30 OCTOBER 1852, Page 8

Jacob Castleberg, who keeps a watchmaker's shop at Whitechapel, and

Reuben Hart, described as a tailor, have been apprehended on a charge of being implicated in the robbery of Mr. Jones's shop in the Strand. Mr. Jar- dine heard evidence yesterday at Bow Street. Mr. Jones stated that the watches found in the possession of Castleberg resemble the watches stolen from his shop ; but their numbers have been altered, and the name of the maker obliterated. The two men are remanded.

An iron girder bridge, thrown over the Sheffield branch of the Midland Railway, near Sheffield, suddenly came down with a crash, yesterday after- noon. Fortunately, neither on the bridge nor on the railway under it was there any person or carriage at the time. A fire yesterday destroyed the building dignified with the name of "As- sembly Rooms," in Webber Street, Blackfriars Road,—a wretched place, which obtained some notoriety in 1848, from the furious Chartist speeches made there by the Irishman Looney and others.

The heavy gale, which began to blow off Shields and Sunderland on Tues- day, continued until Thursday night. Several vessels escaped destruction with difficulty ; others were driven on shore. The pilots were extremely ac- tive, dashing out in the life-boats through the fiercest surf, and saving in all thirty-four lives. A large but unase,ertained number have been drowned. The loss to shipowners will be considerable.