TILE following Lists will show how the country may be said to have been occupied by the Aristocracy. The relatives and con- nexions of Peers will be found to have taken possession of the issues of the Public Money. Office may be divided into the la- borious and the sinecure ; and it has been established as a rule in this country, that the less the work, the higher shall be the pay. As the rule was made by a class for its own advantage, it is not to be supposed that they have been slow to avail themselves of the im- munities it confers. Wherever salary is to be earned, no trace of the Peerage is to be detected ; wherever money is paid in return for the trouble of giving a receipt, about such offices the Peerage and its progeny is found in shoals.
Of these shoals we can no more give the entire enumeration, than fishermen in a few boats, and with an ordinary supply of nets, can be expected to catch all the herrings that in the season beset the coast. The nature of the difficulties in our way have been already mentioned. Our Lists, though numerous, and containing curious details both of the past and the present, are, in fact, neither more nor less than a specimen—a fragment. It would have been easy to give them a more imposing air,—to accumulate ciphers, and present an alarming array of numerals; but the data were want- ing to those who go to work with a regard to accuracy and a love of truth. A Black List of the vulgar kind is easily made with a broad-pointed pen. But the true Black List, or account of the Peerage with the People, could not probably have been obtained by any firivate individuals at all ; but may perhaps, in some future Parliament, occupy a Committee with full powers for a couple of Sessions. It needs not the aid of rounded sums and far- stretching retrospections to show that the whole country has been ruled for the advantage of a particular alste. The truth is in itself sufficiently striking : we only lament that the whole truth is net to be come at ; for it must not be forgotten, that we are enabled to present but a portion of the great picture of the Lordly Scramble for the Public Money. Our attention has been directed to that pa- tronage which emanates immediately from the Government, and it has been impossible to exhibit even that with completeness ; while other entire departments are left untouched—such, for instance, as the Colonial influence, and the vast patronage of the East India Company, the enormous revenues of the Church, the innumerable snuggeries of Corporations, the valuable appointments in the gift of Magistrates (who are themselves nominated by the Lord- Lieutenants of counties), and the very many jobs the magistracy can create, or the lucrative business it has the power to place in particular hands—all of which have a relation of more or less .closeness to the great barter of government, which has now been going on for ages, and which, being interpreted, means, " put the country into my hands, and they who help me to hold it shall par- take in the pickings." The Aristocracy have seized, as might have been expected, the lion's share.
Abereorn, Marquis of, John James Hamilton, na. Sir C. Hamilton, Bart. r. Admiral of Blue Sir E. Hamilton, Bart. r. Rear-Ad. of Red. Sir J. Hamilton, Bart. r. Col. 69th Foot £1200
Governor of Dungannon Fort C. J. Hamilton, r. Lieut. Foot Guards ABERCROMBY, Baron. G. Abercromby Pension for father's services 2000 G. R. Abercromby, s. Lieut.-Col.
5. Abercromby, it. Ch.Baron Scotch Exche- quer 4000 Alexander Abercromby, b. Cul.
The Baron of the Scotch Exchequer was for- merly a Commissioner of Bankrupts, and for a short time Judge-Advocate-General.
Aberdeen, Earl of. G. Hamilton Gordon
*Secretary of State, F. A.. 6000 W. Gordon, b. Capt. R.N.
Sir C. Gordon, b. Lieut.- Col.
J. Gordon, S. Capt. R.N. *Sir R. Gordon, S. Envoy at Constantinople 6000 Lady Alicia Gordon, s. Lady of Bedchamber to Princess Sophia
Of this family we find, within the present cen- tury, the Honourable William Gordon, Groom of the Bedchamber, and Colonel of the 71st Re- giment; the Honourable R. Gordon, Secretary of Legation at Vienna; and the Earl himself was formerly Ambassador Extraordinary to Vienna, 'with a salary of 12,000/. per annum, and Chan- cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
* In the case of all ex-Ministers, we have retained the places they hd: el because the holding istoo recent not to enter into the motives that influence their conduct. An asterisk distinguishes them from the present Ministers in the same offices.
Abergavenny, E. Henry Neville, a Pension as compensation for Inspectorship of
Prosecutions in Customs ... 1545 Vis. Neville, s. Church W. Neville, s. Church H.W. Neville, n. Church
Abingdon, E. Montague Bertie
Lord-Lieut. of Berks Frederick Bertie, b. Church
.4bogne, Earl. George Gordon
CoL.of Aberdeen Militia Jobn Frederick Gordon, a., Commander R.N.
ANGLESEY, M. Henry W. Paget Lord-Limit. of Anglesea Keeper of Carnarvon castle and Captain of Cowes Castle
Lord-Lieutenant Ireland £20000
Col. 7th Di agoons 1000
21600 E. rixin idge, s. Lieut.-Col. Lord William Paget, S. Capt. R.N. Sir A. Paget, b. Late Ambassador,
Pension 2000 Sir E. Paget, b. Gov. Mil. Col... .. ... £1500 Pension 400 Col 28th Regiment ...... 1063
C. E. Paget, s. Lieut. R.N. F. Paget, a. Lieut. 2i1Foot Guards B. T. Peget, b. Corn. Excise ........ .......
Sir G. Murray, b.-I. Col. 42d Ft. 1168
*Sec. Col 6000 Governor Fort St. George.. 141 7309 2963 1400 Henry Gordon, s. E. I. C.'s Military Service Cecil Gordon, s. Officer in the Army John Ghrdon, c. Major-Gen, in the E. I. C.'s Service
Aiiesbury, Marquis of. C. B. Brudenell Bruce Ranger of Savernake Forest
Ansi, M. Archibald Kennedy Sir D. Baird, s.-1. Capt.
Jonathan Peel, 8.4. Lieut.-Col.
ALBE man LE, E. Wm, Chas. Keppel master of the Horse .. 3359
G. 'F. Keppel, s. Major E. S. Keppel, s. Church
E. G. W. Keppel, r. Major 43d Foot
Henry Keppel, s. Lieut. R.N.
Thos. Bobt. Kennel, s. Lieut. R.N.
W. A. W. Keppel, r. Church E. E. Hill, s.-l. Capt. 98th Foot
The Earl has been Master of the Staghounds.
He is father-in-law of Mr. Coke, M. P. for Nor- folk.
ALVANLEY, B. William Arden Richard P. Arden. s. Lieut.-Col.
AMHERST, E. William P. Amherst
Pension, hered £3000 Lord Bedchamber ......... 500 Adolphus E. P. Graves, r. Page of Honour to the King
Sir C. Paget, b. Rear-Ad, of the Red, Groom of the Bedchamber 3GB C. H. Paget, n. Capt.
Arden, B. C. G. Perceval
Lord-Lieut. of Sorry Registin Court, Admiral! y (supposed) 10000 George James Perceval, a. Capt R.N. Charles George Perceval, s. Church Arthur Philip Perce7:11, s. Church
Spencer Percival, a. Teller Exchequer 2700 John Macleod, r. Major. Gen.
Rich. Bourke, Tlajor-Gen. and Governor of New South Wales
F. S. 'French, Church D. M. Perceval, n. Cleric Exchequer 520 Henry Perceval, n. Church J. Carr. sis.-/. Pension 2000 P. J. Perceval, r. Capt. lot Guards
Lord Arden was formerly a Lord of the Ad- miralty and a Lord of the Bedchamber. The late Mr. Spencer Perceval, his brother, passed through the offices of Solicitor and Counsel to the Admiralty, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- caster, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and First Lord of the Treasury. Mr. Perceval's widow is 3500 the " J. Carr" who is included as a pensioner for 2,0001. a year ; and his son the Teller of the Exchequer. An GY r.r., D. G. W. Campbell Lord-Lieut. of Argyleshire, and Master of the King's Household in Scotland Keeper c.if the Great Seal of Seotland 1859 Lord J. D. Campbell, b. Colonel of Argyle Militia
Edward Bury, 0..1. Church Sir Alexander Johnston, Retired Judge at Ceylon 1600
Arundel, B. E. Arundel
G. Macdonnell, Lient.-Col.
Sir .1. Talbot, 0.4. Vice-Admiral
Asbburnham, E. Bertram Ashburnham, a.
Percy S. Ashburnham, s. Capt.
Thomas Ashburnham, s. Capt. 2d Guards
Advil, D. John Murray, a.
Adam Drummond, 0.-I. Rear .Admiral Baron Glenlyon, b. Major-Gen.
Lord of the Bedchamber 'Me
Sir E. Macgregor Murray, Bt., 6.4. Colonel; Governor of Dominica; late Quartermas-
ter-General of the King's Forces at Madras
• • fieorge Murray, c. Bishop of Rochtilter
Townshend Selwyn, r. Church
Edward Murray, c. Church James A. Murray, c. Capt. R.N.
Richard Murray, r. Herbert Oakley, r. Church.
Sir J. Oswald, c..1. Lieut.-Gen. and Col.
35th Foot T. G. Leigh, r. Church
AUCKLAND, B. George Eden
Master of the Mint and P. B. Trade .... £3000
: Pension, Civil List, and 4i per Cents..." 300
— 3300 Commissioner of Greenwich Hospital.
Robert Eden, b. Church
William Eden, r. Lieut-Gen. John Eden, r. Major Foot Henry Eden, r. Capt. R.N. G. al. Eden, r. Capt. 11. Parker, r. Capt. R.N. Sir G. Moore, r. Vice-Ad.
R. Richardson, r. Church T. F. Wilson, r. Church T. Eden, r. Dep. Sec. Ceylon .. 2180 His Lordship is Auditor of Greenwich Hospi- tal, and the Vendue-Master of Demerara; and has heretofore been Postmaster-General, and President of the Board Of Trade. His -ffither was formerly Ambassador at Madrid and the Hague, President of the Board of Trade, and Postmaster General. A Mr. H. Henley was an Ordnance Storekeeper ; an Honourable Morton Eden, Clerk to the Auditor of Greenwich Hos- pital; and an Honourable William Frederick Elliot Eden, in the office of Teller of the Ex- chequer.
Atmu.ay, B. G. J. T. Tuchet Pension Civil List .462
Ross Donnelly, Vice-Admiral Age'Vord, E. Heneage Finch C. Palmer. 6.-1. Church Edward Finch, b. Chap. Ceylon 1070 John Finch, 6. Lieut.-Col. William Finch, c. Church Herwage Finch, c. Church Daniel Finch, a. (Prebend, Gloucester) Edward Finch, ti. Col. 22d Foot .... 1231 —366 1597
Groom Bedchamber • The Earl of Aylesford was formerly Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, and subsequently Lard Steward of the Household.
Begot, B. William Begot Sir Charles Begot, b. Ambass. Netherlands 11661 Richard llagot,6. IBA). Oxford
W. Begot, r. Rec. Gen. Taxes 1200 G. Begot, r. Fiscal Demerara 1228 C. Bugot, n. Lieut. Grenadier Guards Emily Bugot, a. Maid of Honour to the Queen Edward Begot, a. Capt. 60th Foot
Balcarras, E. James Lindsay Hugh Lindsay, a. Marshal of the Ad- miralty, and East India Director James Lindsay, c. Lieut.-Col. C. I). Lindsay, a. fish. Kildare Charles Lindsay, c. Archdeacon of Kildare G. H. Lindsay, a. Capt. Army C. R. Lindsay, h. Civil Service of E. I. C. Edwin Lindsay, b. Formerly E. I. C. Mili- tary Service
Hugh II. Lindsay, c. Supercargo at Canton
Philip Yorke Lindsay, e. E. I. C. Civil Ser-
Colin Lindsay, a. Secretary of Board of
Trek, Bengal
C. B. Lindsay, a. Lieut. 3d Madras Cavalry .6AftuAm, B. Charles Noel Noel Gerard Thomas Noel, b. Church Frederick Noel, b. Capt. U.N.
Francis James Noel, b. Chureh Bapt. W. Noel, IL Church Bath, 31. Thomas Thynne Lord-Lieut. of Somersetshire.
Lord Henry Frederick Thymic, s.
Capt. R.N.
Lord John F. Thynne, s. Pr,beml of w• est- minst Cr, Canon and Sub Ocan of Lincoln, Lord W. Thynne, a. Major 7111 Foot
Lord Ed w. Thynne, 0. Lieut. Foot
Lady Isabella Thyone, s. of Bedcham- ber to Duchess of Gloucester
Lady John Thymic, s../. Lady of Bedcham-
ber to Princess Sophia In the early part of the century, the Mar- quis of Bath had great influence. His Mar-
chioness was Mistress of the Robes to the Queen ; Lord John Thynne, Vice-Chamberlain
of the King's Household ; arid Lord George Thynne, a Commissioner of the Treasury at one
time, and a Comptroller of the Household at another. The Marquis is Lord-Lieutenant of Somersetshire.
Bathurst, E. Henry Bathurst
Surviving Clerk of Crown £1106 Teller Exchequer 2700
*President Council 2835
W, L. Bathurst, s. Deputy Teller of
Exchequer . 1000 Late Commissioner Victualling ..... 400 Clerk Council 1200 ---- 2600 S. T. Bathurst. Lieut.-Col.
Treasurer Gov. Malta 1583 Charles Bathurst, S. Church The day of the Bathursts is past. The above list tells a meagre tale of what they have en- joyed. In every branch of the public service—
$Maj..(len. Ordnance £3176 Capt. Cadet Co. 41;3 Col. hicil Faot 1182
Pension for +-vices 2000 G.Jvcruor of Jersey 1100 Sir .1. P. Beresford, h. Vice-Admiral
Berkeley, E. '1'. M. F. Berkeley, a
C. Fitzhlrilinge Beyi.cley, s. Capt. in 2d
Life Guards
M. F. Berkeley, a. Cept. ILN- Sir 0.11. F. Berkeley, r. Col. in Army Sir V. H. Hardy, 7'. Rear-Admiral Berwick, B. Thomas N. Hill, a. Richard Noel Hill, h. Church *William Noel Hill, b. Envoy at Naples ... 6000 BEsBoitoUGD, E. Frederick Ponsonby
V. Duncannon,s. Woods and Forests ...... 2605 Lord-Lieut. of Carlow and Commis. of Greenwich Hospital,fDuchy of Cornwall and Land Revenue Sir Fred. C. Ponsonby, s. Inspecting Field Officer £383 Lieutenant-Governor Malta 4000 Pension 300 ---- 4683
Beverley, E. George Percy Lord Lovaine, S. Lieut. in Foot Guards Hugh Percy, b. Bishop of Carlisle Jocelyn Percy, b. Captain R.N. Algernon Percy, h. Swiss Minister William Henry Percy, b. Capt. R.N. and Cons. of Excise.
