SEBASTIANI has had a severe attack of illness, and has,
in con- sequence, been incapable of lending to his Colleagues the adVan- tage of his counsel and tongue in the recent disputes concern- ing the riots. at Lyons and the Peerage question: Some of the French journals speak of the attack as apoplectic. His place has been filled ad interim. The Cabinet are .described as, mightily puzzled to find, out of the thirty millions of French people, a fitting successor, if the General should die. • If he leave a void which does net- admit of being filled up, he will be the' first of Adam's sons that has done so.
There has been some rioting, though not of a very serious na- ture, at Grenoble. On the 18th, bills were stuck up calling the inhabitants to a charivaria marrow-bones and cleavers Concert— that was meant to be given to M. CEIAUVET, Comptroller of the Taxes. The zeal of the performers' did not, however, rest content with noise; they brokeinto the hatise,-plimdered it Of the whole of the books and papers, and burnt them. The first detachment of the National Guard, called Out to suppress the riot; was -Unequal to the task; two troops of the line were ultimately summoned to the aid of the authorities, and the rioters were dispersed,—the ring- leaders having been previously secured. On the 19th, every thing was quiet ; and the National Guard, which had not mustered the previous evening, were all under arms to the number of eight hundred. .
The Duchess DE BERRI has returned from Naples to Rome. She is still accused of being at the bottom of the various plots and disturbances which have shaken, and will doubtless for several years continlie to shake, though they cannot overthrow, the power of the new family. A Nantes journal describes the return of old CH ARLES and the Duke DE BORDEAUX as an event which will very speedily take place ; and adds, that CHARLES intends to cut Paris, and that Nantes will be his future capital. This will be cut for cut.