t4t Irmg.
WAR OFFICE, Pall Mall, October 26.-Caealry-Royal Regiment of Hone Guards
-D. H. R. Wingfield, Gent, to be Cornet, by purcliesc, vice Bennet, promoted. 2d Drag. Guards-H. J.', Barton, Gent. tO be Cornet without purchase, lice O'Beirne, promoted.
4th Drag. Guards-A. G. C. Inge, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase.
let Drags.-G. H. Woodard, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Mar- riott, appointed to 4th Drag. Guards. 2d Drags.--T. Hunt, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase. 4th Light Drags.-D. H. Doherty, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Franklin, appointed to 8th Light Drags. 5th Light Drags.-Staff Surg. of the Second Class, H. Huish, M.D. to be Surg. vice Barron, who exchanges. 13th Light Drags.-G. C. Huddleston, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Bush promoted.
16th Light Drags.-cornet H. Skeates, from half pay late Land Transport Corps, to be Cornet without purchase ; M. E. Mannar, Gent, to be Cornet by purchase, vice Skeates, who retires ; T. F. Agg, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice T. Brown, appointed Riding-Master.
Royal Artillery-Brevet-Col. A. J. Taylor to be Col. vice Hardinge, removed as a General Officer ; Capt. R. P. Radcliffe, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Taylor ; Brevet- Major E. Monbray, from the Supernumerary List, to be Capt vice Radcliffe ; Bre- vet-Col. G. Maclean to be Col. vice Willis, removed as a General Officer • Brevet- Major T. Knox to be Lieut.-Col. vice Maclean • Second-Capt. T. P. Wa;low, (su- pernumerary) to be Capt. ; Second-Capt. P. Bedingfeld to be Capt. Vice Knox ; Lieut. F. Lyon to be Second-Capt. vice Bedingfeld ; Brevet-Col. W. H. Ask (supernumerary) to be Col. ; Brevet-Col. F. Dunlop, C.B. to be Col. vice Ander removed as a General Officer ; Capt. C. W. Younghusband to be Lieut.-Col. Dunlop ; SeCond-Capt. B. 1'. C. Jones to be Capt. vice Yonnghusband ; L Markham le Fer Taylor to be Second-Capt. vice Jones ; Assist.-S go. Jbe. Roaitelit.d. to from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Taylor, appointed to the Staff. 2d Stafford Militia, to be Eusigu, without purchase, vice • ' tae The date of the promotion of Second Capt. W. D. Marsh to be altered to Aus August 20, 1-58.
giment, to be Capt. vice Brown, who exchanges; 13, 1858. The date of the promotion of Second Capt. W. J. Stuart t Royal Engineers-Lieut. J. C. Cowell to be Second-Capt. vice Lambert de Infantry-lst. Regt. of Foot-Capt. W. N. Watts, from the 1st West India Is Ensila,Cekinj, pSroindoted th-e.
C. nes
1858, instead of October 1, 1858. 'tkeusfri 8th Foot.
2d Foot-To be Captains, by purchase-Lieut. W. W. Martin, vice Lord I.
Hay, who retires ; Lieut. J. C. T. Drake, vice Squire, who retires. C,
Stli Foot-J. J. Troop, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Holt, promoted, 6th Foot-Paymaster A. M'Donald, from the Royal South Down 31ilitia, rs Paymaster, vice Timbrall, placed on half-pay. 7th Foot-Capt. R. Barter, from the 24th Foot, to be Capt. vice Disney, who changes; the commission of Lieut. G. 0. Lewis, as Adjt. to bear date August ii,
12th Foot-Lieut. J. L. Wilkie, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Studdeit, who m. tires; Ensign L. J. R. Disney, from the 2d Staffordshire Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Oliver, promoted.
14th Foot-The appointment of Lieut. II. G. Metcalfe, from the Royal North Lincoln Militia, to an Ensigncy without purchase, on the 5th Oct. 1858, has beetcancelled ; Lieut. II. Metcalfe, from the Royal North Lincoln Militia, to be • E ' amp without purchase, vice Jackson, appointed to 86th Foot. 18th Foot-Major 0. B. D'Arcy, from half-pay Unatt. to be Major, vice Radcliff promoted, without purchase, to an Unatt. Lieut.-Coloneley ; Lieut. T. D. Baker to be Capt. by purchase, vice Lowsada, who retires.
