30 OCTOBER 1841, Page 5


On the 21st, the Lord-Lieutenant received addresses of congratulation upon his arrival in the country from the Lord Mayor and Corporation of Dublin, and from the Provost, Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity Col- lege. First, the Corporation address was brought up by the Mayor, the Recorder, Mr. West, the Member for the city, and several Aldermen and Common Councilman. They were ushered into St. Patrick's Hall, where Lord de Grey was seated on the throne. On his right hand stood Lord Eliot, bearing the sword of state ; a brilliant staff of Aides-de- camp and gentlemen of the Household stood around. The Countess de Grey and some other ladies of distinction were present. Lord de Grey's attachment to "the principles of the British constitution," the confi- dence of the Corporation that he wouldmaintain the Union unimpaired, his personal character and literary tastes, and Lady de Grey's worthi- ness to fill her exalted station, and her birth, (she is the daughter of the Earl of Enniskillen,) were the subjects upon which the Corporation expatiated. In his reply the Lord-Lieutenant said-

" It is my most anxious wish to merit a continuance of your good opinion ; and I can only hope to effect that object by a perfect abstinence from all party feelings, and the strictest impartiality in the administration of the law. I will endeavour to form my opinions and to regulate my conduct without bias or prejudice—to show neither fear nor favour, and to administer justice with a firm and equal hand to the rich and to the poor. I will do my utmost to maintain unimpaired the Legislative Union between this country end Great Britain; and I rely with confidence upon those who have now welcomed me for support in carrying my efforts into effect. I honestly and conscientiously believe that Union to be for the interest of both parts of the empire ; and I feel convinced that irreparable injury would be inflicted upon this country by the repeal of it. I appeal to you, therefore, to assist me in drawing closer the bands which should unite us, and, by a course of friendliness and forbearance, to counteract the efforts of those who endeavour to alienate one portion of the people from their fellow-subjects. I cannot divest myself of the hope, that by such conduct the passions and tumults which have distracted this country will gradually subside.'

The College succeeded : a host of Doctors, Professors, and Scholars, presented rather a florid address, in choice Latin, offering their gratula- lions and prayers that every thing might be propitious and happy in Lord de Grey's rule. His Excellency's reply was in English : it was a courteous and unaffected acknowledgment of the wishes and aspirations of the learned body.

The appointment has been officially announced of Mr. Pennefather to be Chief Justice of the Qneen's Bench in Dublin, on the resignation of Chief Justice Bushe. The correspondent of the Whig Morning Chronicle says- " The patent of Mr. Pennefather, however, will not take effect until the second day of the approaching November term, in order to afford Mr. Bush. an opportunity of receiving an address from the bar on the first day. It is un- derstood that Mr. Pennefather will be only temporarily located in the Queen's Bench, and that he will obtain the Chancellorship—the office originally in- tended for him—as soon as Sir Edward Sugden can be suitably provided for in England. Whenever Mr. Pennefather goes to the Court of Chancery, Mr. Blackburne, the present Attorney-General, is to succeed him as Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench. Mr. Pennefather's appointment, on legal and personal grounds, is unobjectionable. He is a man of very decided Tory politics ; but his high reputation as a lawyer, and his avoidance of any offensive display as a politician, afford a sufficient guarantee that he can never become a partisan upon the judgment-seat."

The Municipal election, the first under the new law, took place at Dublin on Monday. Out of fifteen wards, the Liberals secured twelve entirely, and in one succeeded partially. Thus, of sixty Aldermen and Councillors, of which the new Town-Council will be composed, the Li- berals have returned twelve Aldermen and thirty-seven Town-Coun- cillors; while the Tories have succeeded, with great exertion, in return- ing three Aldermen and eight Town-Councillors. Mr. O'Connell was proposed as Alderman for two wards, the Four Courts Ward and the Linen Hall Ward : he makes his choice of the former as the one for which he will sit. The correspondent of the Times says- " It is currently reported, but I do not touch for the accuracy of the state- ment, that, by the advice of the Under-Secretary, Mr. Lucas, all persons hold- ing official situations in or about the Castle abstained from taking any part in these elections : and the rumour further adds, that had a different course been adopted, the Castle Ward would have been carried by a very considerable ma- jority."

