We have received the forty-fifth edition of Walford's County Families
of the United Kingdom (Spottiswoode and Co., 50s.) This "Manual of the Titled and Untitled Aristocracy of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland" is as difficult a book to keep up to the mark, as regards selection and accuracy, as any that can be imagined, and the rank that Walford's County Families holds speaks sufficiently for its merits.—Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage (Whittaker and Co., 10s. 6d. net), now in its sixty-fifth year, is a very handy volume. It does not attempt to be as detailed as some of its oonternporaries, but it gives the main facts that most people want. —Another periodical publication, dealing, one may say, with the other end of the social scale, is Herbert Fry's Royal Guide to the London Charities, Edited by John Lane (Chatto and Windus, is. 6d.) It is full of useful and interesting information, admirably arranged.