Book token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender. of the firs: correct j, n of this week's crossword to he opened after noon on Tuesday week, thr.- ler 11th. Envelopes must be receis ed not later than first post that day and nue; teer the word " Crossword." the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. us must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The s‘Julton and the name of the winner will be published in the following issued'
ACROSS 1. Author of 27. (7, 8.) 9. Change the penalty. (7.)
10. I signal round the bar. (7.) 11. -A warrior like a prince - Stayed his steed by her castle
walls " (Watson). (8.) 12. You won't find Jones at the exit evidently. (5.) 14. Weep before physical training. (5.)
15. Mr. Pickwick said he had a strong poetic tun. (9.) 16. ?dived tales in a Hardy heroine. (9.) 19. There's a cheat in it. (5.) 21. Maxim following maybe. (5.) I'm 22. So I' beat (snag.). (8.) 25. It's a mop this is made of. (7.) 26. The result of not letting the sleeping one lie ? (3, 4.) 27. Recoveredby Miss Amcdtuz on her marriage. (3, 6, 6.)
DOWN 1. - "The Fear in a visible form,
Yet the strong man must go " (Browning). (4.)
rany chacter increased. (7.) 3. Pot Noel out of joint. (7.) 4. Ilarvest. (5.)
5. A simple Meteorological fact. (9.)
2. A ti 6. The plass of fashion. (7.)
7. Nothing precedes a motor in a names less state. (7.) 8. Where, according to the poet, there I. no differentiation in the matter of quality. (4, 2, 4.)
23. Touchstone thought himself the more 24. " - Of me 20. Fiddle-town. (7.)
17. Honest weight one would expect it 18. Seen Sans getbulks. ? (2, 5.)
19. Twin horses ? (7.)
15. This may get you 8 or beat stoma. 13. Failed to get the whisky in the rain ?
fool for .being there. (5.)
you shall not win renown " (Tenny-
(5, 4.) to be. (7.)
(6, 4.) Lady Clara - de son). (4.)