Nnw EDITIONS.—In the "Picture Shakespeare" (Blackie and Son, ls.) we
have Twelfth Night. The notes, we may remind our readers, are " substantially those of the Junior School Shake- speare."—The Diary of Samuel Pepys. With an Introduction and Notes by G. Gregory Smith. (Macmillan and Co. 3s. 6d.)— The " Globe Edition," substantially the same with Lord Bray- brooke's last edition. Mr. Mynors Bright's corrections in the edition of 1875-79 have been incorporated ; the spelling has 'iu some instances been modernised, and the punctuation revised. The notes, which add much, it need hardly be said, to the interest and value of the book, are largely new. We wholly sympathise with Mr. Gregory Smith's remarks on some recent editions. The book is not increased in value because various things which it was once thought better to suppress are published. "Let us not forget "—as some persons have forgotten—" that had Pepys intended to entertain posterity, he too would have edited his Journal."—The Life of Nelson, by Robert Southey (Amalgamated Press), appearing appropriately enough in the Trafalgar year ; The Voyage of the Beagle,' by Charles Darwin ; and Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontd, are volumes in the " Harmsworth Library " (1s. each).—The Poetical Works of Adelaide A. Prod.,- (George Bell and Sons, 5s. net), including "Legends and Lyrics," " A Chaplet of Verses," and a poem published posthumously, and now included in the " Works " for the first time.—The Last Things, by Joseph Agar Beet, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton, 6s.), has been revised throughout and largely rewritten. It will be read with special interest in view of the treatment which Dr. Beet has received from the religious body to which he belongs.—In the "Dryden Library," The Book of Psalms, Translated by T. K. Cheyne, D.D. (Kagan Paul, Trench, and Co., ls. 6d. net).—The Religious Question in France. By C. A. Salmond, D.D. (Macniven and Wallace, E dinburgh; 6d. net.)