31 AUGUST 1907, Page 23

Old Testament History : Part II., Joshua — Jehoshaphat. By the Rev.

T. Nicklin. (A. and C. Black. 3s.)—Mr. Nicklin, having already given to the world the first and third parts of his Old Testament History, now completes the work. We have expressed our opinion of his method on former occasions. He deserves, indeed, much gratitude from teachers for his courage and discretion. The manual is intended for "sixth form boys," and he has adapted it admirably to their needs. Those who have not had to deal practically with the matter can hardly appreciate the difficulties. It is no longer possible to ignore the results of criticism;—except under the shelter of a Syllabus or a Decreturn. The question is: How are we to use them ? These volumes at least show the way, and cannot fail to be a great help to teachers.