30 OCTOBER 1847, Page 11

Our attention has been solicited on behalf of a small

dispute about right of way, which divides the people of Kensington. It is well keaciwn that Lord Holland's grounds occupy a quadrangle between the Uxbridge and Hammersmith Roads; the house standing not far from the centre. A lane from the Uxbridge Road, Nightingale Lane, goes along the East boundary to a point beyond the house; it is then diverted to the West, and passes within a few yards of the mansion at the front; coming out by a second band to the South into the Kensington Road. The right of way along this lane is not disputed; but the passing of strangers so close to the house is a rather unpleasing intrusion on Lord Holland's privacy, and he has pro- posed to make an exchange with the Pariah,--the Parish to relinquish the tight of way past the front of his house, and the Peer to concede a new pathway as a direct continuation of Nightingale Lane into the Kensington Road. Parish is by no means agreed on this proposition. Some desire to oblige Lord Holland; but on the other hand, a rancorous recollection cf an encroachment which Colonel . Fox has successfully established in the Addison Road, and which violates the directness of that road by a grand detour, makes many indisposed to accommodate the family. Again, the path which it is proposed to block up is more pleas- ing than the one which would be obtained in stead of it; while the direct route would undoubtedly he much more generally con- venient. To increase the uncertainty, the West London Central Anti- Enclosure Association has interposed, not only to resist the diver- ion of an ancient footway, but also to declare that the path which Lord Holland professes to concede is in fact an ancient way which bad been ituproperly invaded by the family in time past; and the Association, therefore, insists that the present way ought to be retained by the public, end that the ancient way ought to be recovered—that the public, in fact, Ought to have &oda paths. Acting on the wish of the parishioners, ex- pressed, we believe, in a Vestry meeting, Lord Holland had begun to make the alteration; but learning the opposition which it had provoked in the parish, be has abandoned the plan. Instead of quieting the dispute, his retirement has caused a new contest; several of the parishioners coining forward with a declaration that the public really desire the altera- tion proposed by Lord Holland: whereupon the Anti-Enclosure Association

waace with a counter-movement, having summoned a meeting for Mon-