31 AUGUST 1833, Page 9


The Egham Races, which commenced on Tuesday, were attended on that day by a very brilliant company. The King and Queen. ;rm- parried by the Princess Augusta, Prince George of Cumberland, Lords Hill, Albemarle, Augustus Fitzclarence, Sir W. Fremantle, and a numerous suite filling five carriages, arrived on the course about one o'clock. Soon afterwards, the Duke and Dutchess of Gloucester . made their appearance ; and during the day, Lords Ashbrook. John Fitzroy, Robert Grosvenor, Count Buthiany, the Honourable B. Craven, and other distinguished persons, were among the company. The following is an account of the running.

Tuesday. August 27. SWEEPSTAKES of 20 sovereigns each. h. ft. ; for 2 years old colts, 8st. 511e; fillies, Sat. 2Ift ; winners once before starting to carry 31b.; twice 51b. extra. Ilulfa-mile. (Three Subscribers.) Lord A. Cluny iighards Arthingworth received. PRODUCE STAKES Of SO SuVereignS eaell, II. ft.; for three years old. (Five Subscilats.j

Mr..lones's f. by Phantom .. walked over.

THE GOLD CUP STAKES of 10 sovereigns each ; three ears old, Gst. 1216.; fuer, 8st. 101h; five. 9st. 31b. and aged. Oct. 6Ib ; mares and geldings allowed 310.; the - winner to be sold for 600. 8ze. Two miles. (Eight Subscribers.)

Col. Salway mi. Liston, aged (Pavis) 1

Mr. Cosby's Copper Captain, 4 years 2 Mr. Gardnor's c. by E mil ins. 3 years 3 Betting-6 to 5 against Listou, 7 to 4 against Black. Daphne, and 3 to 1 against the Captain. lime It UNNY MEM STANK, of 10 sovereigns each, and 30 added ; three years, 6st. 121b.; War. Sst. 71b. ; five. Oct.; six awl aged. 9st. 31b.; mares and inddings allowed 31b.; the winner to be sold for 20U. &c.Heats-twounites. (Three Subscribers.)

Capt. Balkeley's f. Trickery. 3 years (E. Edwards) I 1

Mr. Cosby's ell. g. Non Compus, 4 years 2 2 First Heat -6 and 7 to 4 on Trickery; a very severe punishing ran', the filly win- . ning by a head thrinigh downright game. Second Heat-2 to 1 on Trickery; w•.n easy. A StI.VETt CUP, value 50 guineas. given by Mr. De Burgh Hunt, for horses not thwough. bred, the property of farmers, and hunted with Mr. De Burgh's stag-huunds. each. 11e:us-two miles.

Mr. Willis's br. g. Englefield, 6 years 1 1 Mr. Smith's 1i. g. Everlasting • 4 2 Mr. Potion's le g. Guldbeater, 6 years dig Mr. Dash's Chance dis This last race was a miserable one.

Wednesday. August 28 THE MAGNA CHARTA STAKES Of 50 sovereigns each, h. ft.; colts, fist. 71b.; fillies, Set. 41b. The winner of the' Riddleswortli, '2,000 Guineas, Derby, or Oaks, to carry 71b. extra. New mile. (Three subscribers.)

Mr. Cosby's Bravo Mr. Ganlnor's Cinderella 2 Mr. Ley's Partiality

THE SIIIIRY.AND MIDDLESEX STAKES or 25 sovereigns each, 15ft., and only 5. &c. Two miles and a distance. (Eleven Subscribers, four of whom paid only 5 sovereigns each.)

Mr. Cosby's Copper Captain, 4 years, 8st. 61b Captain Gardnor's Friar Tuck. 4 years, 7st. 51b.

SWEEPSTA Ices of 5 sovereigns each, and 30 added ; 3 years, 7st. ; .4 years, Ost. 216; 5 years, 8st. 8th ; 6 years and aged, 8st. 111b.; mares and geldings allowed 31b. Heats • -one mile. The 'winner to be sold for DM sovereigns, &c. (Four Subscribers )

Sir G. Ifeatheote's Superb, 3 years 3 1 I Mr. Cosby's Augur, aged 0 2 2

Mr. Gardnor's Cinderella, 3 years 0 dr. First heat-2 to 1 against Augur; 2 to 1 against Cinderella; and 5 to ''2 against Su- perb. A very fine race between Augur and Cinderella, ending a dead heat. Seci.nd heat-3 to 1 on Augur, who was beaten by a head after a very beautiful race. Third heat-5 to 4 Superb. Another exceedingly interesting contest, and won by a neck only. Thursday, August 20. SWEEPSTAKES Of 30 sovereigns each, 2r.; for 2 years old colts, 8st. 51b.; and fillies, 8s:. 21b. Winners once in 1833, to carry 31b.; twice, 51b. extra. Three-quarters of a mile. (Three Subscribers.)

Mr. Kent's Goldiringe Mr. Ricarlo's f. by Peter Lely, out of Fadladinada 2 Mr Goodwin's f. La Rose, by Chateau Margaux 3

The Susan vontri STAKES of S sovereigns each, and 30 added, Last three-quarters of

theNeW Mile.

. Mr. Gardnor's Messenger. 4 years, 8st. 7kb 1 Mr. W. Day's Landrail, 6 years, 8st. 12lb 2 Capt. Martyn's Contriver, 3 years, 7st. 91b 3 Sir 0. Heatheote's Damascus, 4 years, 8st.7Ib 4

THY EGRAIL STAKES of 5 sovereigns each, and 35 added. Heats-a mile and a-halL (Three Subscribers.)

Mr. Gardnor's bl. c. by kindling, out of Black Daphne, 3 years,

7st. 311,. 2 1 1

Sir G. Heatheote's Astracan, 3 years, 7st 1 2 2