31 DECEMBER 1831, Page 1

The affairs of Holland and Belgium remain in statu quo.

It is now said that NICHOLAS will not refuse his sanction to the treaty of the twenty-four articles, but that, as soon as the King of Holland has accepted it, he will have the Emperor's full permission to go to war with LEOPOLD for their modifica- tion. It would thus appear, that the King of Holland is only invited to shake hands with his new neighbour for the purpose of breaking his head ; a kind of Irish treaty of peace, which we trust WILLIAM, with all his obstinacy, has too much honesty to enter into. Some disturbances have broken out in Luxembourg, where, it is insinuated, the insurgents receive protection from the com mander of the fort. One TORNACO—a leader of these bands, which would, under any other circumstances than those of LEO- POLD at present, be too contemptible for notice—is said to have been taken prisoner.