21st Foot-Ensign G. Gilmour, from 1st Foot, to be Lieut. without purchase. 22d Foot-Lieut. E. W. Bishop, from the 2d West India,Regt. to be Lieut. vice Eno, who exchanges. 23c1 Foot-To be Lieutenants, by purchase-Ensigns F. Gerard. vice Blanc, pro. meted ; L. G. Lysons, vice Less is, who retires ; Capt. G. Wildes, from the East Kent Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Richards. promoted. 24th Foot-Capt. E. J. Disney, from 7th Foot, to be Capt. vice Barter, who ex- changes. 27th Foot-Lieut. H. B. Patton, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Barnes, she re- tires ; Ensign A. Clay, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Patton.
32d Foot-Ensign T. Morris to be Lieut.without purchase ; Lieut. II. S. Stabb to he Adjt. vice Thomson, killed in action.
92d Foot-Major E. R. Priestley to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Came- ron, dec. ; Brevet-Major J. Drysdale to be Major, without purchase, vice Priestley; Lieut. W. Lawson to be Capt. without purchase, vice Drysdale. 50th Foot-Ensign W. H. Wilson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Murphy, deceased.
60th Foot-Assist.-Surg. J. A. Lamb, from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Stretton, dec.
81st Foot-Serost.-Major T. Rogers to be Ensign, without purchase, in succession to Lieut. Hunter, promoted in 24th Foot.
84th Foot-To be Captains, without purohase-Lieuts. J. Penton, lice Chute dec. ; R. T. Pratt, vice Penton, whose promotion on the 24th Aug. 1858, has beer; cancelled ; It. Barry, vice Pratt, whose promotion on the 10th Sept. 1858, has been cancelled. To be Lieutenants, without purchase-Ensigns H. S. Jones, vice Pen- ton, promoted ; G. B. Wolseley, vice Pratt, promoted ; C. T. Horan, vice Wolseley, whose promotion on the 7th Sept. 1858, has been cancelled ; W. C. Driberg, vice Barry, promoted ; Ensign and Adjt. G. has to have the rank of Lieut ; Ensign S. R. Forster, vice Driberg, whose promotion on the 17th Sept. 1858, has been can- celled. The promotion, without purchase, on the 24th Aug. 1858, of Ensign H. S. Jones, has been 'cancelled. The promotion, without purchase, on the 10th Sept. 1858, of Ensign C. T. Horan, has been cancelled.
93d Foot-The commission of Lieut. F. M•Pherson, as Adjt. to bear date the 16th April 1838, instead of the 2d July 1858, as previously stated.
99th Foot-Ensign E. B. Batiheler to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Molson, pro- moted.
Rifle Brigade-Ensign W. G. Swinhoe to be Lieut. without purchase, vice P. L. C. Phillips, dec. ; Ensign A. B. G. S. Hill to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Swim- hoe, whose promotion, without purchase, on the 7th Sept. 1858, has been cancelled: Ensign A. D. Rickman to be Lieut. by purchase, rice Hill, whose promotion, by purchase, on the 7th Sept. 18.58, has been cancelled ; J. Dunlop, Gent, to be En- sign, without purchase, vice Travers, promoted ; L. R. Seymour, Gent. to be En- sign, without purchase, vice Swinhoe.
1st West India Regiment-Capt. J. H. Brown, from the 1st Foot, to be Capt. vice Watts, who exchanges; -J. Bourke, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, rice Mawe, promoted.
2d West India Regiment-Ensign S. T. Connie, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice De Lancey, dec.', Lieut. T. M. Foseo, from 22d Foot, to be Lieut. vice Bishop, who exchanges; C. WO. Bowers, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Pierson, resigned.
Ceylon Rifle Regiment-W. P. Hodnett, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Pinchard, promoted. Unattached-Major W. Radcliff, from the 18th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase.
Hospital Staff-Surg. L. Barton, M.D. from the 5th Light Drags. to be Staff- Surg. of the Second Class, vice II nish, who exchanges ; Assist.-Surg. A. H. Taylor, from the Royal Artillery, to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Holism, promoted on the Staff.
Brecet.-Lieut.-Col. C. J. B. Riddle, C.B. of the Royal Artillery, having com- pleted three years' service in his present rank, to be Col. in the Army, under the Royal warrant of the 3d November 1854; Brevet-Major H. H. Crealock, 90th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army ; Brevet-Major G. A. Sehomberg, of the Royal Marines, to be Li6ut.-Col. in the Army. To be Majors in the Army-Captains C. R. Wriford, let Bengal European Fusileers; Hon. B. R. Pellew, Rifle Brigade: G• Clerk, Rifle Brigade, late of the Military Train ; P. C. Penroee, Royal Marines; T. V. Cooke, Royal Marines; 1. C. D. Morrison, Royal Marines ; C. J. Ellis.