Bexley, B. Nicholas Vansittart
Pension This nobleman has held various offices of in- fluence and emolument; it is sufficient to men- 2900 3000 civil, judicial, military, naval, colonial—the name of Bathurst is to be found. The Earl was formerly President of the Board of Trade and Secretary for the Colonies ; A. Apsley, Secre- tary to the Master-General of the Ordnance; Apsley Bathurst, Clerk of the Dispensations, and Clerk to the Teller of the Exchequer ; and his Lordship's son, Lord Apsley, has been a Com- missioner for the Affairs of India.
Bayning, B. Henry William Powlett In the Church Beauchamp, E. J. R. Lygon H. B. Lygon, S. Lieut.-Col. 1st Life Guards E. P. Lygon, S. Lieut.-Col. 2nd Life Guards Beaufort, D. H. Charles Somerset Lord-Lieutenant of Brecon, Gloster, and Mon- mouth
Constable of St. Briaval's Castle Vice-Admiral of Gloucestershire Cot of Monmouth Militia
Warden of Forest of Dean Marquis Worcester, s. Major in the Army Lord R. E. Henry Somerset, b. Lieut-Geu., and Col. 1st Dragoons 1520 Lord Fitzroy Somerset, b. Major-Gen. 4'550 Military Secretary 21105)
Pension for service ...... 300
Cu!. 53rd Foot (say) 1200 4000
H. Wyndham, n. I. Lieut.-Col Henry Somerset, n. Lieut.-Col Commandant at Catfraria Charles Henry Somerset, a. Lieut.-Col. 1st Dragoons 1054 Plantagenet V. H. Somerset, n. Church
Lord J. T. II. Somerset, b. Lieut.-Col.
oLord G. C. H. Somerset, S. Lord of the Treasury . 1000 Lord W. 0. H. Somerset, b. Prebend Bristol Besides the Somersets in the above list, the late Lord Charles held for many years a Regi- ment yielding upwards of 1,000/. per annum, and lie it was who distinguished himself as Go- vernor of the Cape. He was also Paymaster- General of the Forces for some years, and Comp- troller of the Household. Lord E. H. Somerset has been Deputy Paymaster, and Governor of the Isle of France ; Lord Fitzroy has been Se- cretary of the Embassy to Paris, is Colonel of the 33rd Regiment, and Secretary to the Corn- mander-in.Chief. We find a Charles Edward Somerset, Secretary of the Stamp Office, and a Teller of Stamps. Of the sons of the Duke, Lord Granville Somerset has been Lord of the Treasury, and the Marquis of Worcester was for a little while a Lord of the Admiralty. His Grace is Lord-Lieutenant of three counties— Gloucestershire, Monmouthshire, and Brecon- shire.
BEDFORD, D. John Russell Lord George William Russell, a. Cal. in the Army, and Ai tie-de-Camp to the King
John Russell, a. Commander R.N.
Lord John Russell, a. Paymaster of Forces 2000 Lord Edward Russell, s. Commander in Navy. Lord C. J. F. Russell, a. Capt. 52nd Foot Lord W. Russell, 0. Church Lord F. J. Russell, s. Lieut. in Navy The Duke of Bedford is Recorder of the town of Bedford. Ile was I.ord-Lieutenant of Ireland in lSii; since that period he has not held office. lbs relative, Lord William Russell, has been a 1.ord of the Admiralty. Some of the grandsons of the Duke hold small sinecures in the law.
B. R. 31. Hamilton Lord High Commissioner in Scotland W. HandIton, h. A Capt. in the E. I. C's. illil:tary Service ' Challes 80:11eby, 6..I. Capt. R.N.
Bete/o'?, V. W. Carr Beresford
tion the Chancellorship of the Exchequer When a place is one of responsibility, the country is not always a gainer by the activity of the placeman. The nation would have been no loser had Nicholas Vansittart always derived his maintenance from a pension. He is now a Commissioner of the Duchy of Cornwall.
Boum-mama:, V. Henry St. John
Frederick St. John, a. General
Bolton, B. W. Orde Powlett Boston, B. George Irby W. D. Irby. . Lieut. 1st Drag. Gds. F. P. Irby, b. Copt 1LN. and Col. of Marlins Paul A. Irby, L. Chords C. L. Irby. b. Capt. R.N.
Bradford, E. G. A. P. H. Bridgeman C. Ort Bridgernan, S. Capt. R.N. Henry Edmund Bridgeman, b. Church
George Bridgeman, a. Church
Edmund Henry Bridgeman, c. Major
E. A. Begot, r. Church
BRATBROOKE, B. Richard Griffin
High Steward of Wolcingham.
0. Neville Grenville, b. Church ; Master of
Magdalen College, Cambridge
Bristol, M. F. W. lIervey Hereditary Steward of Bury St. Edmund's Lord 0. Hervey, S. Maj. 36111 Foot
Sir F. B. Hervey, r. Capt. in Guards Lord William Hervey, his son, is Secretary of Legation to Spain, and was recently Under Se- cretary for Foreign Affairs.
His father, the late Earl of Bristol, wasBishop
of Derry.
BROUGHAM AND VALTX, B. Henry. . B. r.o71110aM 71 2
Lord Chancellor
W. Brougham, Master in Chancery.... circa 4000 Brownlow, E. John Cust
Lord Lieut. of Lincoln.
II. C. Cust, b. Canon of Windsor R. Cust, b. Church P. F. Cust, b. Capt. in the Army Sir E. Cost, b. Lieut.-Col. 1400 William Cust, b. Comm. Customs Countess Brownlonr. Lady of Bedchamber Buccleugh, D. W. F. Scott Douglas
Lord Lieut. of Edinburgh.
Lord J. D. Scott, b. Capt. let Foot Guards Bucking/same and Chandos, D. Richard Gren- ville Nugent Chandos Temple Lord Nugent, b. Lord of the Treasury 1000 Thomas Grenville, a. Chief Justice of Eyre
Smith uf Trent
Sir G. Nugent, r. Col. 6th Foot, formerly on the Staff ; Lieut. Gov. of Jamaica and Commander-in-Chief in India W. W. Wynne, r. Has been in office under every Administration The Duke has been Postmaster-General and Lord Steward.
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, E. George Robert HO- hart Hampden
Lord Lieut. of Bucks
Augustus E. Hobart Hampden, b. Church A. J. Foster, 6.-1. Minister Turii . 4249 Henry Lewis Hobart, c. Dean Windsor John Sulli van, u. Commissioner of Board of Control J. A. Sullivan, r. Col. See. 3:c. Jamaica and
0300 Henry Hobart, 7'. Canon of Hereford J. Sullivan, C. Civil Servant of East India Comp. at Madras, and Member of Council 8050 Henry Ellis, fall brother, born before wed- lock ; lately a Civil Servant of the East India Con p., Secretary of Legation to Per- sia and China, Colonial Secretary at the Cape of Good Hope, and nose Honorary lilemler of India Board, and Cleric of The late Earl, the uncle of the present, was 7927 Clerk of the Pleas of the Exchequer in Ireland, and Secretary for the Colonial Department. He had also been Governor of Madras, and was appointed Governor-Gen. of India, but did not accept of that office.
BURLINGTON, E. G. A.11. Cavendish 11. F. C. Cavendish, s. Lieut.-Col. 1st Life Guards, and Equerry Extraordinary to the King Bute, M. John Crichton Stuart
Lord Lieutenant of Glamorgan and Bute, and Recorder of Banbury.
Lord G. Stuart, u. Capt. R.N.
BYRON, B. George Anson Byron Capt. R.N.; Lord of the Bedchamber 500 Robert Heath, Church.
Richard Byron, r. Capt. R.N. Henry Byron, r. Church John Byron, r. Church Richard Byron, r. Lieut. R:N. James Byron, r. Lieut. 8th Foot.
Cadogan, E. C. H. Sloane Cadogan, a. Lord Oakly, S. Capt. R.N.
E. Cadogan, b. Major Calthorpe, B. George Gough Calthorpe Camden, M. John Jeffreys Pratt
Lord-Lieutenant of Kent
Teller Exchequer . 2700 This is the nobleman who first presented, in his own person, the rare example of relinquish-
ing public money—after probably receiving very little short of a million. He has held the sine- cure office of Teller of the Exchequer for nearly fifty years, during thirty-six of which he re- ceived, we believe, the whole emoluments ; these, in 1815, amounted to 27,469/. 13s. 9c1. Since 1817, the Marquis has placed his office upon the same footing as the other Tellers. He has held with his office of Teller of the Ex- chequer, that of Colonial Secretary, and also a Commissionership of the Board of Control. He is Lord-Lieutenant of Kent, and Recorder of Bath. His son, the Earl of Brecknock, has been a Lord of the Admiralty.
CAMPERDOWN, E. Robert Dundas Haldane Duncan Hereditary Pension for father's victory 3000 Henry Duncan, b. Capt. R.N. Storekeeper of the Ordnance 1200 A. Crawford, r. Capt. R.N.
Canning, V. Joan Canning,f. Pension for family for husband's services Sir Stratford Canning, r. Ambassador to Constantinople : has filled various mis- sions since 1814.
Besides the distinguished places which the late Mr. Canning held, he was content to be Re- ceiver-General of the Alienation Office.
Cardigan, E. Robert Brudenell Lord Brudenell, s. Lieut.-Colonel
Henry B. Baring, s..1. Capt. 1st Life Guards Augusta Brudenell, n. Pension CL 202
CARLISLE, E. George Howard
Lord-Lieut. of York East Riding Henry Edw. J. Howard, b. Prebend. York The Earl is of the Cabinet, but does not hold place. When Viscount Morpeth, he was one of the Commissioners of the Board of Control.
Carnarvon, E. Henry G. Herbert
High-Steward of Newbury William Herbert, b. Church In other days, the Earl was Master of the Horse.
Carrington, R. Robert Smith
Captain of Deal Castle R. 31. Master, r. Church
E. S. Pearce, r. Church
H. W. W. Wynne, s.4. Minister at Copen- hagen 4900
Carteret, B. George Thynne
This family is a connexion of the Marquis of Bath. His Lordship is High Bailiff of Jersey.
Carysfort, E. J. Proby, a. Lieut.-Gen.
Gran. L. Proby, b. Capt. R.N.
Cathcart, E. W. Shaw Cathcart, a. Late Emboss. Petersburg £1784 Col. 2nd Life Guards 1816 Vice-Adm. Scotland 15 — 3615 Governor of Hull Has held many staff appointments, and was Commander of the Forces its Ireland and at Copenhagen. Lord Greenock, s. Major-Gen. Fred. Cathcart, s. Lieut.-Col. George Cathcart, s. Lieut.-Col. 8th Foot .Adolphus Frederick Cathcart, s. Arch. H. Cathcart, b. Prebend. York Robert Cathcart, r. Capt. R N. Baroness Cathcart. Pen. Civil List 399 Cawnon, E. J. F. Campbell George P. Campbell, b. Capt. R.N. Groom of the Bedchamber 866 Isaac Gascoyne, r. Gen. and CA. 54th Foot Chatham, E. J. Pitt, a. Col. 4th Foot £1200 Governor Gibraltar 2809 — 4000 Formerly Master-General of the Ordnance, Colonel of several Regiments, and Governor of Jersey.
Chesterfield, E. George A. F. Stanhope
A Lord of the Bedchamber 500 Henry Stanhope, r. Capt. R.N. J. S. Rashleigh, r. Church Arthur Stanhope, r. Comp. F. Letter Office 1915 Sir E. F. S. Stanhope, r. Commander R.N.
CuicriesTER, E. H. T. Pelham Frederick Thos. Pelham, b. Lieut. R.N.
Chan:mu/deg, M. G. J. H. Cholmondeley. Deputy Hereditary Great Chamberlain. Alarchioness Cholmondeley. Joint Hereditary Great Chamberlain.
Horace G. Cholmondeley, r. Church.
Churchill, B. F. A. Spencer Ranger of Whichwood Forest
G. A. Spencer. Capt. Inf. A. A. Spencer. Capt. 43c1 Foot.
Clancarty, E. Rich. Le Poor Trench
Retired Ambassador . . . 2000 • William Gregory, 6.1. Under Sec. Ireland 2102 Pension for self and lady 446
Poer Trench, b. Archb. Tuam
Will. Trench, b. Capt. R.N
Charles Trench, b. Archdeacon of Ardagh. P. L. P. 'french, n. -Capt. 76th Foot
H. Gascoyne, r, Capt. 34th Foot
CLANRICARDE, M. Ulick John de Burgh Lord-Lieutenant of Galway
Capt. Yeoman Guard . 1341 This young nobleman married the daughter of Mr. Canning.
.3000 lanwilliam, E. Richard Meade .1. Meade, u. Maj.-Gen., Cons.-Gen. Madrid R. Meade, tr. Lt.-Gen., Co). 12th Foot /266
Pension Service 400 1613 1666 Pierce Meade, rt. Archdeacon of Dromore Clare, E. John Fitzgibbon, a Dowager Lady Clare, Pension, C.L ;80 The late Lord Chancellor of Ireland, whose name the enmity of Curran has rendered fa- mous. The present Earl is Governor of Bom- bay, with a salary of 150001.; and his brother is the judicial shadow of his late deceased father the Chancellor. He fills the honourable, and we dare say lucrative, post of Usher of the Irish Court of Chancery. The great dignitaries of the law delight in begetting the holders of infe- rior places.
CLARENDON, E. J. C. Villiers
Chief Justice in Eyre North of Trent....£2250 Prothonotary Coun. Lancaster .. 450 Was Pay-Master of Marines — 2700 G. W. F. Villiers, n. Corn. Cu, 1400
Thos. Hyde Villiers, c. Sec. of
Board of Control . . . 1800 Agent for Berbice The name of Villiers is of constant recurrence in the list of place. The Honourable George Villiers is put down in the books as the Regis- trar of the Admiralty Court of Gibraltar and the Marshal of Antigua, as Groom of the Bed- chamber and Clerk of the Council. A. J. C. Villiers (is it the Earl himself?) was Surveyor of the Woods and Forests; and a W. G. Villiers, Paymaster of the Marines. A relative, Charles Villiers, was appointed a Commissioner of Bankrupts by Lord Lyndhurst.
CLEVELAND, M. William H. Vane, Lord Lieut. of Durham
Earl Darlington, s. Lieut.-Col. William H. aleyrick, s.-1. Lieut.-Col. Foot Guards An Hon. F. Vane is described as Deputy. Treasurer of Greenwich Hospital.
CLIFDEN, V. Hy. Welbore Agar Ellis
Clerk Privy Council, Sr 1450 (See Doyen.)
CLIFFORD, B. Hugh Charles Clifford Rob. Henry Clifford, b. Ensign Sled Foot.
CLINTON and SAYE, B. Robt. Cotton St. John Trefusis.
Col. and Aid-de-camp to King Lord of Bedchamber 7. 500 G. R. W. Trefusis, b. Capt. R.N.
