THE WEEK'S GREATEST TRUTH [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—It must be a source of pride to any of your devoted readers when they find their judgement endorsed by " Janus." Your selection as " The week's greatest truth " of the sentence from The Times pleases me, because on the day it appeared, I wrote congratulating its editor on this supreme triumph in the delicate art of meiosis, of which The Times .is a master. My letter was not published, in spite of the compliment—possibly because I went on to suggest that while Mr. Chamberlain was busy he might put the map of Europe before Herr Hitler and ask him to select the bits he proposes to annex. This would save much time and also the waste of Hitler's excellent technique in Denmark (where it is commencing) in Poland, Italy and Alsace-Lorraine.
The same day I was in the company of an eminent public man who has had much" to do with the Government plan for promoting the cultural prestige of Great Britain on the Con- tinent. More in sorrow than in anger he remarked that he would not be able to show his face in Europe for some time now. Don't you think The Spectator might agitate for a national week of humiliation and prayer ?—Yours faithfully,