The election for the Presidency of the United States comes
off on Tuesday, and by next Friday the general result ought to be fairly known. The probabilities are with the Republican candi- date, General Garfield. Both parties appear fairly confident, and General Hancock is, undoubtedly, a good candidate,—sen- sible, moderate, and with an excellent war record. The negro vote, too, is lost to the Republicans, as the negroes will not endure persecution for anybody but General Grant, who, as they think, fought their battle out. The Democrats, however, struggle under serious disadvantages. They are not Protectionists, in spite of General Hancock's willingness to accept Protection ; and though the freeholders of the West are learning Free-trade, the bulk of the people still believe that Free-trade is English, and Protection American. They have played with currency schemes until every man with money to receive is against them, and they are running an " aristocrat " against a man who is an educated gentleman, but was once a day-labourer. That consideration will carry a vast body of non-political votes, and not without reason. After all, the attraction of the Amerivan Republic is that any man may be President, if he is the best qualified, and if his countrymen think so.