C. It. Trefusis, b. Corn. Excise 1400 Lady Clinton. Lady of the Bedchamber Edward Moore, s.-1. Church.
CLONCURRY, B. V. B. Lawless Colchester, B. Charles Abbot. Capt. R.N.
Hereditary Pension .... 3000 The late Lord Colchester, besides the office of Speaker of the House of Commons, by which he earned the title and pension he has bequeathed to his son, was also Clerk of the Rules of the Court of King's Bench, and Keeper of the Privy Seal of Ireland.
Combermere, V. Stapleton Cotton
com st Life Guards £1800 Gov. Sheerness 200 Pension for Service 2000 -- 4000 * Commander-in-Chief in India 6000 Member of Council.. 10,000 -- 16000 Brother-in-law of the Duke of Newcastle. He was Commander of the Forces in the West In- dies, and Governor of Barbadoes.
Conyngliam, M. Henry Conyngham, a.
* Lord Steward Constable and Lieut. 01 Windsor Castle Lieut.-Gen. unattached 636 Earl Mountcharles, s. Maj. in Army
Commissioner of Treasury 1220 * First Groom Bedchamber 1000 * Master Robes • Lord A. I). Conyugham, s. Sec. Legation at Berlin Sir F. N. Conyngham, b. Lient.-Goy. of Lower Canada. Cul. of the Clare Militia.
CORK, E. Ed. Boyle General in the Army Robert Boyle, s. Lient. 79 Foot. C. E. IV. Boyle, n. Capt. R. N. Courtenay Boyle, b. Retired Rear Admiral, Carolina Boyle, n. Maid of Honour to the Queen. 1 ConxwaLms, E. James Mann
His uncle, the first Marquis Cornwallis, had a Colonelcy of a Regiment ; was twice Gov.-Gen. of tIndia, and on the last occasion also Com- mander-in-Chief; he was Lord-Lieutenant and Commander of the Forces in Ireland, Constable of the Tower, and Master-General of the Ord- nance. His salary as Gov.-General was £25,000 Commander-in-Chief . . 6,000
Pension from E. I. Company . 5,000 Total — 36,000 The late Earl was Bishop of Lichfield and Co- ventry; and a James Cornwallis—we know not whether it is the present Earl—was a Gen- tleman Porter of the Tower.
Courlown, E. James G. Stopford.
Edward Stopford, a, LL-Col. Ft. Gds. Henry S. Stopford, s. Archdeacon of Lffighlin.) Montague Stopford, S. Capt. R.N. Sir Ed. Stopford, b. Lieut.-Gen. and Cob
41st Ft. 1200 Sir Robert Stopford, b. Admiral of White Richard Bruce Stopford, b. Canon of Windsor
and Prebendary of Hereford 'William Henry Stopford, c. Capt. R. Artillery ;.1 Richard Henry Stopford, n. Commander, R.N. NV. B. Stopford, r. Clerk For. Office
Edward Stopford, c. Capt. R.N.
George Stopford, c. Church
Coventry, E. G. NV. Coventry
Willoughby Cotton. 5.-1. Major.Gen., Lieut.-Gov. of Jamaica, and Groom of Bedchamber to Duke of Gloucester Visct. Deerhurst, S. Lieut. 2d Life Guards Sir Roger Creaky, b.-in-I. Groom of Bedchamber to Duke of Gloucester
Cowley, B. Henry Wellesley
Retired Ambassador 2500 William Wellesley, s. Capt. R.N.
This nobleman is brother to the Duke of Wel- lington. He has been much engaged in the profitable employment of diplomacy ; chiefly as an ambassador of the first class. Under the late Ministry he represented this country at the Court of Vienna, with a salary of 12,000/. per annum.
COWPER, E. P. L. L. F. Cowper Hereditary Pensioner 1600 W. Cowper, s. Cornet H. G., and Aide-de- Camp to Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Samuel Marsh Phillips, r. Under Secretary!
of State . . 2000
CRAVEN, E. William Craven Frederiek St. John, Ia.!. General II. A. B. Craven, u. Retired Major-Gen. 0. A. Craven, b. Cornet 8th Hussars
Crewe, B. John Crewe, a. General in the Army
DACRE, B. Thomas Brand
Henry Otway Trevor Brand,b. Major-Gen.
Dalhousie, E. George Ramsay, a. Commander-in-Chief India Col. 20th Foot 1200 Lord Paninure, b.
Lord Ramsay, s. Capt. 20th Foot James Ramsay, b. Lieut.-Gen. Gov. Carlisle John Ramsay, b. Major-Gen.
Lord Dalhousie, was lately Gov..Gen. of Canada
DARNLEY, E. Edward Bligh Lord. Lieut. of Meath
Sir H. Parnell, f.-1. Secretary at War Edward Bligh, a. General S. D. 13ligh, b. Secretary of Legation at the Hague
Dartmouth, E. William Legge
Col. of Staffordshire Militia George Neville Grenville, 8..1. Church A. C. Legge, b. Capt. 1st Life Guards Henry Legge, b. Church Sir A. K. Legge, u. Admiral of Blue Heueage Legge, b. Comm. of Customs..., 1400 Gentleman Usher.
Lady G. C. Legge, Lady of Bedchamber to Duchess Gloucester The late Earl was Lord Steward. His brother, first Clerk to the Closet ; a King's Chaplain ; then Bishop of Oxford. We find a Henry Legge Commissioner of Bankrupts, Inspector of the Exchequer Book of Outports in the Customs, and Under Secretary for the Irish Department.
De CLIFFORD, B. E. Southwell Clifford Dc Dunstanvii:e, B. F. Basset De Grey, Cs. Arabella Iittme Campbell, f.
Delamere, B. Thomas Chohnondeley Hugh Cholmondely, s. Cornet 1st Life Guards Delawarr, E. 0. J. West Late Lord of the Bedchamber
E. P. Buckley, Gent. Privy Chamber Henry Wynyard, a.-1. General
DEN1HOII, E. Basil Percy Fielding Lord of Bedchamber
Henry Harding, 6.-1. Church
DERBY, E. E. S. Stanley
Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire Lord Stanley, a. Vice-Lieut. of Lancashire and Col. of Lancashire Militia
E. G. Stanley, g.-s. Secretary and Keeper of the Privy Seal for Ireland 4323 Henry Thomas Stanley, g..s. Lieut. 23d Foot Samuel Long' g.-s.-l. Lieut.-Col. Charles J. F. Stanley, eas. Lieut. 1st Foot Guards Thomas Stanley, r. Church
Edward Stanley, r. Lieut. R.N. It. B. Bowden, r. Lieut. R.N. The Earl was Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster during the short reign of The Talents, in 1806.
.De boos, B. Henry Willm. Fitzg. de Roos William L. Lascelles de Roos, b. Lieut.-Col. Colonial Agent Malta .T. F. de Roos, b. Corn. R.N.
Olivia de Roos, a. Maid of Honour to the Queen. Frederick Pare, r. Church
The late Baroness had a trivial pension charge- able on the Civil List. It should not be forgotten that De Roos is the premier Baron of' England.
DE SAUMAREZ, B. James Saumarez
Vice-Admiral of Great Britain James Saumarez, s. Church John St. Vincent Samnarez, a. Capt. Rine Brigade
De Tabley, B. George Leicester, m. II. W. Leicester, b. Lieut. let Regt. Foot Guards Devon, E. William Courtenay, a. William Courtenay, r. Clerk Portia.
znent 4000 Patentee of Subprena Office,Chan- eery
* T. P. Courtenay, c. V. P. B. Trade 2000
Agent Cape of Good Hope 600 Edward Berens, r. Church Edward Bouverie, r. Church W. Courtenay has been a Commissioner of Bankrupts, and a Master in Chancery. T. P. Courtenay has been Deputy Paymaster of the Forces, Principal Registrar of the Land-Tax Office, and Cashier of the Stationery. He was nearly sixteen years Secretary of the India Board, with a salary of 2,500/. per annum. All his daughters have pensions.
DEvoNSIME, D. W. Spencer Cavendish Lord Chamberlain 8058
Digby, E. Edward Digby
Lord-Lieutenant of Dorset
Edward St. Vincent Digby, r. Officer in Army Sir Henry Digby, c. Vice-Admiral Samuel Serrel, c../. Church Charles Digby, c. Canon of Windsor
John Dampier, r. Church
G. S. Digby, c. Capt. 1st Foot Guards
Dixounmr, B. William Lewis Hughes Major, Commandant of the Anglesea Militia DONEGAL, M. 0. A. Chichester Lord-Lieut. of Donegal
Lord A. Chichester, s. Capt. 87th Foot Lord H. F. Chichester, s. Lieut. 7th Foot Lord John Chichester, s. Lieut. 87th Foot Earl Belfast, s. Vice-Chamberlain House-
hold 600
Donoughmore, E. J. H. Hutchinson, a. Lord-Lient. of Tipperary, and Vice-Admiral of Munster
Col. lath Foot £1258 Governor Stirling Castle 857 Pension for service 2000 — 4115 Henry Hutchinson, n. Lieut.-Col.
Ab. A. Hutchinson, b. Cont.Customs 1400 J. T. Burgh, n..1. Dean of Cloyue J. F. Bond, r. Dean of Ross C. H. Hutchinson, n. Corn. R.N. Richard Wolfe, n.-i. Church
H. (,'. Hutchinson, n. Church
Dorchester, B. Guy Carleton, m. Lieut. 7th Hussars Lady Dorchester. Pensions ........ 1115 J. King, 6.-1. Church J. Orde, r. Church Richard Carleton, r. Church DORMER, B. J. T. Dormer Dorset, D. Charles Sackville Germain George Germain, 6. Assay M. Tin, Duchy of Cornwall Douglas, B. Archibald Douglas Sir George Scott, 6.-t. Rear-Adm. of Red James Douglas, b. Church George Douglas, b. Capt. R.N.
DOVER, B. G. J. W. Agar Ellis Son of Lord Clifden
DOWNE, V. J. C. B. Devaney Col. 2d West York Militia Lieut.-Col. unattached, pay 200
• Sec. to Mas..Gen. Ord 1200 -- 1400 W. H. Dawnay, b. Church T. Downey, b. Church
DowNsninE, M. A. B. S. T. Hill Lord-Lieutenant of Downshire, and Consta- ble of Hillsborough Fort
Lord A. M. NV. Hill, b. Major 2d Dragoons Lord G. Augustus Hill, b. Major in Army and to Lord-Lieut. Ireland
Drogheda, M. Charles Moore, a.
Henry Moore, c. Church Charles Moore, r. Church Frederick Moore, r. Capt. 12th Lancers DUCE, B. Thomas Reynolds Moreton Percy Reynolds Moreton, s. Lt. 10th Hus.
Dudley, E. J. W. Ward Recorder of Kidderminster DUNDAS, B. Lawrence Dundas Lord-Lieut. of Orkney Henry Lane, a.-1. Lient..Col. William Wharton, 6.-1. Church Thomas L. Pandas, b. Church G. H. L. Dundas, b. Lord of the Admiralty and Rear. Admiral of 13Lue 1000 Sir R. L. Dundas, b. Co!
Lady E. Dundas, r. Pension, C. L... ..... . . 276 Durzmonu, E. George Murray
Vis. Fin castle, s. Lieut. 60th Regt. of Foot H. A. Murray, S. Lieut. R.N. L. G. Keith Murray, it. K.I. Comp.Civil Service DURHAM, B. J. G. Lambton
Lord Privy Seal.. - 2193
Dynevor, B. George Talbot Rice
Lord:Lieut. of Carmarthen
G. R. 13, Trevor Rice. s. Col. Cermet. Militia Francis Rice, rt. Church Edward Rice Talbot, b. Church (Dean of Gloucester)
Eglinton, E. A. W. Montgomery, as. Alexander Montgomery, r. Capt. B.N. Tiltallast Proeter,r. .Cluarch 2600 EamoNT, E. John Perceval Egremont, E. George O'Bryen Wyndham, a. Lord-Lieut. of Sussex Percy C. Wyndham, b. Offices in Barbadoes
and Jamaica. about 5000 W. Wyndham, s. Lieut.-Col. 10th Hussars George F. Wyndham, n. Capt. R.N.
Charles Boultbee, a.-1. Church
Mon, E. John Scott High Steward of University of Oxford Pension as retired Chancellor 9000 Edward Bankes, s.-1. Church (Prebendary of Gloucester, &c.) W. H. J. Scott, s. Three Offices in Chancery 2611
His Lordship lived long enough in office to in- troduce his'own and his wife's kin. W. V. Sur- tees, one of his lady's relatives, was Seerelary of Decrees and Injunctions, Filacer of the Court of Common Pleas, Commissioner of Lunatics, and Commissioner of Bankrupts, and Clerk of the Jurata King's Silver Office. Other relatives were also provided for.
Ellenborough, B. Edward Law *President India Board 5000
Chief Clerk King's Bench 9625 — 14625
Thomas Dyneley, 6.-1. Capt. Artillery C. E. Law, b. Common Sergeant of the City of
John Law, b. Officer in the Army W. J. Law, c. Commissioner of Insolvent Debtor
Henry Spencer Law, 6. Capt. Infantry Castes B. K. B. jointly with Lord Reny-on *Sir George Clerk, c../. Under Secretary of State 2000 Edward Law, a. Church P. G. Crofts, r. Church J. Barlow, r. Chnrch G. H. Law, a. Bish. 33. and W. J. T. Law, c. Prebend of Lichfield — Harkness, c.-1. Church Henry Law, c. Archdeacon of Wells Bait. V. Law, e. Prebendary of Chester Ely, M. John Loftus Lord Robert Ponsonby Loftus, b.
Bishop Clogher The Marquis was Lord Commissioner of the Irish Treasury and Teller of the Exchequer. Lady Ely, Lady of Bedchainber, was formerly Maid of Honour. Her brother, Col. Dashwood, late of the Guards, is Consul-Gen. in Guatemala. The late Marquis was Postmaster-General of Ireland.
