a positive answer, yes or no, whether you think so?" Mr. Vincent—" My good friend asks if! I, as a Radical Reformer, am not of opinion that a repeal of the Corn-laws would find him work ? Answering as a conscientious man, I doubt it. The Repeal of the Corn-laws might cause a temporary improvement, hut I very much doubt it." Mr. Finnigan then obtained a hearing. He avowed his adhesion to the Charter ; but he disagreed with the opinion of the Chartists that in advocating their principles they bad a right to tyrannize over those who differed with them. Thus he agreed with all that Mr. Vincent had Mid respecting the Charter, but dissented from what he said of the Corn-laws. Mr. Finnigan having let fall a few arguments for the Repeal of the Corn-laws, Mr. Vincent challenged the best man of the Anti-Corn-law League to discuss the merits of the two questions ; and then he moved, "That the People's Charter is sufficient for the re- moval of every abuse, and that the agitation for its adoption ought to be persevered in." Mr. Finnigan accepted Mr. Vincent's challenge. Mr. Vincent—" I wish to ask if Mr. Finnigan is the accredited agent of the League ? " Mr. Finnigan—" I stand here as the accredited agent of the National Ope- rative Anti-Corn-law Association."
Mr. Vincent—" My friends, I beg to state distinctly, that according to ar- rangements that may hereafter be made, I shall be happy to meet any ac- credited organ of the .Anti-Corn-law League to discuss this question." Mr. Finnigan repeated, that he was willing to accept the challenge on behalf of the National Operative Anti-Corn-law League—(Loud cheers); and he hoped Mr. Vincent would not, like Mr. Bronterre O'Brien, slip out of the question. (Renewed cheering.) Mr. Vincent—" My friends, I beg to state once and for all, that so important do I consider this question to be, that I am quite willing to meet the accredited organ of the League, Mr. Acland, or any one else : it would be impossible to meet every man who challenges me." Mr. Finnigan—" Mr. Vincent gave a challenge which I thought directed at me: he now says he meant somebody else, who is not here: I want an answer from him, will he meet me ? "
Mr. Vincent—" Then I say, No. (Hisses and great disapprobation.) I wish to state, that if the League appoint Mr. Finnigan I will meet him. I wish to meet the League." (Disapprobation.)
Mr. M`Gowan proposed as an amendment to Mr. Vincent's resolu- tion, " That the Corn-laws are unjust in principle, oppressive in their operation on the working-classes, and ought to be repealed." Mr. Warren seconded the amendment. Here Mr. Watt came forward and
proposed to effect a coalition by joining the two resolutions in one. The Reverend W. V. Jackson, a Chartist, seconded that proposal : the reso- lutions were made into one ; put to the vote and carried unanimously. After this unexpected union, the leaders of the two parties shook hands; and much satisfaction was evinced at the termination of what seemed becoming an angry struggle.
In pursuance of a resolution adopted by a meeting of the working- classes, held in the Old Manor Court-room in Manchester, on the 13th instant, a meeting of deputations from the various trades, work-shops, and mills, was held in Carpenter's Hall, on Monday evening, to con- sider the best means to be adopted for effecting the repeal of the Corn and Provision monopolies. The attendance was very numerous ; the gallery and platform were completely filled, and the remainder of the room nearly so. It was announced that Colonel Thompson would at- tend, but he did not come. At eight o'clock, it was proposed that Mr. Watkin should be appointed chairman : this was met by a counter- proposition, on the part of the Chartists, that Mr. Bailey, a Chartist, should preside. A disturbance took place between the Chartists and a body which, according to the report in the Manchester Guardian, seems to have been composed chiefly of Irish operatives. The conflict was arrested by Mr. Watkin, who offered to take the chair, with two um- pires, a Chartist and a Corn-law Repealer, to revise his decisions should they be disputed. That was agreed to ; and then Mr. Warren' in a long speech, which was attentively heard, moved the subjoined reso- lution— " That this meeting of deputations from various trades, mills, work-shops &c., in Manchester and Salford, and of the working-classes generally, loudly protests against the injustice and injurious operations of the Corn and Provi- sion monopolies, and pledges itself never to rest satisfied until monopoly is for ever done away with, and compensation for years of misery is made by the aristocracy to the labouring millions; and that, in order to effect the object in view, this meeting do adopt the following addresses ; and that it calls upon the labouring-classes of Great Britain and Ireland generally to send deputations to a conference of labouring men, to be held on New Year's Day, in Manches- ter, for the purpose of devising some effectual means for obtaining the repeal of the Bread and Provision taxes, and the compensation of the long-plundered bread-eaters."
Mr. Finnigan seconded the resolution. Mr. Leech, a Chartist, se- conded by Mr. Rankin, moved as an amendment— •
" That until the working men are in possession of the franchise, they will never have justice done them from any Government that may be elected."
The mover ascribed all the miseries of the working-classes to ma- chinery. Mr. Acland supported the original resolution ; but he was interrupted by another personal contest, in the course of which the Irish drove most of the Chartists from the room. The chairman, un- able to enforce order, abruptly dissolved the meeting.
