s peaking to Volunteers at. Liverpool on Wednesday, Lord French said
-that if the war went on the-time might come when the Volunteers would be made responsible for home defence. It was time that-this was said, and we are extremely glad that Lord French, with real foresight and opportuneness, has spoken the ,magic word =that is -likely to make -the Volunteers redouble their efforts. To have- a prospect ,like that before . them is just the "serious call" which they hare :needed and which was too -long withheld. from them. Their training costs the State- almost nothing ; it interferes with no other military. work ; •;:the instruction and physie,a17 hardening of middle-aged men:form. an accretion of pure military profit. There- fore let the work go . on. -If ever -the Volunteers; are required for more important work .than. they perform. now. -they will be ready, and ready, we hope, in enormous numbers.