SIR,—Katharine Whitehorn, who thought she was being so crushingly funny
with her jeers at Spirit- ualism and Spiritualists in your September 23 issue, ought to have taken the elementary trouble to get her facts right. She parades her ignorance by describ- ing Harry Edwards as 'the greatest faith healer,' which he is not. She says 'his speciality is arthritis,' which it is not.
Though she does not mention me by name, she 'dismisses' me as 'the official windbag on the plat- form.' I would not be so unchivalrous ,as to retort that her article reveals her to be an expert on wind, with or without bag.
Why do you allow her to jeer at the sincerely- held convictions of hundreds of thousands of
Spiritualists by writing that they 'seem to have nothing between the ears except ectoplasm'? Spirit- ualists like myself have spent more years on examination of the subject than she has minutes. Would you allow her similarly to sneer at the religious views of Anglicans, Roman Catholics or members of other denominations?—Yours faithfully,
48 Old Bailey, EC4