Our Food Reserves It is reassuring to learn on official
authority that Britain has twelve months' food stored, and that plans for control of it are ready for immediate operation. It is proposed to keep a: their present level the emergency reserves, sufficient in themselves to maintain the full standard of living of the total population for at least a year. The Government propose, in case of need, to take over the country's food-producing, distributing and importing trades, and all food retailers will, in that event, be supervised by the Food Controller. Unity of control with wide powers, exercised with greater know- ledge and organising power than in 1918, should eliminate profiteering and hardship. The public will be informed of the full details of the system of food control about three days after the outbreak of hostilities. Rationing of certain com- modities—bacon, ham, meat and cooking fat—may be expected immediately, but there will probably be no food queues." At present Britain produces far less than her total food requirements, but there would be an immediate increase in home-grown crops. Farmers would plough up pastures under advice and according to plans already prepared.
By Government licence and control the equitable distribution of some of the most essential foodstuffs will be ensured and special plans will modify methods of transport in case of air- attack.