Health Insurance Payments
SIR,—In the autumn of last year I asked a dressmaker, who works hard in a " one-woman " business, if she had had the holiday of which she looked in need. Her reply was that now she had to pay so much weekly for health insurance she could not afford to have a holiday. If she has seen the Spectator of September 23rd, in which, writing of a year's work- ing of our Health Insurance Scheme, you ask if it is " a good thing, financially or morally, for the patient to get everything for nothing," she may be as surprised as some of your other readers to hear that she gets anything at all for nothing.
Into whose pocket is a recently proposed " token payment " by the patient to go if, breaking the Government's promise, it is levied ? Will it be used to ease the burden of taxation for the Service on the community
as a whole ?—I am, Sir, your obedient servant, JESSIE S. Bono. The Birks, Arnside, Carnforth.