The Cape Premier telegraphs, in a tone of exultation, some
very bad news. He tells us that Colonel Carrington, on 22nd inst., captured and burnt Lethorodi's village, with a loss of only one man killed and ten wounded, while the Basuto loss was "considerable," but adds that the news from East Griqualand is unfavourable, the Pondomise having rebelled and murdered Mr. Hope, a magistrate, stationed with Umhlhonho, and Mr. Walsh, a magistrate, with Umdichua. A thousand volunteers have been sent to this territory to suppress the movement, and 2,000 burghers have been called out. The Ba.sutos, therefore, the Tambookies, and the tribes of East Criqualand are all in rebellion. An unofficial telegram to a Manchester paper announces that the natives in Natal near Pietermaritzburg had risen, and massacred the Europeans, but this has not been confirmed.