The Senate of the University of Padua is at present
preparing for publica-
tion two curious works, of which the manuscripts are in the h of that establishment. One is a translation in Hebrew verse of the Divina Comma- dia of Dante, by Samuel Rieti, Grand Rabbi of Padua in the sixteenth cen- tury. The second is a translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, likewise in He- brew, in stanzas of eighteen verses of a very complicated metre, from the pen of the Rabbi Sabbati-Mari, the successor of Rae' ti, who was celebrated as a philosopher and physician. He died in the year 1680.—Daily News.
Petitions have been frequently presented to the French Assembly, com- plaining that the documents and signatures of ,public functionaries are fre- quently so ill written as to be illegible. A Ministerial circular has just been issued, declaring that for the future functionaries must write and sign their names plainly, under pain of dismissal.
An officer of a crack cavalry regiment, in writing to the Duke of Welling- ton, addressed his Grace " Feeld Martial the Duke of Wellington." The Duke immediately issued the educational order.—United Service Gazette.