On Monday last, a very considerable gang of power-loom weavers (the number could not be exactly ascertained) left Manchester for the United States. The wives and families of these men are left behind; to be supported, of course, out of the rates.—Leeds Mercury.
On Wednesday last, the Chartists of Norwich assembled, to the num- ber of about 400 or 500, at St. Andrew's Hall, which had been granted for the occasion by the Mayor. The object of the meeting was an- nounced to be to consider the best means for remedying the distress in the city and country at large. The different speakers, after drawing very appalling pictures of the distress and destitution in the city and country generally, proposed an application to Government for a grant of twenty millions with which to locate the poor on the waste lands. A resolution to tired effect was carried neni. con. Some of the speakers thought, however, that they would have to wait for the grant till the Charter was obtained.—Ipswich Express.
On Tuesday, a Vestry meeting was held in the Town-hall at Brighton, having been called by the Churchwardens, for the purpose of passing their accounts and making a rate. The Reverend H. M. Wagner, the Vicar, took the chair. A very angry discussion arose. The parish- ioners of Brighton are at issue with the parochial authorities, whose administration of the last rate is called in question ; and a committee was appointed in August to investigate their accounts. That committee is to report on thel9th of November ; and the conduct of the Church- wardens in calling a meeting for such a purpose while that inquiry was proceeding was indignantly condemned. Mr. Colbatch moved a reso- lution, that a rate could not be made until the committee have brought up their final report. Mr. Cornford moved as an amendment, "That the accounts presented to the Vestry on the 15th July do pass." The amendment was put and negatived, only seven hands being raised for it ; and the original motion was understood to have been carried. A poll was demanded. Mr. Folkard then moved that a penny rate be made. This motion raised another stormy discussion ; it being maintained that it was anticipated in the negative by Mr. Colbatch's resolution. The chairman, however, confessed that he had designedly omitted to pat that resolution to the vote ; declaring his readiness to take all the re- sponsibility of that course upon himsel£ Eventually all three motions were put again : when the numbers were—for Mr. Colbateh's original motion, 20?; against it, 14; for Mr. Cornford's amendment, 0; against it, 2; for the rate, 19; against it, 214. A poll was then again de- manded, and ordered.
Several incendiary fires have taken place lately in the country. On Saturday week, two ricks of barley were burnt down, near Bedford. Another fire occurred on Sunday at Heath and Reach, near the same place. On Tuesday week, a fire broke out in a stack-yard at Kirkby Hardwick, in Derbyshire: the loss is estimated at three or four thousand pounds. Fifteen stacks were set fire to on Monday week, at Grimston, near York. A man was apprehended on suspicion of being the incen- diary, but was discharged, it being proved that he was at another place on the night of the fire. Three large stacks of corn have been burnt at Wrexham, Denbighshire. When the sons of Mr. Taylor, a farmer living near Escrick in York- shire, returned from the fields on Tuesday to dinner, they found their mother lying on the hearth, with blood oozing from her mouth, and her dress burnt off her body, quite dead. She had been strangled. Her husband was taken up on suspicion of the crime. He had been living a profligate life, separate from his family ; and had recently re- turned to them penniless. A drawer bad been broken open up stairs,
and a quantity of silver had been removed. Some of it was found on Taylor's person.
Stephen Steadman, John Pockney, and Charles Briggs, were com- mitted for trial at Ringmer, yesterday, for murdering and otherwise in- juring a woman named Hannah Devonshire, who hawked laces and tapes, in June 1838. After their profligate crime was committed, one of them rolled her into a pond. She was insensible at the time from intoxication.
At St. Alban's, yesterday, Jabez Rainbow, alias Kirk, was committed for trial for attempting to murder Jane Pearce, a young girl, on the
morning of October 3d. They had been in company together ; and in the morning Pearce was waked by the man's attempting to cut her throat. She struggled till she fainted and Kirk thought she was dead.
He surrendered himself without difficulty to those whom the girl's screams brought to the spot. No reason is known for his act : Pearce never saw him angry or intoxicated, and never knew him to he jealous. A bead necklace in all probability saved her life : she had fifteen wounds on her neck, shoulders, and hands.
An inquest was held on Monday, at the Victoria Hotel, Beeston, on the body of William Hofton, 'a framework-knitter, who was killed on the Midland Counties Railway on Sunday. He was seen running across the line as the mail-train approached ; and was struck by the engine and carried some distance by it, when the engine-carriage and tender passed over him. The body was found very much mutilated. The night before the accident, Hofton was seen at a public-house on the Mansfield road, Nottingham, in a state of intoxication. On Wednesday evening, a gentleman, who is said to be Mr. T. Phil- lips, the lecturer on music, attempted to get into a carriage on the Grand Junction Railway, at the Harfort Station, after the train had be- gun to move : he was thrown down, and the carriages passing over his legs, they were broken, and he was otherwise much injured. He only survived a very short time, being killed, it is supposed, partly by the fright.
Mr. Low, an attorney, was killed on Thursday, in attempting to jump out of a carriage on the Birmingham Railway, before the train had stopped. He was knocked down, the carriages passed over him, and the rails were sprinkled with his blood and brains for some distance.