The Liberals have gained a seat at Newcastle-under-Lyme, where Sir
E. Buckley's resignation has led to the election of a Liberal, Mr. S. R. Edge, a local barrister. So unprepared were the Liberals, that as late as Saturday week,—just a week before the election,— they resolved by a large majority not to contest the seat. The minority, however, were not content, and Mr. Edge coming into the field, his prospects improved day by day, till on Saturday he was placed at the head of the poll, by a majority of 340, Mr. Edge polling 1,330 votes, against 990 given for the Conservative, Mr. Hudson. In 1874, Sir E. Buckley, who headed the poll, polled only 1,173 votes ; while the Liberal (Mr. Allen) who stood second, polled only 1,116. Hence, while Mr. Edge polled 211 more votes than Mr. Allen polled in 1874, he polled 157 more than the successful Conservative, Sir E. Buckley. It is feared that Mr. Edge owes his success, in part at least, to a promise to vote for a Committee of Inquiry into the claims of Home-rule, which is said to have gained a good number of the Irish votes. On the other hand, the Catholic priests and English Catholics of the borough supported the Conservative candidate, Mr. Hudson. But however the Irish vote may have gone, the nimbus encircling the head of Lord Beaconsfield has evidently not dazzled and capti- vated the " residuum " of Newcastle-under-Lyme.