The keenness with which the celebration of the centenary of
Trafalgar is being taken up throughout the country is most remarkable. It is, indeed, impossible to recall any historical commemoration which has attracted anything like the same amount of interest. That being so, we trust that an opportunity may be found for an act of courtesy which is thoroughly appropriate to the most courteous and warm- hearted of heroes. Nothing touched the public heart more on the visit of the French officers and sailors to London than the unpremeditated incident of the salute offered to the Nelson statue as the officers drove through Trafalgar Square. All felt it was a graceful act performed with the utmost courtesy and good feeling. Would it not be possible to return that salute on Trafalgar Day, either by publicly saluting the Tricolour in the Square, or by some other act of courtesy such as may be appropriate to, and consonant with, naval custom and etiquette ? We are certain that some such act would be universally endorsed by the British people as right and fitting.
Bank Rate, 4 per cent.
Consols (21 per cent.) were on Friday 891.