The Norwegian Fjords. Painted and Described by A. Heaton Cooper.
(A. and C. Black. 6s. net.)—Norway stud its Fjords. By M. A. Wyllie. With 16 Illustrations in Colour by W. L. Wyllie, R.A., and 17 other Illustrations. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—We do not wish to institute any invidious comparison between these two volumes. Both are readable and attractive books ; both by the skilful use of pen and pencil commend their subject to the public. It is only fair, however, to say that the book by Mr. and Mrs. Wyllie is the more complete of the two. Norwegian literature, life, and history are well represented in it. Its pages are nearly double in number, and each page contains not far from twice as many words. Whether the somewhat impressionist style of Mr. Cooper, or the carefully detailed work of Mr. Wyllie, is to be preferred must be left to individual taste. It seems a little late for books on Norway to appear. The reader must make a note of them, and store up what he finds for another year if he thinks of making a practical use of them. Whichever he may choose, or if he should take both, it is not likely that he will repent.