De- cember 18.55. to be Major in Royal Marines ; Second Capt. J. C. Cowell, of the Royal Engineers, the Army. Quartermaster G. Oliphant, retired upon half-pay of the Royal Ar- tillery, to have the honorary rank of Capt. under the Royal warrant of the 17th De-
The undermentioned promotion to take place consequent on the death of Major- General Lord C. Wellesley, on 9th October 1858-Brevet-Col. B. F. D. Wilson, from half-pay Unatt. to be Major-Gen.
Brecet.-The undermentioned promotions to take place in accordance with the Royal warrant of the 14th October 1858-To be Lieutenant-Generals in the Army- Major-Generals Sir W. R. Clayton, Bart. on half-pay Coat. ; J. Spink, Col. of 2d Foot ; Sir J. Jackson, K.C.B. Col of the 6th Dragoons ; R. C. Hansel, Cal. of the 68th Foot ; J. Drummond ; J. Freeth, Col. of the 64th Foot' Sire. R. O'Donnell; J. Leslie, Col, of the 35th Foot ; R. B. Coles, Col. of the 63th Foot ; E. P. Buckley; Sir R. Doherty, Col. of the 11th Foot. To be Major-Generals in the Army-ColonelF S. B. Boileau, from half-pay Unatt. • Hon. G. F. Upton, C.B. from the Coldstream Guars's ; Hon. A. A. Daiwa, from half-pay, as Inspecting Field-officer of Militia) T. S. Pratt, C.B. from half-pay 26th Foot ; 0. Felix, from half-pay Unatt. ; Hutchinson, from half-pay Unatt.; H. F. Lockyer, C.13 from 97th Foot ; o, Banes, from half-pay Unatt.; M. C. Johnstone, from 8701 Foot ; F. Meade, upon h Unattached ; William Frederick Forster, from half .pay Unatt. Deputy-Adjt.-Geml F. Johnston, from half-pay Unatt, ; A. Goldsmid, upon half-pay Unatt.; E. Mar. arthur, C.B. from half-pay Unatt. ; D. H. Macdowa% from half-pay Unatt.; r, Heley, upon half-pay Unatt.; C. R. Bowers, upon half-pay Unatt.; J. Arm!! upon half-pay Unatt. ; F. Towers, upon half-pay Unatt. ; Sir R. Garrett, K.C.6 from half-pay 46th Foot ; R. Connop, upon half-pay Unatt.' T. H. W name, upoo half-pay Unatt.; W. Nepean, upon half-pay Unatt.; A. H. Trevor, from Inspect.; ing Field-Officer of a recruiting district ; R. W. Brett, from half-pay Unatt W. H. Dutton, upon half-pay Unatt. • G. T. Earl of Albemarle, upon half-pity Unatt.; G. T. Colomb, from half-pay Unatt. Commandant Royal Hibernian *II," tary School ; F. N. Marquis of Conyrigharn, K.P. upon half-pay Unatt.; Sir Cotton, A.C.B. from 10th Foot ; AL Barlow, from half-pay Unatt.; J. N. Jackson from the 99th Foot' B. Trydell, from the 83d Foot ; J. Clark, from half-pay Fratt;. Commandant Royal Military Asylum ;• R. W. Though, from half-pay Id Foet% E. H. D. E. Napier, from half-pay Unatt.; E. Harvey, from half-pay Unatt. ; J. o rota half-pay 5th Foot ; J. Michel, C.E. from half-pay 98th Foot ; R, I'. from hall-pay Unatt. Inspector of Militia ; C. C. Hay, from half-pay , Commandant of the Schoolof Musketry ; W. L. Dames, from 37th Foot ; C. , C.B. from half-pay 55th Foot ; G. A. Malcolm, C.B. from half-pay rutin. ; vaeard, C.B. from the 58th Foot. To be Colonels in the Army-Lieut.