Enniskillen, E. J. Willoughby Cole
Lord-Lieut. of Fermanagh and Col. of Fermanagh Mi. litia
Henry A. Cole, s. Cornet Otis Drag. R. Magennis, n. Capt. Half-Pay, Commissioner of Accounts in Ireland Arthur Cole, b. Late Resident at Mysore, with a salary and allowance, about 10000
Pension from E. I. Company . 1000
In all about. . . —11000 Sir G. L. Cole, b. CoL 27th Foot....£1200 Commander in Chief, Cape of Good Hope 7000 Governor of Gravesend and Tilbury — Stafford, c.-L Major, Army A. Alagennis, r. Attache Russia H. Magennis, r. Major 87th Foot Ennor., E. William George Hay High Constable of Scotland Pensions for self and female relatives on E.
and S. List 1285
Master of Horse to Queen William Wemyss, b.-1. Lieut.-Col. James Wernyss, 6.-1. Capt. R.N. W. H. Carr, a.-l. Church George Moore. Church (Prebend. Canter.) S. Hay, s. Capt. 7th Foot and Equerry to the Queen ERSKINE, B. D. M. Erskine Minister at Munich. 4900 Samuel Holland, 8.-1. Church (Prebend. Chichester) Henry David, b. Church
Pensions to Sisters on the English and Scotch Lists 290
T. Erskine, b. Chief Justice of Bankrupt
Court. . 3000 J. C. Erskine,s. E. I. Company's Civil Ser- vice, Bengal
ESSEX, E. George Capel Coningsby
A. H. C. Capel, n. Cons. R.N.
Thomas Edward Capel, b. Lieut.-Gen. William Robert Capel, b. Chaplain to;th e King Thomas 'Haden Capel, b. Rear-Adm.
J. C. Clutterbuck, r. Church
Exeter, M. Brownlow Cecil Hereditary Grand Almoner—Lord Lieut. of Rutland.
Lord Thomas Brownlow Cecil, b. Major 10th Hussars.
&mouth, V. Ed. Pellew
Admiral of the Red, was formerly Comman- of the Navy in India Pension for services £2000 Admiral's half-pay 766 P. B. Pellew, s. Capt. R.N.
Sir L. W. Halsted, s.-1. Adm. of the Blue Richard Harward, s.-I. Capt. R.N. F. B. R. Pellew, s. Capt. R.N. George Pellew, s. Church (Dean of Nor..
with and Prebendary of York)
Edward Pellew, s. Church Sir Israel Pellew, b. Adm. of Blue Falmouth, E. Edward Boscawen John E. Boseawen. b. Church (Preb. Cant.) W. H. Foy, r. Capt. Bombay Artillery
George Boscawen, r. Limit. Eng, E. S. Boscawen, r. Capt. 40th Foot Farnborough, B. Charles Long Commissioner of Duchy of Cornwall
*Pension for twenty-eight years on 4} per Cent Duties, resigned October 1829 1504
Samuel Long, n. Lieut.-Col. let F. G. William Long. 6. Church (Can. Wind.) George Chamberlain, 6.-1. Church
H. S. Montagu, a.-I. Corn. of Stamps Ferrard, V. T. 11. Skeffington Foster, a. A, J. Foster, r. Envoy Turin... 4249 FE 'IRE Es, E. Washington Shirley
Walter Shirley, c. Church Val. A. Shirley, r. Church J. Going, r. Church
H. Butibury, r. Church James Shirley, r. Church
Feverskam, B. Charles Duncombe Henry Duncombe, s. Church Arthur Duncornbe, s. Commander R.N.
FIFE, E. James Duff, Lord-Lieut. of Banfshire
Lord of the Bedchamber
1 Alexander Duff, b. Col. 37th Foot 131 A. F. Taylor, b.-1. Major
FnroALL, E. Arthur James Plunkett Fitz william, E. W. W. Fitzwilliam, a. High Steward of Hull and Recorder of Higham Ferrers
Vis. Milton, s. vice-Admiral of Yorkshire FOLEY, B. Thomas Foley
Capt. Gentlemen Pensioners ... 1000 Lord-Lieutenant of Worcester
A. F. Foley, s. Lieut. 1st Foot Guards Lechmere, r. Lieut. R.N. Forester, B. J. G. W. Forester C. 11. W. Forester, b. Cornet 12th Lancers G. C. W. Forester, b. Lt. II. Gds.; FORTESCEE, E. Hugh Fortescue Lord-Lieutenant of Devon Vis. Ebrington, a. Col. East Devon Militia.
John Fortescue.s. Church
Matthew Furtescue, b. Retired Capt. R.N. William Fortescue, Is. Church C. H. Williams, s.-1. Major Gage, V. H. II. Gage Will. Hall Gage, a. Rear-Ad. of Red
VA J. Gage was Chief Clerk of the Signet.
Galloway, E. George Stewart, a.
Admiral of Blue Chas. J. Stewart, b. Church, (Bish. Quebec) 2800 Ed. R. Stewart, b. Dep. Ch. Customs 1700 J. H. K. Stewart, b. Ass. Sec. Treas 2500 Lord Garlies, s. Lord-Lieut. of Wigtonshire:
E. S. Sewell, r. Church.
Gambier, B. James Gambier
Formerly a Lord of the Admiralty Admiral of Red Robt. Gambier, n. Capt. R.N. Sir J. Gambier, r. Cons.-Gen. Netherlands 1200 Geo. Cornish Gambier, n. Capt. R.N. W. W. Pm, r. Church.
GARDNER, B. A. L. Gardner J. Buckner, r. Lieut. Rifle Brigade
J. James, r. Lieut. 85th Foot W. H. Gardner, u. Col. of Artillery
Gifford, B. Robert Francis Gifford, nz.
Pension Civil List 1205 Glasgow, E. George Boyle
Lord-Lieut. of Ayrshire Viscount Kilburne, .R. Lieut. R.N.
D. Boyle, c. Lord Justice Clerk in Scotland GLENLYON, B. James Murray.
Brother and Heir PresumpIive of the Duke of Athol
Major-Gen. and GOV. Isle of Man
Lord Bedchamber GODERICH, V. F. J. Robinson
Secy. of Col 6000 Commissioner of Board of Control Lord Goderich is Recorder of Lincoln. He has passed through nearly the whole range of the higher offices,—such as Vice-President of the Board of Trade, President thereof, Treasurer of the Navy, Chancellor of the Exchequer, First Lord of the Treasury, and now he is Colonial Secretary. His Lordship is brother to Lord Grantham ; the brothers are now, however, of opposite politics.
Gordon, D. George Gordon
Lord-Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire General in the Army Col. lit Foot £2325 Gov. Edinb. Castle 1046 *Keeper Seal Scotland 1850 — 5°Cl 184
Lady M. Palmer, s GOWER, B. G. G. Leaeson Gower Lord Lieut. of Sutherland, el. a. of the Mar- quis of Stafford.
GRAFTON, D. George H. Fitzroy Lord Lieut. and Vice Admiral of Suffolk, and Ranger of Whittlebury Forest
Hereditary Pensions £11900
Sealer K.B. and C.P 2888 — 14788
Lord Charles Fitzroy, 8. Assist, Adj.-Gen. In Ireland
Lord Euston, s. Ranger of Saleey Forest and Col. of the West Suffolk Militia Lord J. Fitzroy, s. Capt. Hussars
Chas. A. Fitzroy, is. Llent.-Col, and Dept. Ackit.-Gen. C. G. Hope
George Fitzroy, n. Lieut. 3rd F. G..
Lord Arini
Sir II. G. Grey, b. Col. 13th Dm, Sir H. Thompson, 21.-1. Church Francis Ilariny, n.-l. Lord Treasury 1200 Edward Grey, b. Church. Dean of Heref Edward Ellice, 1.4. Secretary Treasury 3500 T. M. Mason, r. Capt. It. N. J. S. Jenkinson, r. Church
Of Earl Grey's family, there have been in place, Sir Charles Grey, his father, Governor of Guern- sey ; the Hon. Sir George Grey, a Commissioner of the Navy ; Sir George Grey, Marshal of Bar- hadoes ; and the lion. W. Grey, Principal Regis- trar of the Court of Admiralty, Cape of Good Hope.
Grey de Riithyn, Bs. Barbara Hastings, f.
Guilford, E. F. North
In the Church Master St. Cross Hospital, Winchester
William Gander, b.-l. Church(Preb. Winchester) Sir II. Warde, f. in law. Col. 31st Foot.
His father, the third Lord Guilford, was Bishop of Winchester. The late Earl, as Sir F. North, was for many years Governor of Ceylon, with a salary of 12,000/. He was Patent Comptroller of the Customs, and Captain of Deal Castle. The Hon. Francis North, Lieutenant of the Cinque Ports ; and the Hon. Frederick North, Chamberlain to the Exchequer.
Haddinglon, E. Thomas Hamilton Sir G. Hamilton, n. sec. of Legation of Brussels. W. Hamilton, r. Capt. R. N.
HAMILTON, D. Alexander Hamilton Keeper of Hoiyrood Palace, and Lord Lieut. of Lanaskshire, and Col. of Lanarkshire Militia. H. C. J. Hamilton, r. Sec. Emb. Paris
F. Hamilton, r. Church A.B. P. A. P. Hamilton, r. Lt. R. N.
Harborough, E. Robert Sherard, a.
Harduieke, E. Philip Yorke
Lord Lieut. of Cambridgeshire, and High Steward of Cambridge University. C. P. Yorke, n. Capt. It. N. Reginald Yorke, a. Lieut. R. N. H. R. Yorke, n. Church G. M. Yorke, a. Lieut. 85 Foot.
Charles P. Yorke, b. Teller Exchequer 2700 Philip J. Yorke. r. Capt. 3d. F. G. Charles Isaac Yorke, r. Church
The Earl has been Viceroy of Ireland, and a Registrar of the Admiralty Court. A Col. John Yorke was Deputy Lieutenant-Governor of the Tower ; the Hon. J. Yorke, a Clerk of the Crown in the Court of King's Bench, a Commissioner of Bankrupts, a Patentee for making out Com- missions of Bankruptcy ; Charles Yorke, Secre- tary at War, Secretary of the Home Department, and First Lord of the Admiralty ; Charles P. Yorke, a Lord of the Admiralty ; and Sir Joseph Yorke, an Admiral and a Lord of the Admiralty.
Harcwood, E. Henry Laseelles. Lord Lieut. of York %Vest Riding.
Barrington, E. Charles Stanhope, cs. Colonel in the Army Lincoln E. It. Stanhope, b. Cob R. H. Stanhope, c. Comm. R. N. and Gen. Usher to the Queen Leicester, F. C. Stanhope, b. Lieut. Col. Fitzroy, H. It. Stanhope, b. Church Francis Charles Stanhope, b. Major Barris, B. William George Harris. Major Gen. S. R. Lushington, 6.-1. Gov. Madras. Salary
and allowances, per ann 20,000 Pension Cons. Fund 1500
J. Hodson, 6.-I, Church M. A. Harris, b. E. I. Comp. Civil Service Harrowby, E. Dudley Ryder. Bigh Steward of Tiverton Lord Sandon, s. Lately See. to India Board Hugh Fitzroy, n. Capt. 1st F. G. Lord Will. Fitzroy. b. Capt. R.N. Rob. Fitzroy, n. Commander R.N.
GRANARD, E. George Forbes
Lieut.-Gen. Clerk Crown and Hanaper, (Ireland) Visct. Forbems. Maj.-Gen. Lord Lieut. of Longford, and late Comptroller of House- hcld to Lord Lieut. of Ireland
F. It. Forbes, a. Seer. of Embassy at 'Vienna Vranthan), B. T. P. Weddell
Lord-Lieut. of Bedford, brother of Lord 13 oderich
GI-milky, B. F. Norton
Ugh Steward of Guildford C. F. Norton, t. Lt. 520 Foot.
GRANVILLE, V. Granville Lereson Gower Granville Leveson Gower, brother to the Marquis of Stafford Ambassador at Paris 11000 Grenville, B. William Wyndham Grenville, a. Auditor of Exchequer 4000 He is Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and uncle to the Duke of Buckingham. His Lordship formerly held office as Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and First Lord of the Treasury.
GREY, E. Charles Grey
First Lord Treasury . 5000 Commis. Board of Control 1500
Vis. Flowick, s. Under Colonial Sec. 2000 Charles Grey, s. Lieut. Col. F. W. Grey, S. Capt. It. N. George Grey, s. Corn. It. N. H. C. Grey, s. Ensign 430 Foot. George Barrington, a.-1. Capt. It. N. and
100 1800
Gran. D. Ryder, s. Lieut. R. N.
E. Saurin, Capt. R. N.
F. D. Ryder, a. Clerk Foreign Office Richard Ryder, b. Registrar Cons. Court
Henry Ryder, 6. Bishop L. and C. Henry D. Ryder, n. Church
HASTINGS, M. G. A. F. R. Hastings.
The present Marquis of liasting,s has just at- tained his majority. He married the Baroness Grey de Ruthyn. His father, as Earl of Moira and first Alarquis of Hastings, filled many dis- tinguished offices about the Court and in the public service. Ile was Governor-General of India,Governor of Malta,Constable of the Tower, Master-General of the Ordnance, an attached Colonel, and a Lord of the Bedchamber. Besides his share of Deccan Prize Money, he received in lieu of pension a donation to his family of 90,0001. from the East India Company.
HAwitc, B. E. W. Harvey Hawke S. Hawke, b. Capt. 47th Foot.
HEADFORT, M. Thomas Taylour Lord Lieut. of Cavan. Col. of Meath Militia • His father was Lord of the Bedchamber 600
Robert Taylour, c. Col. 6th Drag. Guards 1578 Lady H. Taylor, s. Lady of Bedchamber to Princess Augusta.
Marchioness Headfort, Pension C.L 89 Hereford, V. Henry F. Devereux
Pension C. L. 583 *Capt. of Gentlemen Pensioners 1000
— 1983 Sir J. Cockburn, 1..1. Paymaster Marines Hertford, M. F. C. Seymour Conway
Lord Warden of Duchy of Cornwall, Recorder of Coventry, &c.
Lord It. Seymour, u. Comp. & Prothon. K.B Ireland 7137
Lord G. Seymour, a. Chairman Excise 2000 Henry Seymour, e. Serat. at Arms, FL C 2300 George F. Seymour, r. Capt. R.N. Sergt. at Arms, II. b.
H. B. Seymour, e. Gent. Ush. Privy Ch.
Sir G. Hamilton Seymour, c. Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Fioreuce
The late Marquis filled the courtier offices of Chamberlain of the King's Household, and Mas- ter of the Horse. S. 11. Seymour was at one time Secretary of Legation at Constantinople; Lady E. Seymour was Housekeeper at Hampton Court ; James Seymour, Chamberkeeper ; and Lord Henry and Lord George Seymour Con- way, were Carmen and Wharfingers in the Irish Customs. His Lordship is Recorder of Coventry and Bodmin.
Heytesbury, B. William A'Court, a.
Ambass. St. Petersburg. 12000 E. H. A'Court, b. Capt. R.N.
C. A. A'Court, b. col.
Hill, B. Rowland Hill, a.
Commander-in-Chief £34.58 Col. Royal Horse Guards 1358 Gov. Plymouth 617 Pension for Service 2000 --- 7433 John Hill, n. Church' It. F. Hill, n. Major 53rd Foot.
