The Russian Government has published a manifesto in defence of
the subjugation of Poland. It is a laboured, but unsuccessful atSempts to prove that the Treaty of Vienna has not been broken by her late proceedings towards that country. The papers also contain a Catechism, prepared for the use of t 4e, schools and churches in the Polish provinces of Russia, in which the, main doctrine inculcated is not only implicit obedience t9 the Emperor, but the absolute worship of him, under all cir- cumstances and in all places.. It is, a document full of the most impious servility, worthy of the quarter from which it proceeds. Jet our readers judge—
Question 1. "How is the authority of the Emperor to be considered in re- ference to the spirit of Christianity?" Answer, "As proceeding immediately fiam God."
7Question 2. "Mow is this substantiated by the nature of things? " An- latrer, " It is by the will of God that men live in society; hence the various relations...which constitute society, which, for its more complete security, is divided into parts called_mationa; the government of which is trusted to a Prince, King, or Emperor, or, in other words,-to a Supreme Ruler. We see, then, that as a man exists in conformity to the will of God, society emanates from-the same divine will, and more especially the supreme power and authority of,our lord and master the Czar."
• Question " What duties dothreligion teach us, the humble subjects of his sty the Emperor of Russia, to-practise towards him ?" Answer, " Wer- ahi obedience, fidelity, the payment of taxes, service, love, and prayer, the being eompris.d in the words worship and fidelity." Question 4. "Wherein does this worship consist, and how should it be mos-
nifested ?" Answer, "By the most unqualifugrimerence in words, gesture., dernerolonr, thotrekte,,and ricasinuM. Question 5. "Mat kintliof Illtediencesieutveowsebbn?" " An entire, pas- sive, and.unbounded.obedieneeinisevery pointlef thaw..." Question 6. "In-what conaistethe fidelitar;witww040 the Emperor ?" An- slyer, " In executing his commands most rigorously, without examination—ia performing the duties he requires from us, and in doing every thing willingly without murmuring. Question 7. " Is it obligatory on us to pay taxes to our gracious sovereign the Emperor?" "Answer, "It is incumbent on us to pay every tax in com- pliance with his supreme commands, both as to the amount and when due." Question 8. "Is the service of his Majesty the Emperor obligatory on us?" Answer, "Absolutely so ; we should, if required, sacrifice ourselves in com- pliance with his will, both in a civil and military capacity, and in whatever manner he deems expedient.
Question 9. " What benevolent sentiments and love are due to the Empe- ror ?" Answer, " We should manifest our good- will and affection, according to
our station, in endeavouring to promote the prosperity of our native land Rus- sia , [not Poland], as well as that of the Emperor our father, and of his august family."
Question 10. " Is it incumbent on us to pr4 for the Emperor, and fur Rus- sia, our country ?" Answer, "Both publicly and privately, beseeching the Al- mighty to grant the Emperor health, integrity, happiness, and security. The same is applicable to the country, which constitutes an indivisible part of the Emperor."
Question 11. " What principles are in opposition to theseduties?" Answer; "Irreverence, disobedience, infidelity, malevolence, treason, mutiny, and revolt." Question 12. " How are irreverence and infidelity to the Emperor to be con- sidered in reference to God ?" ' Answer, "As the most heinous sin—the most
frightful criminality."
Question 13. "Does religion, then, forbid to rebel, and overthrow the. Government of the.Emperor?" Answer, " We are interdicted from so doing at all times, and under any circumstances." ' Question 14. " Independently of the worship we owe the Emperor, are we- all called upon to respect the public authorities emanating from him?" Answer, " Yes ; because they emanate from him, represent him, and act as his substi- tutes ; so that the Emperor is everywhere." Question'15. " What motives have we to fulfil the duties above enume- rated ?" Answer, " The motives are twofold—some natural, others revealed."
Question 16. " What are: the natural motives?" Answer, " Beside the. motives adduced, there are the following : the Emperor being the head of the. nation, the father of all his subjects, who constitutes one and the same country, Russia is thereby alone worthy of reverence, gratitude, and obedience; for both, public :welfare and individual security depend on submissiveness to his com- mands."
Question 17. "What are the supernatural revealed motives for this wor- ship?" Answer, " The supernatural revealed motives are, that the Emperor is
the Vicegerent and Minister of God to execute the divine commands ; and con-
sequently disobedience to the Emperor is identified with disobedience to God himself; that God will reward us in the world to come for the worship and
obedience we render the Emperor, and punish us severely to all eternity should we disobey and neglect to worship him. Moreover, God commands us to love. and obey from the Inmost recesses of the heart every authority, and particularly theEmperor, not from worldly consideration, but front apprehension of the final judgment."
Question 18. " What books prescribe these-duties?" Answer, " The New and Old Testaments, and particularly the Psalms, . Gospels, and Apustolie Epistles."
Question 19. " What examples confirm this doctrine?" Answer, " The example of Jesus Christ himself ; who lived and died in allegiance to the Em- peror of Rome, and respectfully submitted to the judgment which condemned him to death. We have, moreover, the example of the Apostles, who both loved,. and respecteethem; they suffered meekly in dungeons conformably to the will of the-Emperors, arid. did not revolt like malefactors and traitors. We musts, therefore, in imitation of these examples, suffer and be silent." Question 20. " At what period did the custom ol iginate of . praying to the Almighty for the prosperity of the Sovereign ?" Answer, " The custom of publicly praying for the Emperors is coeval with the introduction of Christi- anity; which custom is to us the most valuable legacy and splendid gift we have received from past ages."