[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...1 SIR,—May I be allowed through the columns of your paper to protest against the habit lately come into vogue of photo- graphing wounded animals for the purpose of publishing pictures of them in books of travel and sport ? I am informed on good authority that animals are often kept in this condition for long periods until they can be photographed. The reason for it is doubtless in order that the shape of the animal may in some measure be retained, and a little life put into the illustration. And life is put into it, consisting of a piteous appeal in the eyes of a dying creature. I am even informed that animals are purposely wounded instead of being shot outright in order that the desired effect may be attained. This fashion—for that is what it is becoming—is not sports- manlike. It is no use scientifically, and it is brutal and a bad example, and I hope that through public opinion it may be