wae.oemee, Aug. 30.-3d Regt. of Light Dragoons-Capt. E. Cormiek, from Pay. illtuOer 4th Light Dragoons, to be Paymaster, vice Johnson. 4th Light Dragoons- Ceets 1110MARsioneallia.halkusy..1.1nattachsiLtol.m.Payantetesr-viers-004,^'-k. - pointed to the 3d. Light Dragoons. 10th Light Dragoons—Lieut. R. 0. Ward to be. , Capt. by purchase, vice Petre, who retires ; Cornet Sir J. G. Baird, Bart. to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Ward; W. G. Cavendish* Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase. vice Baird. lth Light Dragoons-Endo-Ia. W. Sunbury. from the 43d.Foot, tote Lieut. by pur- chase. vice Georgeapromoted. tat Iregt. of Foot-StaSAssist.-Stwg. K, MtCaskill to be Assist.-Stwg. vice Torrie, deceased. 26th Foot-,-ataff-As4st.-sure, C. Pine to be, Assist..-Surg. vice Minto. appointed to the Staff: 43.1 Fart-lion. C. It. 'West to be En. sign, by purchase, vice Itunbury, promoted in the-11th Dragoons. 49th Foot—Capt. S.: D. Pritchard, from tho,52d Foot, to be Major, by purchase, sure Townshend. who retires.. 2,2t1 Foot—Lieut. Ron. C. F. Norton to be Capt. by ',archaic, vice Pritchard. promoted., in the 49th Foot ; Ensign E. II. F. POCkii011 to be Lieut. by purchase 'ice Nortout G. Jarvis, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase., vice poemington. ;oat Foot Assist- Sing. J. Stuart to. be Assist.-Surg. 71st Foot—Lieut.-Col Hon. C. Grey. from- the half-pay Unattached, to he Lieut,-CoL vice J. T. Pidwon, whe.exellaw4es. 713th, Foot-Ensign A. W. Browne to he Lieut. by purchase, viee Macleod, who retires; 0. St., Vincent Hamilton. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Itrowlie. Unattached:—Lieut, F.. D. George, from the Iltb.Light Dragoons, to be Capt. by- purchase.
HospitabStaff—Asrist.-,Stug. J. C. Minto, from the 26:h Foot, lobe Staff Assist.-Surg. vice Stuart, appointed to the 7016 Foot. Memoranda-Capt. A. It. Maelean, 17mM:wiled, has been allowed to retire- from the service, by sale of an Unattached.Coanuission, he being: abort to proceed to. the Colonies as a settler.
The following appointments, as stated in the Gazette of the 261i1 Ult, have not taken. place:--Lieut. Joyes, half-pay 95th Foot, will theretbre remain upon the half pay Establislintent.
Unattached—Ensign Buubury, from the 43d Foot, to be Lieut by purchase.