Philip Hill, n. Capt. 53rd Foot, Extra Aide.
de-Camp to Governor of Gibraltar C.1). Hill, n. Corn. Horse Guards
G. S. Hill, r. Lieut. Horse Guards, Aide- de-Camp to Commander-iu-Chief Edward Neville, 64. Church IF Sir R. C. Hill, b. Retired Col. of the Army Clement Hill, b. Lieut.-Col. Horse Guards, Aide-de-Camp to Commander-in-Chief Sir T. N. Hill, b. Col. Corn, at 3faidstone
Ilor.r.Axn, Vassal B. H. R. Vassal Chancellor Duchy of Lancaster 3563 Commissioner of Duchy of Cornwall, Re- corder of Nottingham
H. E. Fox, s. Attached to Legation at Brus- is Siree H. E. Banbury, r. Lieut.-Gen. William Napier, r. Col. in the Army
Mrs. B. Fox, a. Pension 938 HOOD, V. Henry Hood.
Pension for services of father . • .. 1875 Samuel Hood, n. Lieut. Foot Guards F. G. Hood, g.-s. Capt. 1st Foot Guards F. Mason, s4. Capt. R.N. R. G. Richards, s.-1. Church. Ilopeloun, E. John Hope Lord-Lieutenant of Linlithgow James Hope, b. Capt. let Foot Guards £030 Sir Al. Hope, a. Col. 47th Foot
Gov. Chelsea Hospital 464 Pension for Wound 400 — 1754
Sir Patrick Murray, u.-1. Bar. Scotch Ex
chequer... 2000 Charles Hope, r. President of the Court of Session 4300 *John Hope, r. Solicitor. General, Scot- land 000 Charles Hope, 7. Capt. R.N. Sir J. Hope, r. Col. 72nd Foot 1158
G. Hope, b. Lieut. R.N. William J. Hope Johnston, r. Capt. R.N. Charles J. Hope Johnston, r. Capt. R.N. George James Hope Johnston, r. Capt. R.N. Henry Hope, r. Capt. R.N.
C. S. J. Hawtayne, r. Capt. RN.
Frederick Hope, r. Capt. 15th Foot HOWARD or EFFINGHAM, B. K. A. Howard Lieut.-Gen. in the Army
Col. 70th Foot 1343 HOWARD DE WALDEN, B. C. A. Ellis ; Son of Lord Seaford. He was Under secretary of State to Mr. Canning. HOWDEN, B. J. F. Cradock
Col. 43rd Foot. Has enjoyed many Staff Ap-
pointments at Madras, Cape, G ibraltar,&c. J. H. Cradock, s. Lieut.-Cul. in the Army
Lord Howdeu's son was recently attache to the Em- bassy at Paris.
Howe, E. R. W. P. Curzon Howe
• Chamberlain to the Queen
IIowe, Bs. Sophia Charlotte Waller, f. Ilt.wrixonox, E. F. T. II. Hastings
Pension Civil List ........ .............. 400
Brothers' and Sisters' Pensions Henry Parker, b..1. Corn. R.N.
ILcursTmt, E. II. S. Fox Strangways Charles Fielding, 6.-1. Capt. R.N. Sir C. Cute, 64. Capt. R.N. and Col. of Marines W. H. F. Strangways, b. Late Secretary of Legation at Naples
G. F. Strangways, r. Capt. 7th Foot
G. I). R. Strangways, b. Gent. usher to the-
C. Strangways, c. Capt. R. N. Stephen D. Strangways, tr. Lt.-Col.
C. R. Strangways, zt. Church
Thomas Strangways, c. Capt. Artil.
Henry Strangways, c. Church
Alexander Macdonald, r. Col. Royal:Artib•
Jersey, E. George Villiers
Has been Lord Chamberlain.
Augustus J. Villiers, Lieut. H. Gds,
Keith, Bs. Mar. Mercer Elphinstone,f. Daughter of the late Admiral Lord Keith. Her uncle,.
H. Elphinstone, was thirty years a Director of the E. I. C. M. S. Elphinstone, her cousin, was Gov. of Bombay, with a salary of 13,0001. He has a pension from the Company of 1000L per annum. Vice-Admiral Fleming, late Coinmander-in-Chief in the \Vest Indies, is another cousin. Sir P. Malcolm, Vice•Admiral, is son-in-law of 51. Elphinstoue.
Kenyon, B. George Kenyon Custos Brev. K. Bench 2600 T. Kenyon, b. Fees and compensation for 6717
offices in King's Bench
Loyd Kenyon, n. Lt. II. Gds.
Thomas Kenyon, a. Capt. 8th Foot Knro, B. Peter King
Kingston, E. George King, a.
Henry King, b. Major-General Richard F. King, b. Church J. W. King, 6. Capt. lt.N. Edward Morrison, bet. Col. 13th Foot Gov,
Kncx,trun, B. G. W. Fox Kinnaird Kinnoul, E. T. R. H. Drummond
Lyon, King of Arms in Scotland, and Lord- Lieutenant of Perthshire. Col. of Perth Militia Pension 41 per Cents
1000. G. Wilkins, r. Church Edward W. Hay, c,, Keep. Rec. Lyon off.
B.(NSVc.otliay, r. Under Sec. Colonial Off 2000 And Consul-General at Tangiers.
W. R. Ray, r. Church, (Prebend. York) Edward Hay, r. Church
Sir C. Rowley, f.-1. Vice Admiral of White LAKE, V. F. G. Lake
Lieut.-Gen. Unattached
4 Hereditary Pension for services 230.06
0 Lord Bedchamber 500 — 2956
J. Harvey, s.-/. Col. to the King J. Wardlaw, Major-General
The late Lord Lake was for many years Com- mander-in-Chief and member of Council in India, with a Salary of 16,0001. per ann., and received about 100,000/. prize money. LANSDOWNE, M. Henry Petty Fitzmaurick Lord Lieutenant of Wilts.
Lord Pres. Council
W. E. Fitzmaurice, r. Capt. 2nd Life Guards.
Lauderdale, E. James Maitland
Standard-bearer of Scotland.
Anthony Maitland, s. Capt. R.N. John 'Maitland, s. Lieut.-Col. 32nd Foot.
W. H. Maitland, b. Gen.
Sir A. C. hlaitland Gibson, c. Director of Bank of
T. T. Maitland, T. Lieut. 24th Foot.
Sir F. L. Maitland, c. Rear-Admiral of Blue.
II. S. Wedderburn, r. Heritable Royal Standard- bearer of Scotland.
Sir Wm. Houston. Lieut.-Gen. £365
and Lt.-Gov. Gibraltar Commander-in-Chief Gibraltar 3500 Groom of Bedchamber 366 Col. 20th Foot 1200 5431
John Maitland, c. Rear-Ada'. of Red. Fred. Maitland, C. Gen.
Col. Ceylon R, Regt 921
Lt.-Gov. DOMilliCa 360 1286,
T. Garth, r. Capt. R.N.
La Zonclie, Bs. II. A. Curzon Bishoppj.
W. Bishopp, r. Corn. R. N.
Le Despencer, Bs. Mary Francis Elizabeth
G. A. C. Stapleton,?. Retired Major-Gene- ral, and Chairman of Victualling Board
Leeds, D. G. W. F. Osborne
Constable Middleham Castle 46
• Master Horse 3350 3306. Marquis Carmarthen, s. In the Army
His Grace is Lord-Lieutenant of the North Riding or Yorkshire, Ranger of Richmond Forest, and Governor of the Islands of Scilly.
LEINSTER, D. II. F. Fitzgerald Lord-Lieutenant of Kildare G. F. Lyon, r. Capt. R.N.
Lord It. Fitzgerald, u. Late Min. Lisbon 1700 Pension C. L. 624 -- 2324 Lord It. S. Fitzgerald, u. Pens, for service . 800 Vise. de Chabot, r. Major-General Sir Guy Campbell, r. Dep. Quart. Mast. General In Ireland Sir T. C. Foley, r. Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom and Flag-Officer at Portsmouth. The Duke's sisters, Lady Elizabeth Mary Baker and Lady Emily Henry, have small pensions.
LEITRIM E. Nathaniel Clements
Lord-Lieutenant of Leitrimshire, and Colonel of Donegal Militia
W. Sydney Clements, s. Capt. 43d Foot and Aide. do. Camp to the Lord-Lisutenant of Ireland C. S. Clements, 8. Lieut. 37th Foot G. R. A. Clements, s. Lieut. R.N.
LICHFIELD, E. Thomas W. Anson Master Stughounds . .George Anson, b. Lieut.-Col. . 2606 Sir 0. Anson, u. Col. 4th Drag. Gds....... 1500 F. W. Anson, c. East India Company's Mili-
tary Service
Sir William Anson, u. Col. 66th Foot
Henry Anson, a. Church Frederick Anson, u. Church (Prebendary of Southwell)
L/LFORD, B. T. A. Fowls
Lord of Bedchamber F. Powis, a. Church
Lyttleton Powis, u. Church Richard L. Adams, 6.-1. Church R. V. Powis, b. E. I. Company's Military Service Horatio Powis, b. Church H. L. Powis, b. Lieut. 60th Foot T. H. Causton, r. Church Limerick, E. E. H. Pery E. H. Very, g.-s. Lieut. 7th Foot '1'. S. Rice, s.-1. Sec. Treas. John Delafield, s.-1. Church 3500
Lindsey, E. Albemarle Bertie,
Liverpool, E. C. C. C. Jenkinson Lady C. J. Jenkinson, d. Lady of Bedchamber to Duchess of Kent
The late Lord Liverpool enjoyed place from his boyhood almost even to his death ; and he did not scruple to occupy the inferior places. He was Chairman of the Board of Plantations, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Secre- tary of State for the Home Department, Colo- nial and Foreign Secretary, and First Lord of the Treasury, in turn. He also received the profits of Receiver-General of the Duchy of Lancaster, and Clerk of the Pells in Ireland ; and was Reversionary Prothonotary of the County Palatine of Lancaster, and Patent Col- lector of the Customs. Others of the family have held office, some of them very humble.
Londonderry, M. C. IV. Vane Stewart
Col. of 10th Hussars ; was formerly Under Sec. for the Colonies, and Ambassador Extraotdinary to Austria,
*Sir Henry Hardinge, 6.-1. Major General.
Sec. War 2480 Pension for wounds 300 — 2700 Lady Caroline Wood, s. Principal Bed- chamber woman to the Queen
It is difficult to trace the connexions of this family, for the Stewarts in place are almost in- numerable. Lord Castlereagh travelled through the principal appointments of the State : from Secretary for Ireland he became President of - the India Board, Colonial Secretary, Lord of the Admiralty, and finally Foreign Secretary, and leading Minister of England.
Longford, E. T. Pakenham H. R. Pakenham, b. Col. and Aide-de-Camp to the King Henry Pal:milieu], b. Church (Archd. Einly) Sir T. Pakenhatn, a. Admiral of Red Hercules J. Pakenham, b. Lieut.-Col. John Pakenham, c. Capt. R.N. J. Hare, c.-1. Church R. Pakenham, c. Sec. Leg. Mexico £2023 T. Pakenham, c. E. I. C.'s Civil service B. Pakenham, c. Lieut. in Navy Robert Pakenham, c. Church
T. Pakenham, r. Pen. Mast.-Gen. Ordn. I. 1107
Lansdale, E. William Lowther
Lord Lieutenant of Cumberland and Westmoreland, and Recorder of Carlisle Lieut.-Col. in the Army
• Viscount Lowther, s. Woods and Forests 2000 Commissioner of Duchy of Cornwall and Lieut.-Col. of Westmoreland Militia
• Sir J. Beckett, $.4. Judge-Adv.-Gen..... 2500 Henry Cecil Lowther, s. Col.
Lothian, M. J. IV. R. Kerr
Lord-Lieutenant of Roxburghshire, Col. of
Edin. Militia, and Recorder of Huntingdon Lord C. Kerr, s. Ensign 90th Foot C. W. J. Kerr, c. Church Lord M. R. Kerr, u. R.-Ad. of Red
H. R. Pechel, r. Church Lord R. Kerr, u. Ass. Adj.-Gen. Scat., Sec.
to the Order of the Thistle Sir J. Macleod, r. Director-Gen. of Royal Artillery
II. S. Kerr, c. Ensign 43rd Foot Sir W. M. Gomm, r. Major 2nd Ft. Guards LUDLOW, E. George James Ludlow.
General in the Army andCol. in the 38th Foot—Lieut. Governor of Berwick.
LYTTELTON, B. W. H. Lyttelton Macclesfield, E. Geo. Parker
Lord-Lieut. of Oxford and High Steward of Henley. Capt. Yeom. Guard 1341
Malmesbury, E. J. E. Harris
Gov. Isle Wight Alfred Harris. n. Ensign 72nd Foot.
John Bell, 6.-1. Secretary Gov. C. G. Hope, Scc 2000 Manchester, D. W. Montagu
Lord-Lieutenant of Huntingdon.
• Postmaster-Gen 2500 Dhchess Dowager compens. for Collector of
Customs 2928 Thomas Steele, s.-/. Lieut.-Col. in the Army.
Visct. Mandeville, s. Commander, R.N. Lady E. Montagu, S. Housekeeper Hampton
Court P. R. Hockings, r. Capt. R.N.
George Montagu, 2. Ch.
E. V. Worsley, r. Col. Royal Artillery. Sir J. Gore, r. V.-Adm. of Red. G. W. Wroughton, r. Lt.-Col. Jn. W. Montagu, r. Capt. R.N. Jas. Montagu, r. Capt. R.N.
The Duke has also filled the office of Collector of
Customs, as well as the Governorship of Jamaica.
rilfanners, B. Thomas Manners Sutton Late Chancellor of Ireland 3692 .ilransfisici, E. William Murray
Lord-Lieut. of Clackmannanshire Hereditary Keeper of Scone Castle Countess Mansfield, Pens. 41. per Cents 1000
George Murray, b. Major-Gen. £492
Auditor of Scotch Each 1200
D. H. Murray, s. Lima. 7th Foot. Charles Murray, b. Maj. Chas. Rob. Murray, a. Capt. Inf. Henry Murray, b. Col.
MArrrans, E. Ch. H. Pierrepont
H. Pierrepont, b. Late En. Stockholm 1200 Marlborough, D. George Spencer Churchill
Hereditary Pension 5000
Lord Chas. Spencer Churchill, s. Lt.-Col Lord H. J. Spencer Churchill, s. Capt. R N. Aubrey Geo. Spencer Churchill, r. Church (Arelhl. Bermuda) G. J. T. Spencer Churchill, c. Church E. Nares, b..1. Church
Lacey Ramsey, r. Clerk of Bills in Treas.
His Grace has little influence. The large pos- sessions of the house are heavily encumbered, and little is left beyond the family pension. As Marquis of Blandford, he was Commissioner of the Treasury of the nation. Lady Mary Churchill was Housekeeper of Windsor Castle.
