nesday, August 27. Parawswsurre IhssovrED.-:,T. and W. Burroogh, 1)onyatt, Somersetshire; farmers -Barclay and Friend, Abelwpali Lane, merchants-Battye and Clay, Huddersfield, attornies-Dockshottand Co. Pernambuco, merchants-Wearing and Jasper, West Derby, bricklayersW. J. and J: Gerforth, Dukinlield, engineers; as far as regards .7. Garfortlt-Roebuck and Sons, Almondlitrny, manufacturers-Maclean and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Roe mid Cogswell, Suffolk Place, Islington, silversmiths- Bentleyand Saunders, Worcester, auctioneers---Wilson and Rowlandson, Liverpool, chemists-Miller and Co. Blackwell, engineers; as far as • regards. J. Leenard- Hetherington annTulelly, Hulme, joiners-Eickford and Co; Wood Street, carriers ; as far as regards T. Piekfurd-Lcake and Son, Liverpool, salt-manufacturers-T. and R. Ingrain, Cheater,- earpenters-Coughbie and Bell, ChorltonLupon-Medlock, engineers --Salle and Lawday . Bath, ironmongers-Smith and Heap, York, solicitors - Carr-tied Kettle, Ilanley,tallow-chandlerc,-Pook: and Parker, South Petherton,
Somersetshire,nendrapersParry and Jackson, 'Baschirch, Shropshire, fanaers- Lowther and Last; Doiggate HUI, estate-agents-Kirkand Corner, East Dereliam, schoolmasteis--Gordtter and Co.' Woodside, ManufactUrers, and the Bon-Accord Cotton mill Company; Aberdeen•;-• as far as-regards J. Kilgour. Rasaaurrs.-Joict MAINPRICE;,Solimm, Cambridgeshire, innkeeper, to surrender Sept..4, Oct. 8: solicitors, Hawkins and Co., New Boswell Court ; Ilustwick, So-"_ ha official assignee, StansieLd. Bisinghall Street-HENRY WARD, Holbeach, dra- • per, Sept. 13;I:Tet. 18: solicitors, Calmer and Sons, Manchester; Motteram and Co. Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham-James ROBINSON, Ripon; surgeon:Set*: 13, Oct..-7 solicitors, Mitchell; Halifax ; Wise; .Ripon; .Courteuay, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-Jona Kix°, East .8tonehouse, builder, Sept.. 12, Oct. 3 : solicitors, Edmonds and Sons, Plymouth; Stogion, Exeter ; official assignee, Ilernaman, 4xeier-JoHN Manchester,Sept. 6, Oct. 1 : solicitors, Thompson end 'Deberdnun, Salters' Hall; Andrew, Manchester ; official assignee, Pott, Manchester. DMDENDS.-Sept. ill", Clifton,. Brandon, brewer-Sept. 12, E. and J. Williams, Dadley-,Sept. 12, Bailey,: PorentrY: riband-ruarittiaethrer-Sept. 9, Ellins, Droll- wick, salt-niandacthrariept. .18,- • Hague and Co. 5fanchester, commission- agents. CERTIFICATES.-7b be granted, unless eausebe shown to the contrary, on the day of tneetit01.,-.-Sept.1911i. Woods; Conduit Street, tailor-Sept. 18,-Garrett, Stowe-la:1*ot, coachmakert-Sept: 23, Slianock; Toxteth Park, victualler-Sept. 28, Rollason and Burman, Birmingham, glass-dealers.
&corms SEoxagruartos.-Boyd, Perth, merchant, Sept, 3, Oct. 1. •.
Friday, August 30.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-liodd and 3latidox, Little Newport Street, booksellers -Reynolds and Holman, Bath, drapers -Taplin sen. and Taplinjun. Blockley, Worcestershire'', ihnhertmerchants-W. and E. Vining, Bristol, corn-factors-Barbe and. .Co.-,Q1d Trinity _goose, Water Lane, , wine-merchants-Allan and Patterson, South Shields, soap-manufacturers-Manley and Wood, Regent's Circus, dealers in childbed-linen--4. and W. Stork, Huddersfield, byers- Green and Hale, Lewes, ironinehigers -Payne arid Denby, Lower Crnpley Terrace, New North Road, printers -Taylor and-Cm Birmingham, bookeellein-Ildyle and -Sons, Manchester, calico- printers ; as far as regards J. Graham-Nicholson sen. and Nicholson jun. -Minories, carpenters-Martin and Mortimer, KingStreet, Rotherhithc, starch-manufacturers -Betirtip and Denkin, ZiO,Wcastle-upol. Whitestniths-Dawson and Co. Cannon Street; neittivendera ; as fir as regards W. Dawson-S. S. and J. Bucknole, Ailing- ton, Doreitshire, tailors. Basxnurrs.-Ronear Banana and Hanky DAVEY. Bicester, diapers, to surrender Sept. 9, Oct. 10; solicitors, -Hardwick and Co. Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Caianau. Birchin Lane-Vuton. JAMES POWEIL, King's Place, Commercial Road East. tobacco-manufacturer, Sept. 7, Oct. 10: solicitor, Burnell, Fenchnrch Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Roemer 51•Dowerm, Worthing, draper, Sept. 7, OcU 10.: salciter,Ganlin. Ely Pluee;officialassignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Streer.,-,Cnoxists gtuttisk,.Braintree, grocer, Sept, Oct. 11: solicitor, Cotterell, Throgrriorton Street; official assignee, Ginham,,Golereart Street-SAMUEL, WILSON, Wolverhampton, grocer, Sept. 12, Oct. 15; solicitor, Chaplin, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitthore, Birmingham...Wuxi/at •rjEFFERSON, Hull, painter, Sept- 18, 0c40-141-..solicitor, Moss, Hull ; official assignee, Carrick, Hull-E,OBSaT Sutra, Liverpool, tavern-keeper, Sept. 11, Oct. 4: solicitor, Owen, Liverpool; official assig- nee„Bircl, Liverpool-Wrnman MILLER and Al.EXANDRR :MILLER, Liverpool, wine- mere'-arita•Seht. 11,Oet. solicitor, Cooper, Manchester; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool,Tonst SNOWBALL, Gateshead„builder Sept. 13, Oct. 15: solicitors, Bell
and:Ceielinrchyard1Dhatet,'Newettatle ; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-
Dry D ;SM.-Sept.. 23, Primrose Street, Bishmisgate Street, wine- mercheirn-•-Sept. 23, Willis, 'Tronbridge, broker-Sept. 21,-Duckham, Little Love Lane, Wood Street, hosierSept. 26, Coker, Narford, Norfolk, timber-dealer--SePt. 26, Tail-and Ronald, Old Jewry Chambers, ,East India merchants-Sept. 27, lien- demon, Leiceiter, wine-merchant-Sept. 24, Boycot, Kidderminster, draper--Sept. 10,Royle, Manchester, gingham-manufacturer-Sept. 20, Little, Blackburn, Lance- „shire, currier.: • • CHISTIPICAIIIID-.71, be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of nukting.--Sept. 27, Gillett, Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, builder-Sept. 26, Ryan, Mark Lane, manufacturing-chemist-Sept. 21, Arundell, Titchfield, brewer-Sept. 28, Barnard, Stanford Rivers, Essex, baker-Sept. 21, Collingwood, Abingdon, butcher -Sept. 23, Pretyman and Hobson, Cornhill, ironmongers-Sept. 20, Parkinson, Manchester, warehouseman. SCOTCH Smacterrnarsorm.-Forster, Glasgow, Sept. 4, 25-Gibson, Edinburgh, so- licitor, Sept. 4, 25.