The settlement of the Consols Account which took place on Wednesday, and which was characterized by a large delivery of Stock, has, by creating a demand for money, increased the gloom which has for some time hung over the market. The tardy progress in the arrangement of the Belgian question has also produced its effect, and Consols for Account have been lower this week than for some time past. Yesterday, the price for Account was 88k ; but a rally has taken place to day, and the closing quotation is 88A 4. A large sale ef Exchequer Bills has taken place to day, on behalf of the Trustees of the Deccan prize Money ; and those securities are as low as 35 prem. The fear of seine pecuniary crisis seems . generally to prevail. Great exertions hive been made this after- noon to give a turn to the Foreign exchanges,-and-thereby allay. the alarm. It is generally believed that the Bank of England have beencontracting their issues, with a view to the discouragement of the formation of „Nita Stock Banks : bu: we cannot think that the Directors can be so blind to their own iutereststa to wish to produce a panic ; and are convinced that the present comparative scarcity of money may be accounted for by the speculations in Colonial produce and Foreign Stocks, which have characterized the last six months.
In Foreign Market, a serious depression has occurred in almost every deserip- of security, although nearly all the Foreign Bonds close to-day at higher prices 'than they have been at during the week. The demand for money has beeu felt here in a greater degree than in the-English Market, and large premiums have been paid by the speculators in Spanish and Portuguese Stock to carry over their accounts till the next settlement. The Dutch and Belgian Bonds have fallen from like causes, but not in so great degree. Dutch 2i per Cents.- have been at 471, and close this afternoon at 48k 491. Belgian Bonds have been at 934, and close at 94k. Brazilian Bonds are considerably lower, viz. 67 4. Portuguese Bonds and Scrip have fluctuated in an extraordinary manner; the former were on Tuesday as low as 78h, have since been at 89, and close- to-day at 86k - the latter has been as low as l5k prem. has since been quoted at 24k, and closes to day. at 214 prem. Spanish Bonds were on Thesday un- saleable at 204, have since bee,- elk, were again to-day at 225, and close this afternoon (after having bee- a in the course of the day), at 23# 1. Colom- bian Bonds are rath- ,iernand at 254 and 26. Mining Shares generally
are generally lower than last week, though the fluctuations have • not been important.
So little business has been doing this morning, that our duty will be confined to a mere citation of prices. Exchequer Bills are higher, viz. 39 40, prem. Por- tuguese Scrip is lower, sic. 204; and Spanish Stock is depressed to 22/
The afte• noon has been passed as inactively as the morning. The follOwing are the closing prices; many of which are nominal.
3 per Cent. Consols.. 835 ij Belgian 5 per Cents. 944. 51 Mexican 6 per Cents.40/ '1
Ditto for Accotan.... 585 Brazilian 5 p. Cents. 674- 81 Portuguese 5 Cts,.• 85 86 New3t p.l'eat. Ann. 95; fr' Danish 3 per `Cents. 744 I. Do.ltegencyNe5p.Cts.20f f
Bank stock — Dutch 24 iter Cents. 494 Prussian (1818)5p.Ct —
India Stuck —j French 3 per Cents , — Russ. (1829)5p.Cts.1U5#t
Exchequer Bills 33 40, Greek (1105)5p.Cts.. — Spansh(1821) 5p.Ct .224