Maryborough, B. William Wellesley Pole
Ranger of Swinley and Constable of Maryborough
*Master of Staghounds 2606 W. L. Wellesley, s. Ranger of Epping Forest Lord Maryborough, like all other members of the 'Wellesley family, has had a good share both of public influence and public money : he has been a Clerk of the Ordnance, First Secretary to the Admiralty, Chief Secretary to the Lord. Lieutenantof Ireland, and Master of the Mint, Maynard, V. Hy. Maynard
Lord.Lieut. of Essex.
MEATH, E. John Chambre Brabazon Lord-Lieut. of Dublin .MELBOURNE, V. William Lamb Secretary State Home All' 6000 Comm. Board of Control Sir Frederick Lamb, b. Ambass. Vienna 12000 Geo. Lamb, b. Und. Secretary State 2000 Melville, V. Robert Saunders Dundas Chancellor of the University of St. Andrews
*First Lord Admiralty £5000 Scotch Privy Seal 2675
— 7675 "Dundas" may be almost used as synonymous with " a holder of office." It seems to have been necessary for many years past that the name should be found in every grade of every public department. Besides the great Scottish chief who was President of the Board of Con- trol, and First Lord of the Admiralty for many
years, we have had—
A. Pundits, Secretary at War; Lord Privy Seal of Scotland David Dundas, a General Officer ; Governor of Landguard Fort, and Com.-in-Chief R. Dundas, Lord Advocate; Joint Keeper of the Registrar of Sasines ; Joint Keeper of the Signet ; Chief Baron of the Exchequer R. Hondas Saunders, also Joint Keeper James Pandas, Deputy Director of the Chan- cery of Scotland Lieut.-General Francis Pandas, Lieutenant Governor of the Cape of Good Hope Hon. W. Pandas, Secretary-at-War Philip Dundas, Governor of Prince of Wales' Island Peter Dundee, Commissioner of Excise
George Hondas, Commissioner of the Navy
at Bombay
H. Dundas, s. Lleut.-Col. R. S. Dundas, s. Capt. R.N.
Robert Dundas, s. Dep. Compt. Navy
William Dundas, b. Scotch Sinecures 3300 Lyndhurst, B. J. S. Copley Chief Baron Exch. 7000 LENEDOCH, B. Thomas Graham General in the Army.
Col. 14th Foot Gov. Dumbarton Castle Pension for service .£1200 164 2000 — 3364 • 1692
Middleton, B. Henry Willoughby, a. High Steward of Sutton Colfield Digby Willoughby, c. Corn. R.N.
Midleton, V. George Brodrick, a. George Brodrick, n. Church William J. Brodrick, /3. Church J. A. Maude, od. Capt. R.N. H. D. 'Folly. n.-1. Major-Gen. J. Brodrick, b. Gen.
IVIDIro, E. Gilbert Elliot Murray Kynymnound
Pension Civil List 925
George Elliot, b. Capt. R.N. Sec. Adm. 3000
Gov. Mint (Scotland) 300 — 3300 The late Earl was Ambassador at Vienna, Governor-General of Bengal, and President of the Board of Control. His youngest son, the Honourable J. Elliot was his private secretary as Governor-General, and is now a civil servant in the East India Company in Bengal, with a salary of 5000/. and a retiring pension of 1000/. The late Earl's brother was Ambassador at Ber- lin, Governor of Leeward Islands, Governor of Madras, and Member of the Privy Council. Sir Thomas Hislop, late Commander-in-Chief of Madras is son-in-law of this M. Elliot. Two of M. Elliot's sons are in the civil service of the East India Company, and one is in the Colonial Office. Capt. It. Elliot, R.N. is cousin of the present Earl.
Monson, B. F. J. Monson Thomas Monson, (.1..u. Church
J. J. J. Monson, r. Church (Chaplain to the
MontayaKing,)B. H. J. M. Scott
Lord-Lieut. of Selkirk, and Ranger of Ged- dington Chase
MONTFORT, B. Henry Bromley
Pension, C. L. 622
Montrose, D. James Graham
* Lord Chamberlain £3053 Lord Just. Gen. Scot 2000
_ 5053 *Marg. Graham, 8. Commits. Board of Control Col. of Stirling Militia Lord M.W. Graham, s. Capt. 2d Foot Guards His Grace is Lord-Lieutenant of Dumbarton and Stirlingshire. He has been Master of the Horse, President of the Board of Trade, a judge, a courtier, and a minister ; and proved himself equally efficient in all posts.
Moray, E. Francis Stuart, a.
Lord Limit. of Elginshire
James Stuart, s. Capt. 85th Foot A. G. Stuart, a. Lieut. 67th Foot
Montur, E. J. Parker
MosTyx, B. Edward Pryce Lloyd Mount-Edgcombe, E. Richard Edgcombe Lord Lieut. of Cornwall and High Stew. of Plympton Vise. Valletort, s. Aide-de-Camp to the King G. Edgcombe, s. Sec. Leg. Florence, E. Constantine Henry Phipps C. B. Phipps, b. Capt. 3rd Foot Guards E. Phipps, a. Col. 2nd 80th Regt. £782 *Clerk Delia Ord. 1018 1SOD The father of the 'present Earl Mulgrave en- joyed many valuable appointments. Amongst them were the Chancellorship of the Duchy of Lancaster, the Foreign Secretaryship, the Office of Master-General of the Ordnance, Governor- ship of Scarborough, First Lord of theAdmiralty, and the Colonelcy of a Regiment of Foot. BItrtisTna, E. G. Fitzclarenci Col. in the Army, Lieut, of the Tower, and Catup to the King
Pensions for Self and Brothers on the Civil
List and 41 per Cent 1500 Lord A. Fitzclarence. b. Yeom. Robes, Capt. R.N. Lord F. Fitzelarence, b. Col. in the Army, Lieut. Col. 7th Foot, and Aide-de-Camp to the King NELSON, E. William Nelson
In time Church (Preb. Canter.) Pension because of Brother's services
5000 Sir Robert Barlow. f..1. Retired Rear-Adm. John Bendyshe, n.-1. Lieut. It N.
Arthur Davies, n.-1. Lieut. R.N.
Henry Girdlestone, n.-I. Church Edward Blankley, n.-1. Coca. R.N. H. W. Mason, ?IA. Lieut. R.N.
Newcastle, D. Henry P. F. P. Clinton Lord-Lieut. of Nottinghamshire and Ranger of Sherwood Forest *Dowager Duchess, Pension E. List 780 Sir William H. Clinton, r. Col. 55th Foot.., 1109 C. J. Clinton, r. Church J. Webber, r. Church (Preb. Westin.) Dean Loorfd RCi.PrClinton, s. Corn. 1st Life Gds. Lord T. C. P. Clinton, s. Ditto
H. Clinton, r. Capt. 98th Foot
F. Clinton, r. Capt. 1st Foot Guards NORFOLK, D. B. E. Howard
Hereditary Grand Marshal
NORTHAMPTON, M. S. J. A. COMptOn Recorder of Northampton Northumberland, D. Hugh Percy
*Lord-Lieut. Ireland
23153 Lord-Lieut. of Northumberland and Constable of Launceston Castle
The Duchess is Governess to the Princess Vic- toria.
F. T. Buller, Lieut.-Col. 2nd Foot Guards
1Vorthwick, B. J. Rushout George Rushout, b. Church
0..txt.ty, B..: George Cadogan Capt. R.N.
ONSLOW, E. A. G. Onslow George Walton Onslow, r. Church
Arthur Onslow, r. Church
T. C. Onslow, b. Col. of 2nd Surrey Militia J. N. C. Onslow, r. Capt. 11th Light Drag.
J. J. Onslow, r. Corn. R.N.
R. F. Onslow, r. Church (Archdn.Worces.) Arthur C. Onslow, r. Church R. W. Ingram,,'. Church
George Onslow, r. Pension C. L 81 Arthur Onslow, r. Pension C. L. 81
Orford, E. Horatio Walpole
Col. of West Norfolk Militia
John Walpole, b. Private See. For. Office Robert Walpole, r. Light Rifle Brig. *Edward Onslow, r. Priv. Sec. to Chan.
Excheq. £900 Making up In. Ace. 300 — 1200 Robert NValpole, r. Church The Earl of Orford, as Lord Walpole, was Se- cretary of Legation at St. Petersburg, Com- missioner of the Affairs of India, and a Lord of the Admiralty. An Honourable R. Walpole was Clerk of the Council ; and an Honourable G. Walpole Under Secretary in the Foreign De- partment.
OitatowDE, i%r.J. W. Butler
Lord-Lieut. of Kilkenny, Chief Butler of Ire- land. and Col. of Kilkenny Militia Lord W. Butler, s. In the Army.
Oxrono, E. Edward Harley — Bacon, 54. Major Inf. Alfred Harley, s. Captain Inf.
PARMURE, B. William Mettle Lauderdale Manic, s. Lieut. 39th Foot Pembroke and Montgomery, E. R. H. Her- bert, a.
High Steward of Wilton
PETRE, B. W. H. F. Petro
Procmczyr, B. W. C. Plunkett
Chancellor of Ireland............. ....... 9334 Thomas Plunket, s. Church Day. Plunket, s. Proth. K. B. Ireland........ 1384 William Plunket, s. Church Rob. Plunket, s. Church P. Plunket, s. Counsel to the Excheq. in Ireland Sir It. F. L. Blosse, s. in 1. Chap, to the Ld. Lieut.
Plymouth, E. 0. A. Windsor Andrews Windsor, rt. Church PoLTIatostE, B. G. W. Bampfylde Col. of North Devon 51ilitia POMFRET, E. Thomas William Fermor Lieut. General
PoNsoxnv, B. John Ponsonby
Envoy at Brazil 4661 Richard Ponsonby, b. Bishop Derry Geo. Ponsonby, b. Lord of the Treasury W. B. Ponsonby, n. Lieut. 7th Foot PORTLAND, D. W. H. C. S. Bentinck Lord Lieut. of Middlesex, has been a Lord of the Treasury and Pres. of the Council Lord George Bentinck, S. Maj. in Army Lord W. H. C. Bentinck, b. Guy. Gen.
India about 30000 Clerk Pipe 1131 Col. Ilth Lt. Dragoons . 2511 — 33642
W. H. E. 13entinck, c. Church, (Frei). West.) Clerk Signet Office
C. A. F. Bentinck, r. Lt.-Col. Cold. Gds. H. J. W. Bentinck, r. Lt. Col. Cold. Gds. Sir J. H. 1Vhitsbed, r. Adm. of the Red Sir It. J. n. Pen. Civ. List 157 Lady J. Sentinels, r. Pen. Civ. List . . . • 233 Besides the nominal appointment of Ranger of Sherwood Forest, the late Duke enjoyed the offices of First Lord of the Treasury, Lord Pre- sident of the Council, and Secretary of State. Lord William Cavendish Bentinck has been Commander in Chief in Sicily, Governor of Madras, and is now Governor-General of India, and Clerk of the Pipe. A William Bentinck has been Governor of St. Vincent, Auditor-General at the Cape. An H. W. Bentinck, Vendue- Master at Demerara; Lord Charles Bentinck, Treasurer of the Household; Henry Bentinck, Governor of Demerara ; Charles Bentinck, Go- vernor of Surinam ; and a Reverend William Harry E. Bentinck, Chief Clerk to the Signet Office.
Portsmouth, E. J. C. Wallop, a. J. C. Churchill, b.-1. Church roulett, E. John Poulett Col. of 1st Somerset Militia George Poulett, b. Capt. It. N.
Late Rec.-Gen. Taxes £400
Powis, E. Edward Clive.
Lord Lieut. of Shropshire
As Lord Clive he was Goy. of Madras.
Sir W. NV. Wynne, s.-1. Aidenle-camp to the King, and Col. of Denbigh Militia.
Robert Clive,b. Lieut.-CoL
s. Lord Lieut.of Montgomeryshire.
Prudhoe, B. Algernon Percy. Capt. It. N.
RADNOR, E. W. P. Bouverie. Recorder of Sarum E. P. Buckley, Lieut.-Col. in the Army. 1). P. Bouverie, b. Capt. R. N. and Col. of /dodoes.
F. P. Bouverle, b. Church (Canon, Salisbury) Edward Bouverie, c. Church (Prebend. Sa. lisbury) and Chaplain to the King.
William A. Bouverie, r. Church
E. William Bouveric,r. Capt. Horse Guards John Bouverie, r. Church (Prebend. Lincoln) Edw. Bouverie, r. Church (Can. Christ Ch. Ox.)
J. H. M. Luxmore, r. Church (Prebend. St. Asaph) H. J. Bouverie, r. Corn. Cut F. C. Bouverie, c. Pen. C. L
Si. R. Bouverie, r. Pen. C. L.
Sir H. F. Bouverie, r. Maj.-Gen. command-
ing the Northern District £875 Unattached pay as Major in Cold- stream Guards 700 RANIHMLEY, E. Thomas Knox E. S. Perry Knox, s. Capt. R.N.
James Knox, s. Lieut.-Col.
It. N. Horner, n..I. Church.
E. F. Knox, n. Church.
Jas. S. Knox, n. Church.
Edmund Knox, b. Church (Bishop of Killaloe.) Win. Knox,,,. Church.
T. O'Neill, r. Church.
This family enjoys judicial pensions. The pre- sent Earl and his son, V. Knox, are Prothonota- ries of the Court of Common Pleas in Ireland. the emoluments of which are set down at the enormous sum of 7,150/. Another son, — Knox, is son-in-law of General the Earl of Kilmorey, Colonel of the 86th Foot, the pay and emolu- ments of which are returned as 1,120/. Ravensworik, B. T. H. Liddel G. A. F. Liddel, s. Lieut. 3rd Foot Guards.
George Liddel, s. Capt. 7th Foot. Rayleigh, Bs. Ch. M. Ger. Strutt,f. Redesdale, B. John T. Mitford
B. Mitford, r. Commr. Inquiry, Ireland 1200 The late Lord Redesdale was Chancellor of Ireland, and for many years enjoyed the retiring pension of 4,000/.
Ribblesdale, B. Thomas Lister J. F. Parker, 6..1. Church RICHMOND, D. Charles Lennox Vice-Admiral of Sussex.
Postmaster-General 2000 Sir Peregrine Maitland, 3.-1. Lieut.-Gen.
6094 Lieut.-Gov. Nova Scotia 700
Colonel of I. W. Regt 6794 Lord J. G. Lennox, b. Lieut.-Col. 0th Dragoons. 'Lawrence Peel, 3.-1. Corn. Board Control
Lord W. P. Lennox. 1. Capt. in the Army
Lady G. L. Ros, r. Pen. C. L. 200
Lady M. Fitzroy, r. Pen. C. L 200
Lady L. hf. Lennox, s. Pen. C. L 446
Lady S. G. Lennox, s. Pen. C. L. 150 The late Duke was Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland and Governor of Canada, where he died. He was many years on the Home Staff.