• a oustouo, 1
Vassal', Major on half-pay Unatt. ; W. H. Adams, half-pay Unatt. half-pay 4th Foot, Statf-Officer of Pensioners ; J. De Lacy, half- ; Unatt. ; R. Clietwode, half-pay 3d Drag. Guards ; J. P. Westropp, half-pay r*J n AI Reeves 99th Foot ; E. C. Fletcher, half-pay 3d Drag. Guards ; B. rilatt.;y-ist Foot ; E.Bagot, half-pay Unatt.; J. Patience, 65th Foot ; J. Seargill. jr pay 'Unatt ; IL Lewis, half-pay linen.; S. Tryon, half-pay Unatt • 0 D 11-"r -ith half-pay Unatt.; T. Ogilvy, 2d Life Guards; J. A. 'Cody, half-pay MI Aiuswo , „nt. G. G. Swan, halfapay Unatt.; G. W. F. Buchan, half-pay Irnatt. ; .1.11. '""p' ple, Scots Fusfleer Guards ; A. Home, 13th Foot ; J. Armstrong, Cape -ded Riflemen ; E. A. lioldich, C.B. 20th Fool; W. D. P. Patton, 74th Foot ; ii- B Ainslie, C.B. half-pay Unatt. ; S. T. Christie, 80th Foot ; W. N. Wood, e.,,stream Guards; H. P. de Bathe, Scots Fusileer Guards ; It. Sanders, C. B. haf-pay, 19th Foot. The followins officers, who have been already promoted to the rank of Colonel, under the Roy warrant of the 6th Oct. 1854, to have their commissions antedated as the 28th Nov. 1854, in accordance with the 14th clause of the Royal warrant of the 14th Oct. 1858-Cols. J. Garvock, half-pay Unatt. Assist-Quartermaster-Gen. ealon E. W. W. Passey, half-pay Dapfit Battalion ; lion. A. Gordon, C.B. half- pay (Irian. Deputy-Quartermaster-Gen.; C. Cotton, half-pay Unatt. Assist.-Adja- Gen. of Cavalry ; M. Smith, 81st Foot ; II. Bates, 98th Foot ; A. G. Blachford, 24th loot ; C. 'Fy-rwhitt, half-pay Coen. ; F. Seymour. C.13. Scots Fusilier Guards ; C. E. a. Lord West, C.B. half-pay DEpat Battalion ; F. P. Haines, half-pay Unatt.' j. A. Lambert, Grenadier Guards ; H. P. Raymond, Defeat Battalion ; Hon. H. H. M. Percy, Grenadier Guards, Aide-de-Camp to the Queen ; W. C. E. Napier, Major and Supointendent of Studies, Royal Mil. Col.; C. A. Amer. half-pay, Unatt. ; t M. Biddulph, half-pay Unatt.; T. N. Steele, C.B. Coldstream Guards. Aide-de- Camp to the Queen; V. Y. Donaldson, half-pay Unatt. ,• .1. Maephail, half-pay 7th Light Bravo.; W. Chambra, half-pay Unatt. ; Hon. A. C. Legge, half-pay Unat- tached; William Long, half-pay 9th Foot ; Melville Dalyell, half-pay Unattached ; John Birtwhistle, half-pay Unattached ; James Algeo, half-pay Unattached ; j. oreagh, 86th Foot ; H. S. Stephens, half-pay Unatt.' C. Barry, half-pay Unatt. a maaneen, half-pay Unatt. ; S. Waytnouth, half-pay Unatt.; C. Smith, half-pay mean.; F. Westenra, half-pay Unatt. ; E. Gibson, half-pay Unatt. ; E. Last, 21st Foot; L. M. Cooper, half-pay Unatt. • C. Wise, half-pay Unatt.; F. P. Donne, half-pay l'natt. • G. W. Francklyn, D'ap0t Battalion ; J. K. Jauncey, half-pay Unatt.; C. It. itaitt, half-pay Unatt. ; G. H. Smith, 734 Foot ; G. Clarke, half- pay Coati.; It. S. Vicars, half-pay Unatt. ; NV. Goekell, 16th Foot ; J. P. Sparks, C.B. 38th Foot ; R. H. Louth, C.B. 86th Foot ; T. Williams, C.B. 4th Foot ; IL Wibraham, C.B. half-pay Unatt.; W. Irwin, Depat Battalion ; N. M. Stack, Daplit Battalion; F. Adams, C.B. 28th Foot ; J. R. Brunker, half-pay Unatt. ; H. D. Griffith, C.B. 2d Drags. Aide-de-Camp to the Queen ; C. E. Doherty, 13th Light Drags.; A. Spottiswoode, lot Drag. Guards ; J. W. Smith, C.B. half-pay Unatt. Aide-de-Camp to the Queen ; C. H. Somerset, C.B. 72d Foot ; L. S. O'Connor, 1st West India Regt. Governor of the Gambia ; J. Yorke, C.B. half-pay Unatt. • F. D. George, C.B. half-pay Unatt. ' • H. D. O'Halloran, 1st West India Regt.; D. Rainier., 98th root; J. D. Dyson,3d Drag. Guards ; H. II. Graham, C.B. 59th Foot ; H. Ken- ny, 81st Foot ; G. Campbell, C.B. 52d Foot ; F. G. A. Pinckney, C.13. 