Sat,—Mr. James Overthrow has taken the words from my mouth
and clothed them as I may never hope to do. One pertinent query I would like to put forward: Why, oh why, this exasperating use of Christian names, when a perfectly good surname would presumably answer the purpose equally well ? Is it the desire of the B.B.C. to create a " matey " atmosphere to cheer the dispirited heart of the listener ? Or is it merely a development of democratisation gone sour ? It would be interesting to know.
One other point—why should it take four commentators Jo cover a Test Match ? There may be technical reasons, but they are not apparent. In the old days Captain Wakelam (1 think his name was) used to cover. international Rugby matches single-handed. Is it another case of over- full employment ? And if it is, may this fact not have a bearing on the recent doubling of the licence fees ?—Yours faithfully,
N. 0. BALL.