1?ivers, B. G. Pitt Rivers.
H. P. Rivers, b. Cornet Royal Horse Guards. Roden, E. Robert Jocelyn
*Lord Bedchamber 500 *Pension Aud. Irish Exchequer Walter Hore, r. Church Percy Jocelyn, u. Church John Jocelyn, b. Lieut. 7th Hussars
A. G. F. Jocelyn, b. Cornet 6th Dragoon Guards Rodney, B. George Rodney
Lord-Lieutenant of Radnor Col. of North Hants Militia
Hereditary Pension 2923 Spencer Rodney, b. Church Henry Rodney, b. Church (Preb. Heref.) William Rodney, b. Sec. Compt. A. Accts.
John Rodney, u. See. Ceylon 3200
G. B. Mundy, u..I. Lieut.. Gen.
A. Rodney, a. Pen. C. L... •• 771
Alex. Brownt.r. Capt. Engineers.
Rolle, B. John Rolle Col. of the South Devon Militia ROMNEY, E. Charles Marsham
Jacob Marsham, U. Church (Can. Wind.
Preb. Roch.)
Charles Marsham, c. Church William Style, c.-1. Corn. ILN. H. S. Marsham, c. Corn. R.N. Rob. Marsham, c. Church.
C. F. Maclean, c.4. Maj. Slat Foot ROSEEERY, E. A. J. Primrose Rosslyn, E. J. St. Clair Erskine
Lord-Lieut. of Fifeshire General in the Army Col. 9th Lancers £1415 Director of Scotch Chancery 1852
• Lord Privy Seal 2193 — 5460 Lord Loughborough, s. Clerk Chancery
Scot. 1136 Lieut.-Col. 9th Lancers 419 — 1555
Rutland, D. J. H. Manners
Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire Col. of Leicester Militia
Lord C. S. Manners, b. Maj.-Gen.
Lord R. W. Manners, b. Maj.-Gen.
T. M. Sutton. r. Church (Pre!). West.)
George M. Sutton, r. Corn. R.N.
Charles M. Sutton,,'. Speaker H. Corns..,. 600 James Croft, r. Church (Arch. Cant.) 1400 82 300 1575 Sr. ALBANS, D. W. A. de V. Beauclerk
Hereditary Grand Falconer and Registrar
Lord A. Beauclerk, u. Admiral of the Blue Lord F. Beauclerk, u. Church Ant). W. Beauclerk, r. Major
Lord F. Beauclerk, b. Lieut. R.N.
Lord H. Beauclerk, b. Lieut. 87th Foot
H. W. Beauclerk, r. Clerk of Board of Control
St. Germain; E. William Eliot *Lord Eliot, s. Lord Treasury 1000 G. Martin, a..1. Church (Can. Exeter, Chan Diocese.) Sir W. Pringle, n.-1. Lieut.-Gen. Cob 64th Reg.
St. Helens, B. Allevne Fitzherhert
Richard Henry Fitzherbert, r. Lieut. Rifle Brig.
St. John, B. St. Andrew B. St. John, a. John Foster, c.a. Church Sir J. Vaughan, f.-1. Baron Exchequer 5516 Albert Pell, c.-1. Judge Bankruptcy Court Sir Henry Milford, Physician in Ordinary to- the King and Queen E. B. St. John, e. Church J. F. S. F. St. John, r. Church (Prebend Wore.)
J. F. St. John, r. Church It. T. St. A uhyn, r. Church Mann. Vavasonr. r. Church H. St. Andrew St. John,,'. Church
J. H. St. John, r. Lieut. Artil.
George St. John, r. Church Thomas Brume, r. Church (Chap. to the King) ' Henry St. John, r. Pension C. L 101 F. St. John, r. Gen.
ST. VINCENT, V. E. J. Jervis
Pension on Cons. Fund 3000 E. Palmer, n.-I. Capt. R.N.
Salisbury, M. J. B. W. G. Cecil Col. of Hertford militia Sandwich, E. J . W. Montagu, m. A. P. Upton, r. Major.General Sandys, Bs. Mary Hill, f.
SAY AND SELF., B. G. W. E. T. Twisleton Fred. Twisleton, n. Church (Preb. Herd.)
C. S. Twisleton. n. Church
Scarborough, E. Richard Lumley Saunderson J. Lumley S. Lumley, b. Church (Preb. York) Thomas Caton. n.J. Church Sir W. Lumley, b. Colonel 6th Drag X611
Pension for Service 400
Groom Bedchamber. 366
Scarsdale, B. Nath. Curzon Alfred Curzon, s. Church D. Francis Curzon, b. Church Henry Curzon, b. Admiral Blue
SEAFORD, B. Ch. Rose Ellis
A. F. Ellis, s. Lieut.-Col. 60th Foot.
SEFTON, E. W. P. Molyneux G. B. Molyneux, s. Lieut.-Col. 8th Hussars H. R. Molyneux. s. Lieut.-Col. 67th Foot F. G. Molyneux, S. Clerk In Foreign Office SEGRAYE, B. W. F. Berkeley Brother of Earl Berkeley SELSEY, B. Henry J. Peachey A Capt. R.N.
John William Peachey, b. Church Leveson V. Vernon, b. in 1. Church Shaftesbury, E. Cropley Ashley Cooper
Chairman Committees H. Lds 3000
*Lord Ashley, s. Corn. Bd. Control 1500 A. W. Ashley Czoper, s. Vice-Chamberlain
to the Queen
A. H. Ashley Cooper, s. Lleut.85th Foot
Hugh Baillie, r. Retired Col.
SHANNON, E. Henry Boyle Lord Lieutenant of Cork
Pen. as Clerk of the Pelle, Ireland...... 3133.
Sheffield, E. G. A. F. C. B. Holroyd SHERIIORNE, B. John Dutton SHREWSBURY, E. John Talbot Josiah Labord, r. Church Sidmouth, V Henry Addington
Pension 3000 Corn. Land-Tax and Dep. Rang. Rich. Park and High Steward of the Court of Westminster, &c.
William Leonard Addington, s. Church Henry Unwin Addington, n. Minis. Madrid 3802 Skelmersdale, B. E. B. Wilbraham Edward B. Wilbraham, S. Lt. Cold. Gds.
St.roo, M. H. P. Browne Lord. Lieutenant of Mayo, Colonel of South Maya Militia
Robert Pakenham, c-1. Church
— Lindsay, r. Major — Browne, r. Lt.-Col.
Rev. W. Pindon, r. Church Somers, E. J. S. Cocks, a.
Lord Lieutenant of Hereford
James Somers Cocks, s. Church (Prebend. Heret.).
George Waddington, e.-I. Church
H. Somers Cocks, n. Church
Sir W. Hargood, c..1. Adm. of Blue SOMERSET, D. E. A. Seymour
F. E. Seymour, r. Corn. R.N.
E. W. Seymour, r. Lieut. R.N.
Lady C. J. Seymour, d. Lady of Bedchamber to. Duchess of Kent SONDES, B. L. R. Watson Henry Watson, b. Church Richard Watson, b. Capt. in Army Southampton, B. Charles Fitzroy liumplay Allen, bet. Church Henry Fitzroy, b. In the Array. F. T. W. C. Fitzroy, e. Church. William Fitzroy, u. Lieut.-Gen. W. S. H. Fitzroy, c. In the Army. Ch. W. H. G. Fitzroy, c. Lieut. It..
'SPENCER, E. G. J. Spencer Via. Althorp, s. Chan. Exchequer 5219 E Corn. B. C.
Commissioner Duchy of Cornwall,
F. Spencer, s. Capt. R.N. STAFFORD, M. G. G. L. Gower Recorder of Stafford.
*Lord F. L. Gower. Sec. Ireland 14823 E. Gower, r. Capt. 1st Ft. Gds.
Granville Gower, c. Church 'STAFFORD B. G. W. Stafford Jerningham Lady Iedingfield, s. Bedchamber Woman to the
Edw. Jerningbam, s. In the Army. Ch. W. Jerningharn, s. Capt. in the Army
Stamford and Warrington, E. G. H. Grey
Lord-Lieutenant of Cheshire.
Auchitel Grey, 5. Church
Charles Thornycroft, c.-/. Church Thomas Clarke, c.-1. Church Jas. 'P. Law. s.-in.t. Church.
H. B. Grey, s. Capt. 94th Foot.
'Stanhope, E. P. H. Stanhope, a.
Keeper of the Records in the Birmingham
Tower, Dublin £500 Sir W. Bethum, his Deputy, receives a salary of .1:12. per annum for performing the duty.
STOURTON, B. W. Stourton
Stowell, B. W. Scott
Late Judge Adm. Court, and Master of the Faculties. Stradbroke, E. J. E. C. Roils, a. Sir H. Hotham, 5.-1. Vice-Ad. Henry J. Rous, b. Capt. RN.
Strangford, V. P. C. Sydney Stnythe
Pens, as retired Ambassador . 2000 Mother on Civil List £300 Self ditto 89 388
'Stuart de Rothsay, B. Ch. Stuart
*Ambassador at Paris . . 11000 SUFFIELD, B. E. Harbord SUFFOLK AND BERKSHIRE, E. Thomas Howard Henry W. Howard, s. In the Army
Sydney, V. J. R. Townshend
Georgians Townshend, a. Housekeeper Windsor Castle
Talbot, E. Ch. Chet. Talbot Chetwynd Lord-Lieut. of Stafford
Has been Lord-Lieut. of Ireland
V. Ingestrie, s. - Capt. R.N. Henry G. Talbot, r. Church Charles Talbot, r. Capt. RN. Arthur Talbot, s. Church H. Every, r. Lt. L. Gds. A. P. Clayton, r. Church
G. Talbot, r. Lt. 435 Foot Tankerville E. C. A. Bennet
When Lord Ossulston, Treasurer of the Household.
Hon. IV. Beresford, 5.-1. Church.
TEMPLEMORE, B. Arthur Chichester
A Lieut.-Col.
Tenterden, B. Charles Abbott
Ch. Just. K. B 10000
J. H. Abbott, s. Afar. and Ass. K. B. 2985 Thomas Abbott, a. Clerk at C. P. K. B 1000 C. Abbott, s. Lieut. 14 Drag. TETNHAM, B. Henry F. Roper Thomas Roper Curzon, S. Com. R.N. J. H. Roper Curzon, s. Army. E. H. Roper Curzon, s. Lieut. R.N. • Ph. H. Roper Curzon, c. Coq THANET., E. Charles Tufton Hereditary Sheriff of Westmoreland
• Thomond, M. W. O'Bryan
G. F. Hallam, s../. Capt. R.N. W. S. Taylor, s.-1. Major. Lord J. O'Brien, b. Rear-Adm. and Lord of Bed-
W. Saurin, M. (Long Attorney-General,
Ireland) William Spooner, r. Church
Thurlow, B. E. T. H. Thurlow, an.
T. Thurlow, u. Patentee for Bankrupts 8502
Froth. C. of Hanaper, P. Co. Durham E. S. Thurlow, r. Church (Preb. Norwich) E. J. Thurlow, r. Church
H. R. Thurlow,r. Lieut. 90th Foot
C. A. Thurlow, r. Church
- Another specimen of judicial "jobbing." It is not enough that the pay should be adequate during the life of the holder of the judgeship, but his children must be put in offices, however useless. How many generations of Judges are we not paying now? There are the Thur. lows, the Kenyons, the Ellenboroughs, the El- dons, the Wynfords, the Manners, the Redes- dales, the Avonmores, the Cowpers, the Gif- fords, the Knoxes, the Fitzgibbons, the Lough- boroughs—shall we have any more of them?
'Torrington, V. George Byng, An Officer in the Army.
Edm. Byng, et. Corn. Audit Office 1000 H. D. Byng, u. Capt. R.N. F. G. Byng, is. Sen. Clerk For, Of.
E.T. S. Hornby, b.-1. Church
Colin Campbell, u.-1. Church
Sir J. Byng, r. Master of Kilmaln. H..1;355 Col. 29tb, Foot 593
'Coin. Forceabeland 2860
W. F. Byng, r. Lieut. 3d Foot Guards
G. S. Byng, r. Capt. 47th Foot C. Ramsden, r. Capt. in the Army
Townshend, M. G. F. Townshend, Robert Rlbsdale, c../. Church Sir A. W. J. Clifford, c.-1. Capt. R.N. G. Osborne, c../. Church Hon. W. de Blaquiere, r. Lieut.-General Lord F. P. Townshend, a. Church Lord J. N. B. B. Townshend, es. Capt. R.N. Edward Townshend, r. Church VERNON, B. G. C. V. Vernon Henry Vernon, b. In the Army J. Vernon, b. Church (Preb. of Southwell) Edw. V. Vernon, u. Archbp. of York G. G. Vernon, e, Chan. and Comm. of Dio- cese of York Leveson Vernon, c. Church (Archd. Cleve- land, &c.)
William Vernon, c. Church (Can. of York) F. E. V. Harcourt, c. Capt. R.N.
H. Vernon, c. In the Army 0. H. C. Vernon Harcourt, c. Capt. R.N. Francis Vernon Iiarcourt, e. Capt. Gren. Guards
rerulam, E. J. W. Grimston Lord-Lieut. of fleets
C. Grimston, s. Page of Honor to the Queen
Waldegrave, E. J. J. Waldeg-rave *Lord of the 13edchamber
W. Waldegrave, b. Capt. U.N.
Widlace, B. Thomas Wallace
*Commiss. Board Control
Walsingliam, B. T. de Grey
Church (Arch. Surry, &c.) and Chaplain to the King Pension, C. L 936
Warwick, E. II. R. Greville
Lord-Lieut. of Warwick. Col. of Warwick itlilitia
Lord Bedchamber 500
Sir Ch. J. Greville, b. Maj.-Gen.
W. F. Greville, r. Capt. R.N. Algernon Greville, r. King of Arms of Order
of the Bath
Pens. C. L. 400 James Grevitle, r. Church C. C. F. Greville. r. Clk. Privy C. ..£2000
Sec. Enrol. Jamaica . . 3000
5000 C. Greville, r. Compt. Excise 600 Receiver Taxes, Notts. 600 Secy. Tobago 350 Late Nay. Off. Demerara 500
Waterford, M. Henry de la Poer Beresford, in.
Baron Decies, (I. B.) r. Church
Lord J. G. Beresford, u. Arch. Armagh
Sir J. W. H. Bridges, el.-1. Major. Capt. of Sandgate Castle
Lord G. T. Beresford, u. Col. 3d. Drag. 1425 Colonel of Waterford Militia Compt. of Household 903
George Beresford, r. Bp. Kilmore
Lord W. Beresford, s. Ensign 43d Foot Sir Thos. Rennet], r. Major-Gen.
