The German theory, which has been very gravely impressed on
the nation, is that Britain lies cowering under the menace of the Zeppelins, and that her moral is destroyed by that deadly menace. As a matter of fact, as we all know, London last Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday was never in better spirits. And this was due quite as much to the bringing down of the two airships and the failure of the raids to do any serious damage as to the great suc- cesses on the Somme. As always, the air raids have had a stimu- lating effect upon the general public) here, and made them set their teeth and determine to fight the Germans to " a frazzle." We admit that the delight at the unsuccessful raids and the screwing up by them of the will to win are, in truth, altogether out of propor- tion to the raids themselves ; but the fact remains, and it is a useful one. The Zeppelins provide just that gadfly which, as Socrates said, was required to sting the noble steed of the State into action and make it do its best.