The same Tory writer moralizes on the state of the returns-

" This result, in addition to other causes, mast be attributed to the reaction consequent upon the abandonment of a system of intolerance persevered in with a resolution worthy of a better cause; the great feature of which was the utter exclusion of one class of persons from the attainment of the most paltry civic honour, not because there were not to be found in that class hundreds and thousands of loyal and well-affected men, but simply and purely on the grounds of a difference in religious creeds."

The weekly meeting of the Repeal Association was held on Tuesday,

in consequence of the elections on Monday. Mr. O'Connell was saluted by anticipation as Lord Mayor,—for the election of Mayor does not take place till Monday next. He announced contributions to the Re- peal fund from America, received by that day's post, to the amount of 3501. He rated a writer in the Times for his " unpardonable impu- dence and audacity in attempting to bully and terrify a people rthe United States] amounting in number to seventeen millions "- Irishmen would never enter into an insulting crusade against the Americans. They would continue to obey the law and sapport the throne; but at the same time, and above all, they would hold a firm attitude of defiance towards that miscreant faction the Tories, and their lying, villanous, and insulting organ, and show that the harmony between Britain and America could not be disturbed. Was it not enough that the Tories had a preponderating influ- ence in both Houses, and controlled the Queen,—a power obtained by de- priving the operative of cheap bread, by giving the aristocrat two slices of the loaf, without reserving a morsel for the poor man ? Was England insane ? was her destruction coming on, and was that insanity indicative of her ap- proaching dissolution ? He hoped sincerely that the omen might be false, bat he recollected the Roman proverb—" Quem Deus volt perdere prius de- mentat"

The standing subjects, Sharman Crawford's letter and the late ap- pointments, supplied matter for the weekly speech.

Mr. Crawford has written a third letter to the Repealers, in reply chiefly to Mr. O'Connell's attacks upon his consistency in having con- demned the Union in 1830 and upholding it now. He shows that Mr. O'Connell's quotations from his former remarks were unfair, since he then condemned the Union but only conditionally, should England still neglect her sister country : that was the Union which he condemned; and since that time there has been a considerable change in the policy of England towards Ireland.

Defection has openly commenced among Mr. O'Connell's Repealers one of the most active, Mr. Thomas O'Brien—" who," to quote his Own words, "took no unhonoured part in the agitation of Repeal, and won some flattering tributes from its great advocate," has succumbed to Mr. Sharman Crawford's reasoning, and signified his secession in a curious letter to Mr. Ray, the Secretary of the Repeal Association. He begins-. with a quotation from Burke, declaring separation ruinous to both Great- Britain and Ireland—" the sentiment of the greatest thinker, withent. question, Ireland ever produced." He proceeds- " The two letters of Mr. Sharman Crawford upon the subject of Repeal have now appeared. The impracticability of repeal—if practicable the evil results that would ensue from it—formed the great basis of his practicable, letter. The leader of Repeal has attempted a reply to that letter-

• &ape hilsm. stepe jocum, movet.'

Although that reply pleased the unclad auditors of the Exchange, I venture to assert it did not satisfy the acute mind of the speaker himself; certain I am, at least, it has not pleased the thinking portion of the public. It now be- comes the duty of every man exercising his reason, and entitled to do so—the slave of no faction or of no man—boldly to come forward and sever himself from your body."

The new Anti-Repealer has all the warmth attributed to neophytes-

" Suppose for an instant the Repeal carried, what class of men would occupy the Irish House of Commons ? The men of property, the bitter opponents of the measure, could not expect to be preferred to its warm advocates : the Ex- change would adjourn to College Green with this fatal accompaniment—the influence of the only man of responsibility among them would have ceased. The filthy crawlers enlarged, what monsters they would become I- . Qualeareutum neque =Maris Datud ails alit tesculetis.

Nec ae tellus generat, leonum.

Arida nutria.'

