Portrait of the Week-
11% CLOWNING CONTINUED at the United Nations, the Congo, through St. Pancras, up and down the Labour Party, round the American Presiden- tialelection, over Cape Canaveral and via the
()nekton Commission's report.
MACMILLAN FINALLY DECIDED to go to New I,_°rk for the United Nations General Assembly. the Earl of Home having tried the bath-water and pronounced it temperate. Mr. Khrushchev aban- doned his practice of climbing through windows his shirt-sleeves, but continued to denounce IMPerialists and Mr. Hammarskjold. Mr. Ham- Aniarkidld defended himself with vigour, and the suggestion prepared to debate Mr. Khrushchev's -sgestion that all colonies be given their inde- tphendeoce immediately. I' was not known whether ue,krePr.esentatives of Hungary, East Germany; or ,'.'"oania would speak in the debater
ebat but Mr. "efenbaker hinted that they ought to.
IN e CONGO a formidable point of confusion was cleareci UP when it was decided that Colonel Mobutu spelt his name like that. Other aspects of the situation remained obscure. The Ghana Government prepared to withdraw the Ghanaian e LuntIngent from the United Nations force, Mr. crurfniurriha insisted that he had reconciled his
tt.14"erences with President Kasavubu. and Colonel
oic'huttl called a round-table conference of all or tast .of the warring factions. Meanwhile, the director of the United Nations force within that the Congo economy would collapse hio weeks if something fairly drastic was not dune• Nothing fairly drastic was done.
cor:e PreParing for battle over the Monckt.on as2,ruision's report. This document was being assiduously leaked round the town, and was said to1(1,11111it soom Sir Roy Welensky was reported ea; was said to be reluctant to follow this a,„_ SandYs) the -wisdom of 'doing a Devlin Contain a recommendation that—in, certain umstances—the right of Federation territories !cede should be granted; also that a substan- cat ilerease in African representation should take at once. Sir Roy was reported to have urged he the Government (in the person of Mr. repfirt and ignoring it, but the Govern.-
lie. Nis cooLED IN ST. PANCRAS, partly, no doubt, th.ea,us the carefullyorganised spontaneity of to'."rnMunist Party's hand in the riots had come to 1-4ther More light than the organisers seemed m.thave more for. A deputation of tenants prisons: the Housing Committee chairman, fines and thc entences were handed out to rioters, and I-4411r Party called for a new Rent Act. hi km geti"t"se sAlyln TIME, the Labour Party prepared to
lf a from which would into
I able to Minute call forposition anything except help. Labest- took talks, conferences and I. race in an effort to save (or destroy) the t" of Mr. Gaitskell after tly Scarborough ereooe. Mr. Frank Cousins prepared to make Tr where he stood on nuclear disarmament and NO) u,°„w, hen he spoke in the defence debate, and he,Iiam Carron prepared to make dark where tliai;°°d• The Liberals, with a defence dispute of ev–.1. Z, noroWth n, met at Eastbourne but turned their
ut Nris-rs were rumoured to have failed hif a rd man successfully into orbit, and to the bitit,:"s of earth-dwellers was added the possi- co, of being hit on the head by a Russian c.a.,Pse.•And there was another dull thud at Cape ‘laveral.