The following Gentlemen were ordained by the Bishop of Lincoln, at Buelnien, on Sun- day, the 18th instant. Deacons—T. Furnival, Queen's College : R. W. Whitford, St. Edmund's Hall ; and T. F. Holiday Bridge. Christ Church, Oxford—Priests—S. V. F.dwards, Trinity College ; D. E. Jones, Lincoln College; and T. Patterson, Exeter College., Oxford. The following Gentlemen were ordained on Sunday last, the 25th inst. by the Bishop of Bath and Wells—Deacons—IL I). Wickham. M..A. Exeter College; and II. Jelly, S.C.L. St. Alban Hall. Oxtbrd ; D. M . Clerk, S.C.L. St. John's Colleie: and G. Carew, B.A. Downing College. Cambridge ; B. Crosthwaite, B.A. Trinity College, .niest—J. C. Burnet t, B.A. St. John's College, Cambridge.
P RE FE RmErrs.—The Rev. E. !lepton, M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxford, and Minis- ter of St. Philip's Chapel, Regent St reet, has been appointed by the Speaker, Chaplain to the Douse of Commons.
On Friday sennight, the Rev. Matthew, M.A. of Balliol College, 0:0/111, WIS insti- tuted by the Lord Bishop (d* Bath and Wells to the Rectory of Chelvey, Somersetshire, on the presentation of C. K. K. Tynte, Esq.
The Rev. J. S. Jenkinson, M.A. to the Rectory of Sudbourne-eum-Capella-de-Orford, Suffolk.
The Bev- I. Carlyle, Curate of Chewkirk, to the Ministry of St. George's, New Mills, Derbyshire.
Th.,. Rev. E. R. Matadi, to the Vicarage of Louth, Lincolnshire. Patron, Arch- deacon Goddard.