Marcus George Beresford, r. Chaplain to Lord-Lieut.
John Claudius Beresford. r. Pension 2157 Sir George F. Hill, r. Pension Clerk
I. H. C. £2091
Governor St. Vincent's 2300
Lady Hill, Pension 467 Charles Cobbe Beresford, r. Church
• Henry Barre Beresford, r. Pension
Catherine Pelham, r. Pensioner C. L.
WELLESLEY, M. Richard Wellesley. Lord Steward 2436 Conjoined with R. Wellesley as late Chief
Remembrancer Exchequer, Ireland 5387 — 7823
Marchioness. Lady of the Bedchamber Gerald Valerian Wellesley, b. Church (Preb. Durham) Lady A. C. Smith, s. Pen. C. L 600 Arth. Richard Wellesley, r. In the Army.
G. D. St. Quin, rt.-1. Church
The Marquis has held numerous lucrative of- fices; amongst others may be mentioned the Governor-Generalship of India, and the Lord- Lieutenancy of Ireland. He has enjoyed a pen- sion of .£5000. per annum from the E. I. C. since 1800, and has therefore received from that source upwards of £150,000.
Wellington' D. Arthur Wellesley
Lord Limit. of Southampton. Col. 1st F. Gds £2695 Col.-in-Chief. Rif. Brig. 233 Constable Tower 950 Pension for service 4000 Lord W. Cinque Ports 295 Interest on grants 35000 *First Lord Treasury
5000 48178 Marquis Douro, s. Major Lord Ch. Wellesley, s. Major
Including the grants and the annual payments received and to be received from the public, it is probable that one generation of the Wellesley family will have received upwards of two millions of the public money. It may be said that the money has been earned. Without entering into this question, as regards the Duke, we may ob- serve that the services of a plebeian and a patri- cian are estimated at a different rate. The Nel- son family has perhaps received altogether some- what more than two hundred thousand pounds. Now, without detracting in the slightest degree from the splendid military achievements of the
2050 5058 2157 283
Duke, it will not be pretended that they were more useful to the state than the naval exploits of the Earl. Failure in the Peninsula, defeat at Waterloo, would have been disastrous—but what had we been worsted at the Nile or Trafalgar ?
Wemyss, E. Francis Wemyss Cherteris Doug..
las, a.
Lord Lieut. of Peebleshire
J. Wildman, s.-1. Maj.
Will. Trail, u..1. Church
WENLOCK, B. Robert Lawley WESTMINSTER, M. R. Grosvenor Lord-Lieut. of Flint Robert Grosvenor, S. Corn. Household 922
Westmoreland, E. John Fane
Lord-Lieut. of Northampton. Has been Lord- Lieut. of Ireland
Lord Burghersh, s. Major-Gen. * Envoy Tuscany . • ••• 390 H. S. Fane, s. Major 34th Foot Sir Hy. Fane, c. Lieut.-Gen. and Col. 1st Dragoon Guards
John Michel, r. Lt.-Gen. .
Edward Fane,r. Church (Prebend. Lin. and Salisb.)
*C. Arbuthnot, r. Chanc. Duchy of Lane. hfildmay Fane, r. Lt.-Col. 34th Foot
J. T. Fane, a. Clerk of Privy Seal
R. G. C. Fane, r. King's Serjeant, Duchy Court of Lancaster F. W. Fane, r. Capt. R.N.
T. Drake, T. Lieut.-Col. and Dep. Corn.
Ionian Islands J. P. Hamilton, r. Col.
Lord Westmoreland was Lord Privy Seal in 1800, and continued to hold it till 1806, when it was held for about two years by Lords Sidmouth and Holland successively. From that time to the accession of the Canning Administration in 1827, he enjoyed this snug an lucrative appoint- ment.
Marne/life, B. J. A. S. Wortley Mackenzie Charles S. Wortley, s. In the Army
The eldest son, the Hon. J. Stuart Wortley; was Secretary to the Board of Control during the Wellington Administration—training for higher place in expectancy.
Willoughby de Broke, B. H. P. Verney Robert Barnard, 5.-1. Church (Prebend. Winch.) Chaplain to the King WILL o GHBY DE EnESBY, B. P. R. D. Burrell Lord-Lieueof Carnarvon, and Joint-Heredi- tary Great Chamberlain
Wilton, E. Thomas Egerton Son of Marquis of Westminster
Grdom of the Stole
Earl Wiltshire, s. Lord George Paulet, s. Corn. R.N. Lord William Paulet, s. Major
Lord Charles Paulet, s. Church
William Ramsden, s.-1. Capt. RN. Lord Frederick Paillet,s. Lieut. 2d Foot Gds. Lord H. Paulet, Zr. Vice-Adm. Red, and late
a Lord of the Admiralty
ffinchilsea and Nottingham, E. G. W. Finch Hatton Ranger of Wye Manor D. H. Finch Hatton, b. Chaplain to the King A. C. Lawrence, 5.-1. Church . E. D. E. Finch Hatton, u. Offices
in Ex £292 Retired Corn. Stamps 608 — 892 Lord Winchllsea was Groom of the Stole from 1801 to 1812.
Wodehouse, B. J. Wodehouse, a.
Ed. Wodehouse, g.-s. Commander, R.N. Berkeley Wodehouse, g.-s. Capt. 8th Drag. Philip Wodehouse, s. Vice-Adm. Blue. Armine Wodehouse, s. Church William Wodehouse,.. Church Philip Wodehouse, u. Lieut.-Col. Charles N. Wodehouse, n. Church (Preb.
Norwich) Wodehouse, a. Lieut.-Col. 50th Foot. Nath. Wodehouse, n. Church John Wodehouse, s. Lord-Lieutenant of Norfolk: and Col. of East Norfolk Militia.
W. T. Wodehouse, g. s. Lieut. 28th Foot.
Bertram Wodehouse, g. a. Ensign 76th Foot.
Wynford, B. W. D. Best
Salary retired Judge Thomas Best,:. Capt. R.N.
Samuel Best, s. Church W. F. Martin, s.-1. Capt. R.N. J. C. Best, s. Lieut. 7th Foot
Iramionouon, B. Ch. And. Pelham SCOTCH REPRESENTATIVE PEERS.
Arbuthnot, V. John Arbuthnot. Lord Lieutenant for Kincardine Walter Arbuthnot, s. Ensign 72d Foot Hugh Arbuthnot, b. Major-General William Arbuthnot, b. Captain Roy. Art. D. L. Caniston, 5.-1. Church Jas. Cheape, RA Commander R.N.
Colville, B. John Colville Vice-Admiral of the Blue Sir Charles Colville, b. Lieut.-General, Col. 74tIt Foot, Governor of the Mauritius BELHAVEN, B. R. M. Hamilton Created a British Peer 1831 Elgin, E. Thomas Bruce
Pension as late Ambassador 2000 Lieut.-General Unattached 596
Sir John Oswald, 6.-1. Col. 35th Foot — 21528957 Sir P. C. H. Durham, 6.-1. Admiral of Blue, and Equerry to the Duke of Cambridge Lord Elgin was formerly Ambassador at the Ottoman Porte.
FALKLAND, V. Lucius Carey A Lord of the King's Bedchamber P. P. Carey, b. Lieutenant R.N.
B. C. F. P. Carey, b. Lieutenant R.N.
Forbes, B. James 0. Forbes General in the Army, Col. 21st Foot James Forbes, s. Capt. 28 Foot Guards John Forbes, s. Ensign 528 Foot Robert Forbes, 8, E. I. Comp.'s Civil Service Gray, B. Francis Gray Lady Gray. Pension C. L. 97 Home, E. A. Ramsay Home
Pension Civil List Lord•Lieut of Berwickshire Col. of Berwick Militia
*Lord Douglas, s. U nd. Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs
Chamb. Ettrick Forest ..
Leven and Melville, E. David Leslie Melville
Capt. R.N.
W. H. Leslie, Melville, b. E. I. C's. Cie. Service David Leslie, u. General in the Army Morton, E. George Sholto Douglas Charles Douglas, b. Church A. J. Douglas, b. Corn. R.N.
NAPIER, B. W. J. Napier Capt. R.N.
Lord of the Bedchamber 300
Oscar W. Kivington, b.-1. Church Charles Napier, b. Maj. In the Army
Charles Napier, r. Capt. R.N. T. E. Napier, r. Lieut.-Col. and Assist. Adjt.-Gen.
In Ireland Mark Napier, r. Major-Gen.
T. H. Yorke, r. Church Ch. J. Napier, r. Col. in Army and Insp. F. O.
Mil. Iozilan Isles George T. Napier, r. Col. Aide-de-Camp to the King
W. F. P. Napier, r. Colonel
Henry Edward Napier. Capt. R.N.
H. A. Napier, b. Church QUEENSBERRY, M. C. Douglas
Lord-Lieut. for Dumfries and Cot. Dumfries Militia
James Sholto Douglas, c. Major
Sir J. Douglas, r. H. Gen. Sholto Douglas, r. Major 63rd Foot Thomas Newton, r. Church William Douglas,?. Major-Gen.
J. E. Douglas, r. Vice-Adm.
Stair Douglas, r. Church
Saltoun, B. Alex. Geo. Fraser
Col. in the Army Major Greu. Guards
Aide-de-Camp to the King Hugh Fraser, r. Church Selkirk, E. Dunbar James Douglas Strathallan, V. James A. I. L. C. Drummond
W. H. Drummond, s. Lieut. 10th Foot Francis Fulford, r. Church W. C. Drummond, r. Lieut.-Col.
Edw. Drummond, r. Clerk in Treasury Berkeley Drummond, r. Capt. 3rd Ft. Gds. Arthur Drummond, r. Church H. A. Drummond, r. Capt. E. I. C.'s Naval Service Spencer Rodney Drummond, r. Church H. D. Drummond, r. Ensign 92nd Foot Spencer Drummond, Clerk in Treasury
Tweeddale, M. George Hay
Lord-Lieut. of Haddington Hereditary Chamberlain of Dunfermline Col. in the Army Aide-de-Camp to the King
J. H. Ley, b -1. Chief Clerk House of Commons Lord Jas. Hay, b. Lieut.-Col. In the Army Lord John Hay, b. Capt. R. N.
Lord E. G. Hay, b. Lieut.-Col. in Army
James Hay, r. Capt. R. N.
Carberry, B. John Evans-Freke
Thomas Acton, r. Church Eyre Evans, r. Cornet 3d Drag. Guards
G. T. Evans, r. Ensign 74th Foot, Jonathan Bruce, r. Church - William Stopford, r. Church Carrick, E. S. R. Butler Hon. H. E. Butler, b. Lieut.-col.
CuAnT.EstoNr, E. F. W. Caulfield
St. George ,Francis ;Caulfield, r. Lieut. let Life Guards
Charleville, E. C. W. Bury Clancarty, E. Richard Le Poer French
Created a British Peer 1823
Conyngham, M. Henry Conyngham:a.
Created a British Peer 1821
Doneratle, V. Hayes St. Leger', R . St. Leger, c. Church Jos. St. Leger, es. Church Pascoe Grenfell. commissioner of Lieu- tenancy for London Dufferin and Claneboye, B. James Blackwood
Col. North, Downshlre Militia
John Blackwood, b. Church Hans Blackwood, b. Commis. And. Ireland. 738 Price Blackwood, a. Capt. R.N. Sir H. Blackwood, b. Vice-Admiral of White Groom Bedchamber 866 Henry Martin Blackwood, is. Capt. R.N. James Jones. b.-1. Church
Arthur Johnstone Blackwood, n. ,Clerk in Colonial Office
DUNALLEY, B. Henry Prittie
R. W. H. Maude, n.-1. Dean of Clogher and Arch- deacon of Dublin W. L. Moberly, n..1. Lieut.-Col. 76th Foot, and Surveyor-General of the Ordnance F. S. Prittie, n. Ensign 76th Foot
Enniskillen, B. J. W. Cole.
Created a British Peer, 1815
IRISH REPRESENTATIVE PEERS, 276 Belmore, E. S. L. Corry, a.
Gov.-Gen. of Jamaica
Caledon, E. Dupre Alexander
Gov. of the County of Tyrone 800 Cob of the Tyrone Militia
Farnhant, B. John Maxwell
Col. Cavan. Militia
Henry Maxwell. b. Church Glengall, E. • Richard Butler
Colonel of the Tipperary Militia
Gort, V. Charles Vereker
Col. of Limerick Militia Constable of the Castle of Limerick Standish O'Grady, r. Lieut.-Col. John O'Grady, r. Lieut. R. N. Thos. O'Grady, r, Lieut. 74th Foot
GOSFORD, E. Archibald Acheson
Lord-Lieut. of Armagh Col. of Armagh Militia Lord of the King's Bedchamber
J. H. Barber, b. I. Church Kingston, E. George King, a
Created a British Peer, 1821
Limerick, E. Edmund Henry Pery
Created a British Peer 1815
Longford, E. Thomas Pakenham
Createska British Peer 1821
Lorton, V. R. E. King
Lord-Lieut. of Roscommon Col. of,Roscommon Militia General in the Army
Lucan, E. Richard Bingham Lord Bingham, s. Lieut.-Col. 17th Lancers Richard Camden Bingham, 8. Secretary of Lega- tion at Munich Mayo, E. J. Bourke
Col. of Kildare Militia
Pension Chair. Corn. H. L 7 1332 Richard Bourke, b. Bish. Waterford Jos. Bourke, b. Church (Dean Ossory) G. T. Bourke, b. Church Mountcashel, E. "Stephen Moore, a.
Robert Moore, b. Lieut.-Col.
• W. Y. Peel, 6.-1. Under Sec. State .. £2000
• Lord Treasury 1000
— 8000 E. G. Moore, b. Church B. F. Moore, b. E. I. Company's service O'Neil, E. C. IL St. John O'Neil, a.
Vice-Admiral of Ulster Col. Antrim Militia • Irish Postmaster-General 1384 J. B. R. O'Neil. Major-Gen.
Constable Dublin Castle . . 800
Rosse, E. Laurence Parsons, a.
• Joint Post.Master-General of Ireland Lord Oxmantoun, s. Lord-Lieut. of King's County William Parsons, b. Church Thomond, M. W. O'Bryen Created British Peer 1826 Westmeath, M. G. T. J. Nugent, a.
Lord-Lieut. of Westmeath Col. Westmeath Militia
Marchioness of Westmeath. Lady of the
Queen's Bedchamber. Pen. C. L 886
Wicklow, E. William Howard
Lord-Lieut. of Wicklow Col. Wicklow Militia
Francis Howard, b. Church J. W. Arnold, 0..1. Church Boleyne Howard, u. Church Thomas H ore, u.-1. Church