Most of the Cabinet Ministers left town this morning, to
attend the Privy Council at Windsor Castle in the afternoon.
Last night's Gazette announces the promotion of Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas John Cochrane, Companion of the Bath, to be a Knight Com- mander of that order.
A postal convention has just been concluded between our Government and the Hamm Towns: the single rate of postage is to be 6d. per half- ounce; newspapers are to go through the post for nothing, or for id. in private ships.
The most important alterations, arising from the amended scheme for the West India packet service, which have just received the sanction of Government, are, that letters can be forwarded to New Orleans, or any part of the United States, by the West India steamers that leave South- ampton on the 2d of the month, provided they are addressed "by West India mail packet;" that letters for Bermuda will be sent by the West India steamers on the 2d of the month instead of on the 17th, and will not be sent by the Liverpool steamers unless addressed "via Halifax;" that letters for Bermuda, Nassau, Havana, Honduras, New Orleans, Vera Cruz, Tampico, and St. Juan (Porto Rico), will be sent on the 2d of the month only, and those for Jacmel, Carthagena (Santa Martha), Chagres, Panama, Western coast of South America, St. Juan de Nicaragua, and Madeira, on the 17th; and that one mail, instead of two, will be forwarded monthly to Madeira, Nassau, Porto Rico, and Jacmel. The postage on letters to New Orleans, or any part of the United States, via West Indies, is Is. each, and must be prepaid.— Globe.