The French Papers received , this morning quote from Madrid letters
of the 19th instant ; at which date the-King of Spain was still alive, but "some acquaintances of his chief physician, Dr. Castello, state that he is much swollen, and not likely to live over the month of October."
The Globe, in a paragraph on the Madrid intelligence, says— .
" The arrival of our new Ambassador, Mr. Villiers, it seems, has created a considerable sensation ; the fact being naturally enough connected with the idea of fresh representations in advertence to the Portuguese affairs on the part of Great Britain and France."
The Globe ought to be much better versed in Ministerial movements of all sorts than we profess. to be ; nevertheless, we can inform it, that "our new Ambassador, Mr. VILLIERS," whose arrival in Madrid is supposed to have excited such "considerable sensation " there, has not yet left London.