31 AUGUST 1907, Page 3

The document recommending the establishment of this Council suggests also

provincial Advisory Councils, and the enlargement of the Imperial Legislative Council on the following lines. This Council, it is proposed, should number fifty-four, including the Viceroy. The Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal (or of the Punjab when the Council assembles in Simla), the Commander-in-Chief, and the members of the Executive Council are to be es-officio members, and additional officials are to be nominated not exceeding twenty. There would also be a ruling Chief nominated by the Viceroy, and elected members chosen : (a) by the Chambers of Commerce of Calcutta and Bombay, 2; (b) by the non-official members of the Provincial Councils, 7; (e) by the nobles and the great land- owners in the various provinces, 7; (d) by Mohammedans, 2. In addition there are to be four non-officials nominated by the Viceroy to represent minorities or special interests, not less than two of these to be Mohammedans. Finally, there are to be two experts nominated by the Viceroy, when necessary, for special purposes. The constitution of both Councils seems well planned, and we do not doubt that good results will be gained from them.