In her best days, the best Parliament Ireland could form was corrupt, se- ditioug, turbulent. Where will Mr. O'Connell get the moral elements for Parliament, created not by the virtue, property, intelligence of the land, but five million shillings? The spawn of corruption, sedition, and profligacy, is to exceed the natural produce of the soil ! [Bravo, thou late Repealer !] You have introduced a new political feature into your Association: you are seeking for foreign sympathy; you are making Ireland play the swaggering courtesan, the bullying beggar, at every door in Europe. Look to Scotland,the happy con- tented sister of glorious England, while Ireland makes herself a second Poland, a rallying-spot for the disaffected of earth. You are selling your old allegi- ance to England for twelve pieces—not silver either. French sympathy ! American shillings ! I think, Sir, we can easily guess the foundation of this violent late-born love. France could never make a perfect revolution herself What do we want with her ? Has America no subjects for sympathy upon her own soil ? Why now, (ever unkind, ever tyrannical to Irishmen in Ame- - rica,) why, at this peri-,d, does she take such interest in us ? Oh, we know it ; and, if our loyalty to the mother land was not a humbug, we would spurn the cause."

Mr. O'Brien's retrospective condemnation of acts in which he shared grows amusingly bitter-

" A member of every association Mr. O'Connell ever formed, (tristis a luctuosa successio—barren and unproductive with the exception of one,) I feel, with Sharman Crawford, it is time to sigh for peace : it is time to shake the aged priest by the arm, and tell him, while he has been sacrificing at the un- hallowed shrine of ambition, the temple has become all deserted but by thieves and speculators. Thousands sighed for this peace, the immediate followers of O'Connell, but they know not how to procure it. They would fain see the olive of peace growing upon the burning and scattered lava thrown up in the angry and unhallowed struggle of forty years' duration. They will procure • this peace by following my example—not by running into private and vilify- ing O'Connell, as I have heard them—not by hinting his popularity is upon the decline, and sighing for a little rest. They will not gam peace now by these. means. By separating from him, in the same open, honourable way they joined him, they will awake Mr. O'Connell to his proper condition, by telling him he has embraced, in the last stages of his political life, a chimera—an index of a weakened mind or a depraved disposition-they will arouse him to himself. Why, if he speaks the truth, does he swamp it among the nobles of the land, and present it a rich hope to the ignoble and the squalid ? Speaking upon Repeal in the House, his natural dignity sinks into a slavish and coward manner. If the man speaks the truth, what audience so refined, what place SO hallowed, should awe him ? Paul, from the oppressive strength of truth, used to make Felix tremble upon his throne, as well as the lowly beggar. It would appear O'Connell's great truth-the practicability, crying necessity, and justice of Repeal-is but cooked up for seditious beggars, and not for nobles."

After the annual inauguration of the civil offices of Limerick, an ex- , piring close corporation, they attended, according to custom, on the 10th, to hear a sermon. The preacher, the Reverend Samuel Jones, seized the occasion to reproach the functionaries in the severest and most unqualified language, with their municipal transgressions. The Limerick Reporter says that Mr. Jones's Archbishop has ordered an investigation into the circumstance, cin the ground that Mr. Jones "abused the Protestants of the city and caunty, and made the pulpit the theatre of anti-Christian vituperation." Mr. Jones attacked the higher clergy for malversation, as well as the local officers.

The Dublin Morning Register describes, on the authority of a corre- spondent, a method of qualifying men to be electors and keeping them at the same time in a state of absolute subjection. It states, that at the late Registry-sessions in Carlow, "several tenants of Mr. Bruen were tendered as holding leases at a low rent, and holding more land at will at high rents. They were ably cross-examined by H. Smyth, Esq., the counsel for the Liberals ; who obliged the claimants to admit that the whole affair was a fraud, and got up for the purpose of manufac- turing voters."

At the Rathkeale Quarter-Sessions, on the 21st, several persons from Abbeyfeale; in Kerry, were tried for intimidating and obstructing voters at the last election. All pleaded Guilty but one, Daniel Harnett. Evi- dence was then given to prove that on the 12th of July, when the mail- coach from Limerick to Tralee arrived at Abbeyfeale, a Mr. Stokes was dragged out of the coach by Harnett ; detained by a mob of fifteen hundred people for ten minutes ; and then allowed to proceed, on showing that he was not a voter, but only on his way to see his friends. A Mr. Orpen, an elector, who was going to vote at Tralee, was de- - blued until he promised to return straight to Limerick, without voting. Harnett was sentenced to six months' imprisonment ; those who pleaded Guilty to three.