SIE,—In your courteous notice of ray book, "Pages from a
Country Diary," in your issue of December 24th you remark that it strongly reminds you of a similar effort which appeared in the County Gentleman. As this might, quite unintention- ally on your part, be taken as imputing plagiarism to me, will you kindly allow me to point out that, by a curious coincidence, the articles in the County • Gentleman commenced the year after the bulk of my " Diary " had appeared in serial form in the Badminton Magazine, and that, therefore, the plagiarism, if any there be, is not on my side ? Nor, on the - other hand, would I presume to compare my book to Canon Beeching's scholarly "Private Diary," to which you also refer.—I am, Sir, &c., PERCIVA.L SOMERS. Junior Canton Club.