Groundnut Cultivation
SIR,—Your contributor, Mr. Frank Sykes, in his arresting article, Pills for Groundnuts, calls attention to fertiliser experiments in the introduction of a superphosphate pellet in Nigeria as a method of close contact with the seed in drilling groundnut seed with the combine drill. He claims
a 100 per cent. increase in production of nuts, as compared with the former traditional method of broadcasting the fertiliser in powder form.
It has been the experience of many farmers in this country that yields of barley can be appreciably increased by adoption of the practice of cross (or double) drilling an equal quantity of seed. Since it would appear advantageous that the nut should be brought into the closest possible contact with the superphosphate, it is reasonable to conjecture that a combination of the combine drilled pellet practice with that of cross- drilling may result in very gratifying results.—Yours faithfully,