30 SEPTEMBER 1960, Page 22

SIR,—I am afraid that, despite the weight of Mr. Lethbridge's

displeasure, the Church of England obstinately continues to believe itself part of the Church, without being arrogant enough to suppose itself the whole. I have made no attempt in my .rticles to conceal the fact that my thinking happens to have been conditioned by an Anglican back- ground, and indeed am much too proud of my Com- munion to wish to do so. But I really find it very hard to believe that any reader might be so swept away by my rhetoric as to condemn all the denom- inations indiscriminately on any say-so of mine. Mr. Lethbridge does me too much honour. However, I had hoped that in these ecumenical days it was possible for all Christians, whatever their denominations, to see a little way beyond their private squabbles to a larger allegiance. It had seemed to me that there were in all the Churches people who had begun to recognise that their first obedience is to love God and to love their neigh- bour, and who were intent on working these com- mandments out with courage, intelligence and wit. Idiosyncratically no doubt, it was of these people I was thinking when I wrote of 'the Church' and 'Christians' since they alone seemed to be the ones worth bothering about. This is the way I shall con- tinue to use these terms.—Yours faithfully.

MONICA FURLONG 107 Herlwyn Avenue, Ruislip, Middlesex