According to a submarine telegraphic message from Paris, dated yesterday evening, a change of Ministry has taken place at Turin ; and if so, it furnishes a clue to the meaning of the vague reports so frequent of late, that M. d'Azeglio and the French Minister had had "a difference." Some time ago, M. de Cavour was at Paris, dining with President Bonaparte : now it is said that the Marquis d'Azeglio, M. Pernati, and M. Cibario, have resigned ; and that their successors are the Counts de Cavour and San Martino. General La Marmora, Minister of War, who lately waited on M. Bonaparte at Lyons, M. Buoncompagni, and M. Paleocapa, remain in office.
Count Nesselrode has returned to St. Petersburg. He arrived on the 15th instant.
Abd-el-Kader arrived in Paris on Thursday ; and was received by General Danmas, the Director of Algerian Affairs. The Emir was at- tended by a French officer and two Arabs. In the evening he went to the Grand Opera, and visited M. Bonaparte in his box.
The following lithographed lines were received by post on the 26th by many political personages in Paris. The paper on which they were printed was edged with black, as if for mounting.
Meares de la Citoyeane Franfoiee Itipublique.
" Partisans de in Republique, Grand raisonneurs en politique, Dont je partage les douleurs, Venez assister en famlile Au grand convoi de votre flue, Morte en couches d'un Empereur. L'indivisible citoyenne Qui ne devait jamais perir, N'a pu supporter sans mourir L'operation Cesarienne.
Male vows ne perdrez presque 0 eons qua cet accident touche ; Car si la 511re est morte en conche, L'Enfant du cooing se porte hien."