734 Foot: J. J.Bissett, Cape Mounted Riflemen ; W. F. Bedford, 60th Foot ; B. N. Phillips, DE- pa Batt. at Chatham ; A. H. Ilorsford, C.B. Rifle Brigade; G. J. Carey, Cape Mounted Riflemen ; Hon. P. E. Herbert, C.B 824 Foot, Aide-de-Camp to the Queen; A. Borten, C.B. 9th Foot ; S. NV. Jephson, 2d Font; G. Monkland, 78th Foot ; D. E. Mackirdy, 69th Foot; J. S. Brownrigg, C.B. half-pay Unatt. Deputy-Quarter- master-Gen. (Ireland); W. W. S. M`Murdo, C.B. Commandant, Military Train, Aide-de-Camp to the Queen ; NV. Munro, C.B. 39th Foot ; A. C. Errington, 51st Foot ; C. A. Edwards, C.B. 18th Foot ; B. Eiky, 48th Foot ; H. Smyth, C.B. 68th Foot ; Lord Mark Kerr, C.B. 13th Foot ; S. J. Hill, half-pay 2d West India Regt. Capt.-Gen. and Governor-in-Chief of Sierra Leone ; J. II. Stewart, 29th Foot ; H. W. Whitfeild, 2d West India Regt.; J. Wilkie, 10th Light Drags. ; R. Waddy, C.B. 50th Foot' T. H. Tidy, half-pay 14th Foot, Adjt.-Gen. (Jamaica); R. H. It. II. Vyse, Royal Horse Guards; T. W. E. Holdaworth, half-pay 24 Foot, Deputy- Quartermaster-Gen. (North America); E. Ilaythorne, lot Foot ; T. Brooke, 12th Foot; U. Williamson, 27th Foot ; H. I). White, C.B. half-pay Unatt.
The undermentioned officers of the Royal Artillery to be Major-Generals, under the Royal Warrant of the 14th Oct. 1858-Cols. R. Hardinge, vice Sir It. J. faeces, placed on the Supernumerary Lint; B. Willis, vice Sir W. F. Williams, placed on the Supernumerary List ; W. C. Anderson, vice J. E. Dupuis, placed on the Super- numerary List. The undermentioned officers of the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers, who held the rank of Lieut.-Col, prior to the 20th of June 1851, to be promoted to the rank of Col. in the Army; their commissions to bear date the 28th of Nov. 1854, underthe Royal warrant of Oct. 1858-Cols T. P. Elude, Royal Artillery ; C. W. Wingfield, Royal Artillery • A. Tulloh, Royal. Artillery ; H. Poole, Royal Artillery- ; H. G. Teesdale, Royal Artillery; N. T. Lake, C.B. Royal Artillery' P. Bonn, Royal Artillery ; A: A. Shuttleworth, Royal Artillery- J. Hill, Royal Artillery; 11. J. Morris, Royal Artillery' John al'Koy, Royal Artillery ; J. W. Mitchell, Royal Artillery; It. F. Crawford, Royal Artillery ; J. St. George, C.B. Royal Ar- tillery; W. It. Nedhara, Royal Artillery • E. C. Warde, C. B. Royal Artillery ; J. W. Ormsby, Royal Artillery ; Brevet-tel. A. J. Taylor, Royal Artillery ; Bre- vet-Col. G. Maclean, Royal Artillery ; Cols. M. Williams, Royal Engineers; A. Gordon, Royal Engineers ; C. Rose, Royal Engineers; W. B. Marlow, Royal En- gineers; B. S. Stehelin, Royal Engineers ; Brevet-Cols. J. Walpole, RoyrO Engi- neers; H. Servanta, Royal Engineers ; H. 0. Crawley, Royal Engineers' J. TWISS, Royal Engineers ; Lient.Col. E. Frome, Royal Engineers ; Brevet-Col. C. E. Wil- kinson, Royal Engineers ; Brevet-Col. W. T. Benwiek, Royal Engineers.
The Military Gazette of the 29th October will appear next week.]