The Gazette contains the Speaker's notice of a writ, to
issue on the 13th of September, for the election of a Member for Poole, in the room of Mr. George Richard Robinson, deceased.
Besides Mr. Denby Seymour and Mr. Savage, a third candidate for the representation of Poole appears' in the person of Mr. Montague Mere- weather Punier, an unsuccessful candidate at the last election. He is stanch Protectionist, but a Church Reformer.
Mr. Cowling the barrister, "acting upon the encouraging suggestions of several influential members of the Senate," has offered himself as a candidate to represent the University of Cambridge.
In recent Parliamentary measures, the landed interest and its dependent interests, he thinks, have not been sufficiently regarded ; other measures, proposed, or on the eve of proposal, tend to assail the University itself,. to separate the religious and secular branches of education, and propose to in- troduce into the House of Commons Members holding unchristian tenets : to such, and to all measures weakening the security of the Church, he is strongly opposet is. Id understood that the "encouraging suggestions" come from St. John's College ; and it seems that they do not meet with general concur- rence. A meeting of Conservative members of the Senate, held at Jesus College yesterday afternoon, resolved on a discrepant course. The Mar- quis of Granby, in declining the offer of support first made to him, re- commended Mr. Walpole, the sitting Member for Midhurst, "as the very fittest man of the whole party to represent the University." Some doubt is left by the reports of what was really the understood feeling of Mr. Walpole on the subject : the telegraphic information of the Times and Chro- nicle affirms that he has intimated " willingness to come forward" : a local authority informs us that gentlemen present had been left by him " under the impression " that he would not do so. However, it was resolved by a large majority, against an amendment moved said seconded by two Johnians, that a deputation should wait on Mr. Walpole and make the request that he become a candidate.
We regret to learn, that Joseph Bailey, Esq., M.P. for the county of Hereford, expired this day.—Globs.