According to the New York Tribune, quotedin Monday's Times, a
final effort by Germany is on.foot ter persuade President Wilson to offer; mediation to encithe war. ,The.Tribune deals very plainly with this latest peace intrigue, and strongly urges Mr. Wilson not to allow the Germans and the German-Americans to manoeuvre him into a false and futile position :— " An offer...of mediation by :America will be solely. to Germany's 7a'n tafis,-andwill-he accepted-inEamo.-Earia...Londen...andatrograd . as final evidence of American subservience to German influence. and will.not:result-in any useful thing. . : 'The key to• the' European situation now is the realization liy. all Germany's fees that Teutonic -defeat is inevitable and that.only by a premature terminatimiof military operations can Germany be.saved. Every American, must hope that ,the. President 3 of the • United States will not be overpersuadect by politicians or influenced unduly.Aby personal ambitions at this moment. -The nations that are beating Germany mean to finish the job. We shall -not persuade them to abandon itobut we; may easily reduce to nothing the little credit we now have beyond -our. own frontiers."