31 DECEMBER 1831, Page 10


WAR-Orsics, Dee. 30.-15th Regt. of Light Dragoons : Lieut. P. Ives, to ls. Capt. by purchase. vice Bain, who retires ; Cornet 1'. H. C. Terry, to be Lieut. by pure: iase. Ives ; Nayler, Gent.. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Terry—ist or Grenadier Regt. of' Foot Guards : NV. H. H. Bathurst, Esq., Page of Honour to the King, to be Ensign and Lieut., without purchase-3d Regt. of Foot : Lieut. G. A. Malcolm, to be Capt., by purchase, Nice Franklaml, who retires• Ensign NV. A. 'SVaril, to be Limit., by purchase,. vice Malcolm; S. Daniel, Gent., to be Ensign, by purehase, vice Ward-9111 Foot is Asiist.-Sur. J. M. Drysdale, from the half-pay. to be Assist.Sun-14th Foot : Livid . Grierson, from half-pay of the Regt., to be Lieut., Nice Ormsby, to he Adj.-16th nail 1. Ensign F. Cassidy, to be Lient, without purchase, vice Strope, deceased ; W. A. Gent., to be Ensign, vice Cassidy-17th lost : Ensign C. Steele, to be Lieut., by I nu. chase, vice Murray, who retires ; W. Iliteket, Gent., to be Enshsn, by purchase. ice Steele-20th Foot : Ensign J. 13. Maxw.•11, ffiom the 14th Foot,'to be Lieut.. wills., it purchase, vice Worml-21st Foot : ('apt. T. I). Burrowes, from half-pay um: tact:is!. to be Capt., vice W. E. Sawbridge, who exchanges-24th Foot : Lieut. II. W. Harris. to be Capt., vice Stewart, who retires ; Ensign J. M. Stack, to be Limit., by purchase, rice Harris ; A. E. !Tanis, Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Stack-29th Foot: Lieut. C. J. Eaton, to be Capt., by purchase, vice (iOSSelin, who retires; Ensign J. G. Weir.. to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Eaton ; II. Curtis, Gent., to be Ensign, by push:Ise, vice Weir-30th Foot :IL F. C. Waldron, to be Lieut., without purehase, vice Bur- TOM'S, deceased ; A. J. Barrow, Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Waldron-33d: Foot : Ensign W. Hadley, to be Lieut., without purchase, vice Clarke, deeeased Ensign G. -Harford, to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Auldjo,. promoted ; Ensi,to P. Hamond, from the 99th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Ilarfor4.2-37th Foot : Ensign E. Macleod, to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Cuppage, who retires: Gent. Cadet, Long, from the Military College, to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Macleod-57th Font:. Lieut. P. Snlliren, from the half-pny of the ii7th Foot, to be Lieut., vice II atehi oson- 69d Foot : Captain J. Walter to be Major, without purchase, vice Parker, deissised;.. Lieut. j. O'Grady to be Captain. vice Walter; Lieut. J. F. Maedouell to be Captain, vice Power, deceased; Ensign 11. Sherlock to be Lieutenant, without purehase, O'Grady; G. Evatt, Gent, to be Ensign. vier Sherlock-74th Foot ; Lieut. F. J. T. Hutchinson, from the 57th Foot to be Lienteuant, vice Hon. S. II. R. Curzon, who re- tires upon half-pay :37th Foot-55i1 Foot : Limo. NV. S. Rawson from the 57th Foot to. be Lieutenant, vice Hyde, who exchanges—s5th Foot : Ensign aud Adj. II. MT:id:len to have the rank or Lioutenant—S7th Foot : Lieut. II. II yde from the Si'd Foot to be Lieutenant, vice Rau son, who exchanges-96th Foot : Capt. J. Auldjo from the 1a16 pay to be Captain, vice II. F. Kennedy, who exchanges. receiving the dilli•rence-95th. Foot: S. I. \Verge, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Ilamond, appointed to the. 34th Foot.

Unattached—Lieut. II, P. hill, from the 8th Foot, to be Captain of Infantry, without -


Memoranda—The Christian names of Ensign Wemyss, or the 92d Foot, are Dav it Sinclair. and not David St. Clair. as stated in the Gazette of the 13:11 Septenils‘r 1-.31 . —The halftpay or the undermentioned Commissariat Officers has been ea welted, the!, having aceepted (seminars' allowances lig their commissions—Deputy Assist, bit, Dimatti ; Deputy Assist. Com.-Gen. B. Robinson Dep. Assist:Cons-Get, E. Cave i is Ti pate hat i cgbeen pleased to permit the 41st II egt. in ebruary last, to he styl.s1 " 'Fla, -its:, or Welsh Regt. of Infantry," has also wraiths', iii, hear on it s sirs and appointments, " The Prince of Wales's Plume," with the motto, " Gwen a•eniii non. Chwilydd"—Tte• name of the Ensign appointed to the 4011m Foot, on 25th Nov. was Lortl G. Thymus :old not Lord J. Thynne—Tle• date or the promotion or I. to a Company in tic 46th Foot, was II' :21,1 or .Tune 1S31, cud not the or December 1.831, as staled in the Gazette of the 231 in,tant.

Memorandum-1[k Majesty has been pleased to approve of the 25 Regt. of the Royal Tower Hamlets Militia being styled `. The QUcc11-6 Own Regt. of Tower Hamlets Militia."