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\ 25 28 ACROSS
t. With which to study the barometer, perhaps. (7, 3-)
6. Biblical character who appears hanker after repose. (4.) 9. Beans or ale. (Anag.) (so.) to. Orderly corporal (4.) 12. Stout. (5) 13. Sister Susie's war-time job was impermanent. (9.) 14. Sat down for teas and had enough. (4.) 16. Grace's toy. (Anag.) (9.)
19. Clasped, one would think, only by the most daring. (4, 5.)
22. It had an astonishing history. (4.) 25. Gain a Chinese city and find it in Somerset. (9.)
26. Hoodless rogue of fiction. (5.) :8. Claypole the arkwright. (4.)
29. This, sang Gilbert, he remained, despite all temptations. (10.) 30. Such time concerns the stars when real. (4.) 31. Scout union. (Anag.) (to.)
r. Fourth form translation of hors de combat. (8.)
2. Omar's opening. (5.)
3. The ship for Holland? (6.) 4. He thought nothing of freezing, so to speak. (7.) 5. It wouldn't get me into Harvard. (4, 3.)
7. Brief life is here his portion. (9.)
8. Not quite the material for perfect black-out curtains. (6 )
it. It takes most of one's charm to go racing (5.)
15. For music while you travel? (9.)
17. Male 30. (S.)
18. It might be dry in Hampshire despite them. (8.) zo. He didn't know why he was so sad, he said. (7.) 22. Vocal celebration because a tenant has been found for a garment? (7.) 23. " For this and that way - The flux of mortal things.' (Arnold.) (6.) 24. Whence Lovelace wrote to Althea. (6.) 27. Screen elephant. (5.)