After the usual weekly meeting yesterday, the Directors of the Bank of England separated without deciding upon making any alteration in the pre- sent state of interest ; a reduction to 21 per cent had by many been confi- dently looked forward to, and considerable surprise and disappointment was felt in some quarters ; it is now beginning to be thought that no alteration will be adopted, that 3 per cent will continue the minimum rate. The fluc- tuation in English Securities has been very trifling, 985 981, and 981 981 being the extreme range in Consols. On Monday some support was given to the market by the intelligence of the settlement of the Franco-Portuguese question, but it is evident that speculators for the rise have ceased pur- chasing, and although all the week Consols have exhibited a firm tone, (little or no change being perceptible even after the breaking-up of the Bank Court yesterday,) there is a gloominess prevailing at the close this afternoon, the last price being 984 981. The amount of business doing con- tinues extremely limited. Purchases have been somewhat checked by the increase in the demand for gold for the continent. Bank Stock, 225 226; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 97 975; India Debentures, first issue, 991 par.
The market for Foreign Stocks throughout the week has been rather dull, and with few exceptions little alteration can be given in the quotations from the previous week; the continued uncertainty as regards the future policy of the Bank Directors exercises an influence and prevents many from ope- rating, when no doubt if a reduction in the rate of discount took place, ad- vantage would be taken of the present low price of many of the stocks in this market. The new Turkish Scrip remains dull at about 44 pm. Turk- ish Six per Cents are very heavy at the quotation. Mexican, 20 201; Peruvian on the other hand has today advanced 2 per cent, there being buyers at one time at 921 for the Pouf-and-a-half per Cents, the final quotation is 914 924. Attention seems at last to be drawn to the Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Loan, and a further rise of 1 per cent has to be recorded : the price is now 98 99, and, considering the character of the security, this quotation is greatly below its real value compared with other things; the dividend being due on the let January, it would not be un- reasonable to expect the stock above 100, there being no other stock of the like characterpaying 6 per cent. Venezuela closes 40 41; Buenos Ayres, 79 81; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 915 924; Ditto Three per Cent, 715 724; Spanish Three per Cent, 465 47; Portuguese, 461 474; Brazilian, 1853, 97 971. The English Railway Market has been quiet throughout the week, and the settlement has passed off without producing any material change in prices. London and North- Western Stock has been pressed for sale, the Company's traffic return being still of an unsatisfactory character; South-Western Stock is also flat, the resolution of the Company to lease the Staines and Wokingham and the Portsmouth lines, not being generally approved, has brought the shares of some of the dissentient holders into the market ; in other things a moderate business has been doing ; Contangos at the settling being rather easy. Midland, 974 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 955 954; Great Western, 554 554; London and North-Western, 90/ 904; York aud North Midland, 765 77; Brighton, 109 110'; Great Northern, 105 1055; North Stafford, 45 44; Berwick, 931 94; Sheffield, 35 36. The Markets for Fo- reign lines have been dull and drooping this week ; in the absence of' business, prices however do not show any fall of importance, the traffic receipts generally are very satisfactory. The Lyons and the Eastern of France Companies each distribute twenty francs on ac- count of dividend on the 2d November next, payable at M. Pon's French Agency Offices. Lombardo Venetian shares have declined considerably, principally, it is believed, on "Bear" sales, at the present prices, say 44 41 prem. for the old, and 2424 prem. for the new ; they show a fall of 11. 15s. to 2/. per share in rather more than a fortnight. Luxembourg, 74 85; Ilidi, 221 221; Orleans, 53 64; Paris and Lyons, 345 344. The market is dull at the close today' but the dealers have been for the most part, engaged with the half-monthly settling.
An account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 27th day of Oct. 1858.
Notes Issued
S32,986,760 Government Debt 411,016,100
Other Securities
3,459,9 (.0
Gold Coin and Bullion
Silver Bullion
sasga" DIP'..dlimng"Lad Weight A nuuity) 410,80962:
Other Securities Notes Gold and Silver Coln
Government Securities (India- 111:77b360:901307 537,975,290 etnarasai Proprietors 'Capital £14,668,000 Rest 3,580,
Public Deposits' 8,138,285
Other Deposits 13,331,992
Seven Days and other Bills 858,984