Le Pelican, man-of-war steamer, commanded by M. de Montagnac, ar- rived in Leith Roads last week, bringing over the members of the Com- mission appointed by the French Assembly to inquire and report as to the fisheries.
The banking-houses in Glasgow have announced that the interest al- lowed on deposit receipts (that is, the more permanent kind of deposits) will be reduced to the same rate as that allowed upon. the daily balances of current accounts, making a uniform rate of two per cent on all monies lodged with them. Two of the Edinburgh banks have made a tinnier announcement.
The lands of Pargillies in Fifeshire were recently sold by auction at a price nearly equal to thirty-two years' purchase of the rental. The lands are entirely arable.
Dr. Mason, a medical man, who lately practised at Gatehouse-upon-Fleet_ in Dumfriesshire, has been subjected to a murderous attack from his wife. Some years since, Dr. Mason converted to Christianity u Jewess whom he met at Constantinople ; he brought her to Scotland ; there she was baptized,. and her converter married her. Dr. Mason was at that time a widower, and had a son and a daughter by his first wife. One morning recently, w bile he was dressing, his wife suddenly (mailed him, and inflicted three severe wounds, with a razor or other sharp instrument; Dr. Mason contrived to escape from the room, raised an alarm, and then fell from thintness. The furious woman also attempted to wound her husband's son ; but he escaped. When persons entered the house, Mrs. Mason was found calmly sitting in the bedroom, enveloped in smoke—she had set fire to the bed. Dr. Mason remains in a precarious state; and Mrs. Mason has been sent to prison.